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‘Tracker’, Season 2 Spoilers: Familiar Face Slated For Return During “The Disciple”

Tracker’, Season 2 Spoilers: Familiar Face Slated For Return During “The Disciple”As Tracker has been on a mid-season hiatus for months now, fans are anxiously awaiting a new episode to drop. The good news is that they won’t have to wait much longer, and the even better news is that Season 2’s Episode 9 will also unveil the return of a favorite familiar face.

More On What To Expect From “The Disciple”

Tracker returns on CBS this Sunday, February 16 at 8 p.m., premiering Season 2, Episode 9, which is titled, The Disciple’.

During the show, Colter Shaw (Justin Hartley) will continue to dive into the white whale case, Gina Picket’s unsolved disappearance, which has haunted the character for about a decade now.

Still, spoilers for the show hint there will be a new lead in this investigation, which also brings an old character back to the canvas, who will help Colter with this case.

As per Collider, retired cop Keaton (Brent Sexton) will return to the show for Episode 9. It sounds like during their reunion, Keaton will want Colter to try and recollect what happened to Gina after she finished her Hot Topic shift, and before she vanished.

Shaw’s had difficulty recalling much around all this, but will Keaton help trigger a memory?

What’s Next?

As of this writing, Colter only remembers some details around Gina’s disappearance. Her Hot Topic shift ended at 6 p.m. and she left the building at 6:10 p.m. and the mall surveillance videos capture her in the parking lot, heading to her car; however, the video has a blind spot, which has kept Shaw from seeing exactly why Gina never made it to her vehicle.

Currently, Colter’s spidey-senses feel like Frank Whales (Ryan Dorsey) is the main suspect in this case but are his instincts correct? He was told Gina saw a man at the mall that she didn’t know but was ‘around’. Was Frank that man? Only time will tell.

Are you excited that Tracker’s winter hiatus is finally coming to a close? Join the conversation below! Tune into the CBS drama series every week on Sundays at 8 p.m. and visit CTS often for the best spoilers, news, and updates in the land of television.

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