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90 Day Fiancé Spoilers – Completely Sexist Words
90 Days Ash began giving his speech and Avery could not believe her ears. Ash was coming across like a Neanderthal with his sexist remarks and gender rolls speech. Ash’s clients were stunned when he began to tell them what their roles should be. Ash further confused his clients by telling the women that they were the homebodies while the men had the ethics and desire to make money.
Ash seemed to believe that these women should submit to their men and have no drive to be successful and Avery was furious over it. The women in the audience were not happy with Ash’s speech either. Several of the women commented on how they would not be following Ash’s advice.
Struggling To Make Points
It was obvious that 90 Days Ash had no idea what he was talking about while making his speech and now viewers know why. Ash’s words were not his own which leads us to question if he purposely copied this speech to set Avery’s mind at ease. If that was Ash’s intention, it certainly backfired. Mark Gungor is a well-known marriage and relationship speaker and Ash copied his speech almost word for word.
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Gungor tries to lead his followers down the path to better relationships by trying to use comedy to illustrate the differences between men and women. Gungor seminar starts with “A Tale Of Two Brains” which is the speech that Ash attempted to use in his seminar.
TLC 90 Day Fiancé Spoilers – Ash Naeck’s Attempt Was A Flop
Gungor has had success with his seminars however, that is not the case with Ash. Perhaps Ash wouldn’t have turned his participants against him if he had used his own words instead of trying to copy someone else’s speech. However, there could be another motive to Ash using this speech. Ash knows that Avery has issues with him being in contact with so many women.
Could Ash have completely changed his speech to keep Avery from seeing how he truly reacts with his clients? Does Avery have a reason to worry about Ash and his interactions with all these females? Ash only succeeded in making himself look like a con artist to his clients and a sexist womanizer to his girlfriend.
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Perhaps the next time Ash decides to copy someone else’s work, he should at least practice the speech so he can pull it off without looking like a fraud.
I think Ash went to the internet to find a new subject to talk about because Avery was going to be there. I have no idea what his regular seminar is, but I’ll bet it’s something he didn’t want her to hear.