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Little House On the Prairie Cast Had This To Say About Reboot Rumors

Little House On the Prairie Cast Had This To Say About Reboot RumorsThe Little House on the Prairie cast reacted to the reboot rumors. It’s not unheard of since reboots are all the rage these days. Back in 2020, rumors first swirled that the classic television series was getting a reboot.

It seems likely since most of today’s successful shows are set in another time period. People love Bridgerton, The Crown, and Downton Abbey for that reason. Read on to see what the cast had to say about this possibility.

The OG Cast Addresses Reboot Rumors

The Little House on the Prairie cast celebrated its 50th anniversary. Many of the beloved stars have passed away. The original cast members are grateful to be a part of the show and its legacy.

It’s granted them a successful acting career. The surviving cast members attended the event at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival in Monaco.

There have been several adaptations of the show over the years. But its fans agree that nothing compares to the 1974 version of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books.

This is the first series that pops into people’s minds when they think about the show. The cast agrees that the show shouldn’t be rebooted.

“There have been lots of attempts to do a Little House on the Prairie again,” Karen Grassle, who played Caroline Ingalls, said to People. “There have been shows, there have been a musical, and I think we had a unique experience and it can’t be repeated.”

Michael Landon played Grassle’s husband, Charles Ingalls on the series. He also served as the show’s Executive Producer and writer. Sadly, Landon passed away in 1991 from pancreatic cancer. Grassle talked about Landon’s incredible talent, which she feels can’t be replicated.

“Michael [Landon] was a genius at casting and writing,” Grassle continued. “He understood things about how to translate that material into television for the public that was beyond what most writers understand. And he had his thumb on the pulse of the public and understood what people were longing for, and you don’t find that every day.”

Little House on the Prairie Can’t Be Replicated

The magic on this show can’t be replicated. It was only able to achieve the perfect writing and casting once in its life. Karen Grassle claimed that they were all “so perfectly cast” in their roles, it would be hard to achieve that level of magic today.

Melissa Sue Anderson (Mary Ingalls) and Alison Arngrim (Nellie Oleson) also shared their thoughts on a reboot. They both agreed it couldn’t work because of Michael Landon’s rare talent and special skills, which are hard to find. But if Hollywood wanted to create a reboot, Arngrim admitted she would be the first to join. She already has the perfect role in mind.

“I always joke that if they do redo the entire thing, I am ready to play Mrs. Oleson. Absolutely, I’m down for that,” she shared.

What are your thoughts on the Little House on the Prairie cast’s reaction to the reboot rumors? Do you agree that the show is too perfect? Or, would you like a reboot? Sound off below in the comment section.

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