TLC ’90 Day Fiance – Happily Ever After’ Spoilers: Colt’s Mother Debbie Prefers Larissa Over Jess???!!!!

TLC “90 Day Fiancé-Happily Ever After” star Debbie Johnson admitted to a zinger in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight’s Lauren Zima – and it was such a zinger that even Colt Johnson looked blindsided!

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TLC 90 Day Fiance’ Spoilers – The Mother And Son Were In A Joint Interview

Viewers can tell that Debbie is no fan of Colt’s new girlfriend Jess Caroline, but then, is there any woman that she would approve of as a romantic interest for her son? Jess is quite outspoken but not much more than Debbie herself. The two of them answered questions and discussed Colt’s relationship with Jess in the interview. Fans will recall from this past Sunday’s episode, “Ultimatums and Ugly Truths” that Debbie had some serious concerns about Jess.

She didn’t have a problem with Jess also being from Brazil, as Colt’s ex-wife Larissa Dos Santos Lima is per se, but she just felt that Jess was putting the rush on Colt to marry her and that it might be a case of her not really loving Colt but merely using him to get a green card. It’s understandable that Debbie wouldn’t want her son to make the same mistakes he did rushing into a relationship and then marriage with Larissa, but as she compared Jess to Larissa, she shocked Colt by saying that she preferred Larissa over Jess!

That’s saying a mouthful considering Larissa had been arrested three times for domestic violence towards Colt! Debbie had been asked who she thought was more trustworthy, and she said she would trust and prefer Larissa over Jess!

Larissa Dos Santos Lima Is A Known Entity

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It is true that Larissa is a known entity to Debbie, whereas Jess is a wild card! When asked why she would choose Larissa over Jess, she said that while she felt Larissa is evil, at least she was honestly evil as Colt looked shocked – then she modified her statement a little and clarified that maybe “evil” was a bit of a stronger word than she meant, and that she trusted Larissa in a sense because she knows her and what she’s about, whereas Jess is more of a mystery. In fact, Debbie said Jess was a total mystery to her.

She also said she felt Jess was far more dishonest than Larissa, describing Jess as being “out there” when it comes to honesty. She also doesn’t think that Jess is a good match for Colt and has serious doubts about her motivations and intentions towards Colt. She went on to say that she doesn’t think Jess is the right person for Colt, especially in their current situation – she thinks that Colt needs to spend much more time dating other women, possibly many other women, before getting serious with anyone and settling down.

Debbie also allowed for that she liked Jess, just not as a mate for her son. For one thing, Jess is a party person – and Colt is not, talking to Colt as she said this. Debbie continued, saying to Colt that she doesn’t feel that Jess really wants to settle down and make a real commitment to Colt or a marriage. Jess acts like she wants marriage but not a commitment and Debbie still can’t quite figure Jess out.

TLC 90 Day Fiance’ Spoilers – Colt Johnson Talks About Jess Caroline

Colt admits he jumps into things too quickly relationship and emotionally wise. He says he actually wasn’t looking for anyone after Larissa until he had a chance to heal, but then he got a message (probably through a dating site) from Jess out of nowhere. Debbie said Jess was probably stalking men on the Internet and saw that Colt had money and some measure of fame, and tracked him down and went after him.

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He then defended his and Jess having talked about naming their future children after having seen one another in person only twice, which viewers will recall totally alarmed Debbie! Colt liked that he and Jess got serious so quickly, and he said he likes talking about their future and romanticizes a lot. He defended himself by saying it’s much more fun to imagine a future with someone and talk about it than it is to be miserable – telling on himself in that he is one of those people who is not happy when not in a relationship, in other words, he may be a relationship addict.

He said that he and Jess were “hot and cold” – and they fight and they are passionate. He feels that a lot of their relationship is passion, so when they actually connect is when they talk about their future and having something to look forward to. Then Colt admitted he’s a drama lover as far as relationships go and sometimes too focused on sexual attraction and not enough on communication with the objects of his affection. He eschews dating American girls because he feels they are not dramatic and passionate enough, and they bore him..he needs drama and he needs excitement to the point of it being like a drug.

Colt Johnson’s Sometimes Too Close Relationship To His Mom

He then defended his closeness to his mom, which has caused trouble in both his former marriage to Larissa and his relationship with Jess. Jess even called him a “baby man” over how he acts with his mom. He shot back at her that both had lost parents to death and that she should understand, given her own closeness to her father! He joked in the interview that Jess may be a “baby woman” for how she is about her dad!

Jess had to seek approval about Colt from her dad just like he had to seek approval from Debbie about Jess, which he obviously has not quite obtained! He did say that viewers will see him working through many of his issues, however, in the remainder of the season.

Stay tuned to “90 Day Fiancé-Happily Ever After?” and check back here frequently for all the latest news, updates, and gossip about all your fave “90 Day Fiancé” shows and stars!

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