Party Of Five’ Reboot Focuses On Deportation

The “Party of Five” reboot has returned to the small screen but with a twist. The original iteration featured the Salinger kids, five siblings who were left to fend for themselves after their parents die in a car crash. In the new series, the Acosta siblings are undocumented immigrants who found themselves involved in an immigration crackdown.

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The five kids will lose their parents, who’ll get deported back to Mexico. They will remain in the United States where they’re forced to face the harsh realities of life without their mother and father.

The Reboot’s New Take On The Original Series

The original series’ co-creator, Amy Lippman revealed that they wanted the reboot to have a new take on the old show. However, she said that didn’t expect the storyline that would be created when she initially pitched the reboot to Fox.

Back in 1994, when the original “Party of Five” made its debut, the immigration landscape was far different from today. During that time, the focus was on Proposition 187, which states that undocumented immigrants won’t have access to public services. There were no calls for a border wall, Mexicans were not likened to rapists and no family separation policy.

Making The Series More Relevant

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That’s when Lippman found an angle for the “Party of Five” reboot. She also added that the network was receptive to her new pitch. Lippman said the new series has the same theme as the original show. It revolves around courage, love, and children who are forced to abandon their childhood and grow up quickly in order to survive the real world.

“But [the themes] are kind of writ large now. They are something that isn’t just a fictional conceit. It’s really happening,” she said. The characters in the show still take on the qualities of the original ones. However, the situation they’re in is more relevant to what’s happening today.

Latinx writers were hired so that the experience of real immigrants will be represented correctly. Producers of the show also spent time with DACA recipients, so they’d get a first-hand account of individuals whose situations were represented on the show.

“We’ve really made an effort to try to represent the real points of view and the real emotions of people who’ve experienced this specific tragedy,” writer Gabriel Llanas said.

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As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!

Party Of FiveParty Of Five NewsParty of Five RebootParty of Five Reboot News
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