The Baker And The Beauty Finale Spoilers and Recap 06/01/20: Season 1 Episode 8 and 9

Tonight on ABC their new flavor-filled adventure The Baker and the Beauty airs with an all-new June 1, 2020, episode and we have your The Baker and the Beauty recap below.  On tonight’s The Baker and the Beauty season 1 episode 8 & 9 finale called, “Daniel and Noa try to restore their relationship but things don’t go easy with Daniel’s wish to live a normal life; Natalie is hopeful that her quinceañera can help patch up Rafael and Mari’s relationship.

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This new series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 11 PM ET! for our The Baker and the Beauty recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Baker and the Beauty recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Baker and the Beauty recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Natalie tells Amy that her parents are on the edge because the bakery is still closed, Mateo’s life is complicated since he kissed Vanessa, and Daniel is making cookie pizzas to make ends meet and forget Noa.

Natalie is with Amy, they are looking at things for the party with Mari. Rafael tells Mari that the work is going to make more money, Natalie’s party is going to have to wait, they have no choice. Natalie tells Amy that this cannot happen, her family needs this party more than ever. Natalie has a thought, maybe she knows how to fix this.

Noa makes lunch for Lewis, she is taking care of him; she tells him that she loves him and he deserves the best. He asks her if she is just running away from the baker boy. She says that the universe was giving them signs. Then she gets a video message from Natalie.

Daniel and Mateo are talking about Natalie’s party, they are trying to think of ways they can do without it costing them a lot of money. All of a sudden, Natalie walks in with Noa. Daniel tells Natalie that this is wrong on so many levels. Daniel then tells Noa that they can’t take her charity. He reminds her that they are not together now, so she doesn’t need to help his family. She reminds him that she owes him a third wish, he says ok. Natalie says they can use the café, and Daniel can bake the cake, Mateo can do the music.

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Mateo is outside, Vanessa is putting a for sale on a house, he invites her to the party. He tells her that he misses her and would love if she could be there. But, he tells her that Noa is holding the party. Vanessa tries to get Mateo an opportunity to make his career take off, Vanessa brings a music producer as her date.

Mari thanks Noa for making her daughters’ party happen. She tells Rafael that it is a gift, but he is not happy, he says they don’t take charity. Mari tells him off. Rafael starts arguing with her and tells her that everything is her fault because she wanted to expand, he didn’t want to. All this in front of Noa.

Noa and Daniel are together at the place where the party will be held, she starts to talk about his parents, then says even in the best relationships people say things that they don’t mean. Daniel thanks her for the party, she says it is her pleasure. Then, he asks her for help with one more thing, the cake. They are alone together, she tells him that she misses this.

Then she tells him that she has been in Miami taking care of Lewis. Rafael walks in, he thanks her for doing this and tells her that his objection has nothing to do with her. Rafael tells Daniel that the cake is beautiful. He also tells him that his videos are good, and he is proud of him. Rafael tells him that he is going to the party, Daniel tells him to enjoy it, for Natalie.

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Noa is all dressed up for the party, she is with Lewis and she gives him a handout for a cancer support group. He tells her to go to the party, Natalie deserves it, and he doesn’t want her blowing it off. And if she gives her advice, when it comes to Baker boy, give it time.

Natalie and Mari are at the party venue, Rafael shows up in a tux, Mari tells him that she is happy that he finally came to his senses.

Vanessa arrives at the party, she asks Daniel if he is ok, he says yes, he didn’t think they would really last anyway. Then she tells him that she wouldn’t be throwing his sister a birthday party if she didn’t really care for him. Noa arrives, Daniel tells her that his mother is over the moon and his father is trying not to let his pride get the best of him. Noa notices all the people taking photos of her, she tells Daniel that she was afraid this would happen, she doesn’t want to take the spotlight away from Natalie.

Daniel signals Mateo, he introduces Natalie. She comes out looking gorgeous in a pink and black gown, with a crown on her head. She starts dancing and enjoying herself. Everyone claps and hugs her. Meanwhile, Lewis goes to the Men’s cancer support group, he only makes it to the door and chickens out.

At the party, Mateo sings a song and dances for the crowd, he does a great job. Everyone has a great time. Mateo tells Daniel that Marlow St. John, the guy with Vanessa, is a music producer, he hopes he did a great job. Daniel looks over at Vanessa dancing with Marlow, Daniel says it looks like he is not just there to see Mateo, he looks happy dancing with Vanessa.

