Supernatural Spoilers: Sam’s Dark Visions Finally Revealed

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Supernatural fans are curious about Sam’s visions and what they mean for the character. Does that mean Sam is about to become a villain? It’s no secret that Dean and Sam Winchester have gone through their share of adventures over the course of the long-standing Supernatural series.

They have fought everything from demons to vampires to soulless beings. Now with the final season in full swing, it seems like Dean could be headed for another disaster, one that is caused by his own brother.

Supernatural fans discovered this during the Season 15 premiere when Castiel was unsuccessful at healing Sam’s bullet wounds from The Equalizer. As Supernatural fans know, this gun was created by God in order to “kill anything” in his path. It was also the very weapon that caused Sam to have a very dark vision of himself hurting his older brother. Fans got to see Dean fly through the air without Sam even doing anything to him. Some Supernatural fans think that his psychic powers may return as a result. Of course, Episode 4 has already confirmed this rumor.

The episode features Dean looking like a soldier who just fought a long and tiring battle. He’s seen fighting his way through demons in the Bunker. The action looks similar to Sam’s visions from Episode 1, so it means he’s in the same area. Dean kills of enemies here and there as he comes across Benny, the vampire he was friends with during his time in Purgatory during Season 8. Unfortunately for fans, Benny passes away, and Dean asks a demon for more information.

Sam brushes off his weird visions and thinks nothing of it. But Dean is clearly concerned about these visions. Sam even sees visions of his late girlfriend, Jessica. It also seems that these new powers could be related The Equalizer bullet wounds.

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Castiel’s magic could’ve reignited something within Sam when he touched his wound, or the gun did that itself. As of right now, Supernatural fans know very little about the weapon, other than that it shoots “multidimensional energy.” Since Supernatural is ending soon, anything is possible.

What are your thoughts, Supernatural fans? Do you think Sam is seeing his own future? Or, he is seeing an alternate version of himself that could be a villain? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.

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