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‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Season 12 Viewers Plummet


Rick and Marty Lagina - Curse Of Oak Island - History Channel

Rick and Marty Lagina are back with season 12 of Curse Of Oak Island, but might it be for the last time? The number of viewers who tuned into the History Channel plummeted, and it seems that the teams are back to more theories than actual treasure finds. 

Curse Of Oak Island Season 12 Spoilers

There were some spoilers during the off-season, and plenty of photos from across the causeway showed lots of big machinery arriving. Men in suits also arrived, and History Channel fans thought they might be investors. So, things were looking up ahead of the premiere. 

Hunting For Treasure In Nova Scotia - History Channel
Hunting For Treasure In Nova Scotia – History Channel

Other spoilers for Season 12 of Curse Of Oak Island came via Dr. Ian Spooner. He seemed excited because metal readings near the Money Pit seemed to reveal a lot of silver and gold which was not naturally occurring. But, none of the spoilers did much to raise excitement and the viewership seems to be plummeting. 

Plummeting Viewers For Curse Of Oak Island

This week, u/Dizzy_Bridge_794 took to Reddit to share a screenshot and some thoughts on the plummeting viewer numbers of the show. Actually, it’s been a steady downward trend for some time now. Even fan favorite Gary Drayton seems to have not inspired many people to tune in. 

Curse Of Oak Island Viewers Plummet - Via Reddit
Curse Of Oak Island Viewers Plummet – Via Reddit

In their post, the OP said about Curse of Oak Island:

Ratings down 30%
Well is the audience getting tired or dying off? Every year the numbers dip a little further south. At its peak the show hit 3.7 million viewers. The first few episodes are always lower but the drop is more pronounced this year.

History Channel Fans React 

Hardly anyone seemed unduly surprised that viewers were leaving the show alone. In fact, it’s still early in the season, and it seems that disappointment is already settling in, Here are some reactions:

  • The gold is provided from drug sales. No I’m not including Dan Henske’s secret vault deals. These drugs are from the endless commercials targeting the viewers. The rating can decline as long as drug sales are up the show goes on.
  • Not surprising as the show has become monotonous. It should be canceled.
  • Pitiable rehash of prior theories and events that proport to be leading to shafts that were previously unknown as to location. Definitive solutions! Closer than ever! Water tests prove there’s gold in reach! (but it’s raw gold, Marty; gold bars and coins are undetectable in water!). Not a chance!
  • If, and that’s a huge if, they found riches of some kind I would be happy for them. Unlikely it would cover the current spend over the last how many years.

What are your thoughts on Season 12 viewership plummeting by 30 percent on the History Channel? Do you believe any grand discoveries will emerge in time? Or, is it time to pack the whole thing in? Shout out in the comments below, and remember to come back here often for all your Curse of Oak Island news, updates, and spoilers.

  1. Jim Weber says

    It just occurred to me tonight, the pine tar production may have been used for ship rigging. Specifically the ratlines.

  2. Hacksaw says

    I have been following for 12 years
    I will go on right to the end.

  3. KENAN WALSH says

    I’M SICK of getting 22 minutes of commercials 33 minutes of history lessons and recaps and 5 minutes of show. I have watched since the beginning BUT I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!

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