Mateo looks jealous. Noa and Vanessa meet in the bathroom, Vanessa tells her that this party is what Natalie deserves. Then Noa tells Vanessa that she looks like she is having fun. Vanessa tells her that Daniel never looked her the way she looks at Noa, she thanks her and says she would rather know that now than in twenty years.

Marlow tells Mateo that he is happy to be wrong, but that doesn’t change the fact that his recordings don’t do him justice. He needs to come down to his studio and record; then he tells him to expect a call from his assistant on Monday.

Lewis goes on a second date with his friend, he tells him about the cancer. Then he says that ten years of tomorrows have gone by. His friend still wants to continue their relationship and spend time together.

Natalie thanks Noa Hamilton, she calls her a fairy godmother. Then she thanks her brothers, and her parents. She invites her mom and dad to the stage, says the night is not just about her, it is about celebrating the people who made her. There is a video playing of her parents, everyone watches it. Rafael walks away, Mari notices she is all alone and runs after him.

She catches up with him in the bakery and says sorry for the things she has said. He is crying, he asks her if she remembers that song, she says yes. He says people are fickle, what if they reopen and nobody comes back. She says then they will figure out what to do. He tells her that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him from here to the moon. They kiss and hug.

At the party, Natalie asks Amy to dance. Vanessa is sitting alone, Mateo joins her. She says a few months ago she could see her future so clearly, now she can’t, she is just a failure. He asks her to get out of there with him, there is a place he wants to take her too. He brings her to the house she is selling and opens a bottle of champagne, he tells her to buy it and flip it, fix it up and sell it for double.

He tells her that she sees value where others don’t, she just needs to build her own empire. She tells him that he is right. He tries to kiss her, but she is not paying attention, she just thinks about how she can change the house. He goes to leave, she says he can’t go, she grabs him and kisses him.

The party is winding down, Noa tells Daniel that he is so happy to have a family like his. She says she has this belief that you can’t have everything in life. She says that she has never been happier than when she was with him. He is everything that she never had, and she is sorry that she got scared and blew it. She asks him for forgiveness. He tells her that he doesn’t want paparazzi following him around, he just wants nights like tonight. He is back on earth now where he belongs. With tears in her eyes, she says she gets it and thanks to him.

Natalie is so happy that her party was a success, she goes to bed smiling. Noa returns to Lewis’ place and he is not there. He sends her a text that he found someone to talk to.

Thomas Gold visits the bakery, he is there to see Daniel. He tells him that perhaps he has another gig for him, some of his readers watched his videos. Meanwhile, Vanessa wakes up, she slept with Mateo. They are in the house she is selling, Daniel is knocking on the door. He walks right in and tells her that Thomas Gold offered him a job and gave him a contract, he was hoping that she could look it over. He looks at her and notices that she is wearing the same outfit as she was last night.

Noa is back at work, she doesn’t like what her team has come up for her and she tells them to go back to the drawing board. Lewis tells Noa not to take out that baker boy turned her down on her employees. He tells her that he loves her and he knows that she is not ok. She tells him that he had one good date with Trevor and he is an intimacy expert; Lewis walks out.

Mari and Rafael are cleaning up after the party when someone comes in looking for the owner of the bakery, he is a real estate developer and wants to buy their property.

Rafael and Mari meet with the kids, they tell them about the offer to buy the property; maybe they should do it, because they are all growing up and will be moving on. Daniel tells them about his opportunity to work with Thomas Gold. Natalie says the answer is absolute no, they are not selling, it would be the biggest mistake of their whole lives.

Noa meets with Colin Davis, he congratulates her on the movie. He says he didn’t expect her to call. He says he is sorry. He asks her why she called him there. She asks if he has eaten yet. They are at lunch, he tells her that he thinks that people like them just can’t have a relationship with normal people. He tells her to focus on herself. He tells her to go away, take a risk, get lost.

Natalie goes to see Vanessa, she says she needs to speak to her. She asks him if she knows Rick Jamison, the real estate developer. She says yes, he has very deep pockets. They go into neighborhoods and bring in national chains.

Mateo and Daniel are together, he asks him what happened with Noa. He says she wanted to try again, and he said no, now he is wondering if he made a mistake. Mateo tells him that the right woman makes everything possible. If she is the one.

Noa and Colin are back at the office, she tells him that she might take his advice and go to Morocco, they hug, Daniel is in the elevator just about to get off on her floor, he changes his mind and leaves.

Noa tells Lewis that she is leaving, he tells her not to do it. She says that Daniel broke her heart and she needs to move on.

