This is Us Spoilers: Season 4 Finale Details Revealed – “Strangers Part II”

This Is Us Chrissy MetzThis Is Us current season’s premiere episode was titled Strangers, so does this mean everything is to come full circle in the final episode of the season?

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The title of the finale episode of This is Us season 4 has been announced. It is to be Strangers: Part II. As the premiere of season 4 was titled Strangers, this makes viewers think the story may come full circle in the finale episode of the season.

This is Us Season 4

Fans will remember Rebecca in the opening scene of the premiere episode, when she acknowledged that strangers are important. This was after she returned from a road trip with Jack after having only met him a week before.

Rebecca said it was so strange that a complete stranger can suddenly be a large part of your story. In fact, that episode introduced viewers to three strangers. These were Jack Damon, Malik, a teenage dad at Deja’s new school, and Cassidy, a former marine who had recently separated and met Kevin at the VA hall after it was vandalized by Nicky.

This Is Us Season 4 Spoilers – Kevin needs to believe in his future

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Most of season 4 has Kevin trying his best to maintain his sobriety. Thanks to Cassidy, it looks like he has partly realized that he must stop dragging his way through his life and begin to believe in his future. This appears to be happening by his 40th birthday during episode 9 of this season.

Should Cassidy return, maybe she and Kevin can both believe in a future together. Alternatively, Kevin could decide he wants to do something different with his life.

This Is Us Season 4 Spoilers – Kate, Toby and Baby Jack

In the meantime, baby Jack’s blindness is leading to challenges for Kate and Toby. While Kate seems to be holding things together, she feels Toby pulling away from her. In episode 10, her fears became a reality, as Toby told her baby Jack’s disability is making him sad.

Episode 15 saw Madison remind Kate what love is all about. She said it was letting people in, so they can see the worst part of you without any fear. Madison said Toby should be able to express his deepest fears to her without being punished for it.

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While Kate is correct, saying Toby needs to act like a father to Jack, this isn’t easy for him and his fears aren’t going to simply disappear. When any conflict arises, Kate does tend to be on the defensive side. What she needs to learn is how to listen to Toby and communicate with him during their rougher times, otherwise their marriage could begin to fail.

This Is Us Season 4 Spoilers – Randall attends therapy

Since Rebecca’s diagnosis, Randall has been hanging by a thread. After their house is broken into, he finally loses it. While he does agree to attend therapy, Randall doesn’t do well in his first session. It is only after Beth begs him to continue that he agrees to keep going. It can only be hoped that Randall will continue with his therapy and manage to cope with his life.

Watch This is Us on NBC on Tuesday, March 10 at 9 pm ET.

TelevisionTelevision SpoilersThis Is UsThis Is Us Season 4This Is Us Season 4 SpoilersThis Is Us Spoilers
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