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A teaser at the end of the most recent episode offered a disturbing bit of information. Sumit’s divorce proceedings could take at least four years to be resolved, if not longer.
Based on past history, Jenny remains uncertain if Sumit has been fully truthful about the inability to legally end his marriage. However, she’s continued to offer him the benefit of the doubt and to encourage fans to do so as well.
90 Day Fiance – Family Matters Appear To Remain Complicated
Sumit’s family is a few hours away from the new location where he and Jenny are living. It’s easy to imply that he wanted to live a significant distance away from his family so they wouldn’t be involved in his developing relationship with Jenny.
It can also be assumed that Sumit doesn’t want to be near to his wife, her family, or the people they both know. But that doesn’t necessarily imply anything nefarious about his existing marriage, or his desire to end it as soon as legally possible.
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90 Day Fiance – Confirmation Of Current Relationship?
Sumit posted a photo on his Instagram account that focused on his curly hair. A follower complimented his style and also asked him about the weather and how Jenny was doing.
Sumit replied by saying, “Thank you! Hair is like this coz of humidity. Jenny is good.”
Anyone could interpret Summit’s response about Jenny, which was posted during the first full week in July 2020, as confirmation that they are still together. Viewers do understand that the cast of this reality show isn’t able to outright confirm relationship status while any season is playing out, as doing so would serve as the ultimate spoiler.
Jenny hadn’t used her Instagram account since posting a collage of five upbeat couple’s shots just after the last June episode aired.
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Since Jenny is a regular Instagram user, who has a significant number of followers, a presumptive question could be asked. Did her lack of any posts during the days leading up to the most recent new episode suggest that the divorce issue remains a sore spot through present day, as it was when that episode was recorded?
90 Day Fiance – Very Challenging To Confirm Reality
Jenny pressed Sumit about the status of his divorce proceedings once again. Sumit said in an aside to the audience that he was annoyed by Jenny’s persistence on this issue.
Sumit promised to take Jenny to the government building where divorce paperwork is handled so she could see for herself how the process works. Jenny has stated that she’ll leave the relationship if she learns that Sumit hasn’t been truthful about this matter.
Considering that Jenny is just getting to know what life is like in India, it’s reasonable to believe that it was and may remain very challenging to know just how long it could take Sumit to realize his divorce, or if there are certain ways that the process could be furthered.
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