Daniel returns to the bakery, Rafael is there, he sees his face. Daniel says he went to see Noa and tell her about his new gig, she was there with Colin. Rafael says that sometimes he needs to think with his heart and not his head.

Daniel and Rafael make a secret family recipe together, they record it. Meanwhile, Natalie comes out of her bedroom and hears her Mateo singing, she tells him that he sounds inspired. She gives him his necklace that Natalie asked her to return to him. She notices the look on his face and she realizes that they slept together, he admits it.

Then, he tells her that he likes Vanessa a lot, he is crazy about her. And, he thinks she likes him too. He says he doesn’t know what he is going to do. She says the two of them actually make sense. She tells him to tell her how he feels, and if she doesn’t feel the same, he takes this to his grave.

Rick Jamison is back, Daniel and Mari are in the bakery, he shows her the offer, the two of them have their mouths open in shock when Rafael walks in and asks what he missed.

Mari and Rafael tell Natalie about the next offer, she says it is nice to know that for enough zeros their integrity is for sale. Natalie then tells them how special the bakery is, and maybe it doesn’t mean anything to them anymore.

Mateo is trying to reach Vanessa, she is not answering her phone to him. Mari goes in Natalie’s room to speak to her, she tells her that she knows the change that they are considering is a big change, but in a few years she will be going off to college and they will be alone. And, this is just a building, a home is where they are all at together.

Lewis goes to see Noa when she is packing. She apologizes to him for being so horrible. He tells her that she was only medium horrible. He offers to drive her to the airport.

Daniel and Rafael head into the bakery to taste the finished product to taste the finished product the made, Natalie, Mateo, and Mari join them. It turned out perfect. Lewis calls Daniel, he tells her not to talk, just listen. The car is picking her up at 8 pm, but there is a problem, she is in love with him. Daniel tells him that he saw her with Colin, Lewis says she is not in love with Colin. Lewis has to hang up, Noa comes in the room. Daniel’s family tell him to go after her, tell her that he loves her.

Meanwhile, Noa leaves her apartment and a note is left for Lewis. Daniel and Mateo show up at Noa’s place, she is gone. Lewis jumps in the truck with them and they go after Noa. Marlow calls Vanessa and tells her what Mateo did, telling him to Google her. She calls Mateo, he drops the phone, it falls on the floor of the truck and both Lewis and Daniel hear that he had sex with her.

Daniel stops the truck and gets outside and speaks to his brother, he asks him if it is real, he doesn’t want Vanessa hurt again. He says that it is really, he is sorry, he tried not to think of her in that way. Mateo tells Daniel to just say the word and it is over. Daniel tells him not to screw this up, go get her. They say I love you. Lewis says they have a plane to catch.

Mateo goes to Vanessa, Marlow is there and he tells Mateo that when he comes in on Monday, he is going to introduce him to some of his artists. Mateo leaves.

Natalie is with Amy who is enjoying Rafael and Daniel’s custard. Amy reminds her that if her parents take the offer, they could slow down, see each other more.

At the airport, Daniel and Lewis are running through to find Noa. They try to buy tickets on Noa’s flight, they only manage to because Lewis is a platinum flyer. Noa is already sitting in the plane, Daniel and Lewis are running to the gate, the flight is closed, they didn’t make it.

At home, Mateo arrives, he says he left Lewis with Daniel. Rafael tells Mateo and Natalie that they want them to have a say to in selling. Natalie says to sell. Rafael says he thinks they should turn down the money and stay. Mateo says if you love something, you fight for it; he votes they stay. Mari votes to sell, they need a new adventure.

Daniel leaves Lewis, he is heading down an escalator when he gets a call from Noa, she is in the airport, she got off the plane. He tells her that he loves her, they kiss, and she tells him that she loves him too. They both say they were idiots and were making a big mistake. Noa says so what now.

At the house, Daniel and Noa arrive with Lewis. The family is so happy to see them. Noa tells them that they are getting married, Rafael, Mari, Natalie, and Mateo are all in shock.


ABC The Baker and the Beauty RecapThe Baker and The BeautyThe Baker and the Beauty Episode 7 RecapThe Baker and the Beauty Episode 8 Recap 6/1/20The Baker and the Beauty Episode 9The Baker and the Beauty Finale
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  • Guest

    Loved this Show and I wish that there would be Season 2. The Baker and the Beauty reflected some good family values so I hope that Netflix picks it up for season 2. Noa is gorgeous!