Judge Judy Producer Allegedly Made Negative Racial And Sexual Comments

Judge-Judy-SheindlinThe “Judge Judy” show became famed for its star Judge Judy Sheindlin’s direct, yet humorous rulings in small claim cases. But now the unique televised court reality show faces accusations of a toxic work environment. The allegations come even as Sheindlin herself stars in a new show, “Judy Justice.”

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Based on court documents, the alleged toxic work environment resulted from Sheindlin’s executive producer, Randy Douthit, according to Business Insider.  Find out what Douthit allegedly said about the guest litigants on “Judge Judy” below.

‘Judge Judy’ Producer Allegedly Regularly Mocked Show’s Guests

The allegations first appeared in a ‘Judge Judy’ producer’s lawsuit. That document, filed by former producer Shawn Griggs, accused Douthit of frequently making rude, mocking remarks about the court show’s guest litigants. For instance, Griggs claimed that the other producer discussed female litigants’ breasts in the control room. Douthit also allegedly commented on if the female guests seemed “too fat” or “too ugly.”

The lawsuit, which included discussions with former employees and court record allegations, described Douthit allegedly making cow or pig sounds about some litigants and referring to a Black guest as a “ho.” In response, Douthit denied the “ho” comment. The executive producer also stated he did not “believe” he had uttered pig sounds.

‘Judge Judy’ Lawsuit Dismissed – Here’s Why!

Despite the harsh allegations raised in Griggs’ lawsuit, the case’s judge dismissed it on a summary judgment motion. Douthit did, however, respond with some hesitation when questioned about making rude or crude remarks on taping days or in the control booth. “I hope not,” stated the “Judge Judy” executive producer. “I may have, but I hope not.”

But Douthit’s lawyer responded to queries about the lawsuit with a definitive statement. The attorney wrote, “The allegations pertaining to Mr. Douthit in this lawsuit were completely false [and] the trial court determined that based upon the undisputed material facts, [the plaintiff’s] claims failed as a matter of law.” That ruling, however, did not stop former employees from telling the Insider their own recollections about Douthit.

Seven of those former employees alleged that Douthit would utter rude or crude remarks about “Judge Judy” show litigants. Some of the guests came from low-income environments, but the executive producer allegedly used that to demean them. 

“He’d make comments about their weight, he’d make comments about their teeth… or if they were disabled,” recalled “Judge Judy” former producer Kurstin Haynes. And in written reports, Douthit rated cases and referred to some litigants as “gross” or “low rent.” Another former producer described Douthit as failing to discuss litigants “like they were people, it was like they were subhuman.”

What do you think about the “Judge Judy” lawsuit? Do you think any of the allegations are true? Share your views with us. And then check back on our site for all the “Judge Judy” news!

Judge JudyJudge Judy lawsuitJudge Judy SheindlinJudge Judy show
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