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TLC 90 Fiance’ Spoilers – Jihoon Is Doing His Best But Not Having A Lot Of Luck
As viewers will recall in the current season of the show, Jihoon has been doing his best but not having a lot of luck finding a job that will support his family of four, including himself, Deavan Clegg, her daughter Drascilla, and their baby boy Taeyang. It didn’t help matters any that he initially lied about his financial situation to get her to come over with their kids for a visit.
Since he and Deavan met, he has been unable to get a job that would be considered what is called in the United States “gainful employment”, and it’s not their first rodeo concerning this subject. During last season, she had tried to live in Korea with Jihoon but he wasn’t contributing financially at all, not even a part-time job. This time he promised her that he would help provide for her and their children if she would come back with them.
Based on that, she rented an apartment in Seoul online and paid for the first month’s rent herself based on Jihoon’s promise to take over their financial responsibilities. Jihoon had outright lied to Deavan, he told her he had a job paying the American equivalent of $3000-$4000 a month when really all he has is a part-time delivery job. He admitted on the show that he lied so Deavan would bring the kids and come to Korea.
He also stated that to make that equivalent with the part-time delivery job he has, he would have to work twenty-four hours a day seven days a week with no rest, and that is a lot to expect out of even a young man, and it definitely wouldn’t be healthy for him to try to maintain a job with no off time at all, even for a nap. He was criticized over his taking naps, as well.
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TLC 90 Fiance’ Spoilers – Jihoon Strikes Back At The Haters
Of course, there are what some call “job snobs”. These are the people who feel it is beneath them to take work like Jihoon does, even if it were fulltime because they want the prestige of successful entrepreneurs and businessmen, and would never think of working in venues such as restaurants, or as cleaning staff. So, in turn, they disdain anyone who works at those jobs that they themselves refuse to take because it gives them a paycheck, but no prestige or veneration.
It may be these types of people who have been harassing Jihoon on social media about not working at a career or even a “real job”. Recently, he posted a screenshot of one of these conversations from Instagram. The Instagram user snarkily wrote that Jihoon should go to sleep, and he responded that he was working right then – and asked the follower if he or she knew what time it was currently in Korea – which was 7:00 pm.
He further told the person that he or she needed to be logical – and then it got heated. He wrote that he has a job and his side job (more properly, a part-time job since a side job is actually in addition to the main job) blocks a “b _ ch” like them! He also captioned the screenshot, saying that his job, although part-time, does provide enough income to take care of his family. He also wrote to people who ask him to get a job, saying he is always very kind to people who are kind to him, but if someone is rude to him he can be a downright a-hole!
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He admonished his fans and followers – and trolls, as well – that they needed to learn to distinguish between reality and what was on the show, and reminded them that what they see on their television screens now was actually filmed several months ago.
He also reminded them that he has said he has a job countless times, and he delivers food. He further wrote that if someone reads that and tells him to get a job, he’s going to think of them as a goldfish with a three-second memory, and ignore and block, because he is not interested in talking to fish!
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