The Baker And The Beauty Recap 05/18/20: Season 1 Episode 6 “Side Effects”

The Baker And The Beauty Recap 05/18/20: Season 1 Episode 6 "Side Effects"Tonight on ABC their new flavor-filled adventure The Baker and the Beauty airs with an all-new May 18, 2020, episode and we have your The Baker and the Beauty recap below.  On tonight’s The Baker and the Beauty season 1 episode 6 called, “Side Effects,” as per the ABC synopsis, “Noa and Daniel’s worlds are turned upside down when Vanessa ignites a scandal.

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As Noa works overtime to salvage the reputation of her company and ease tensions with her board of directors, Daniel tries to smooth things over with his family. Meanwhile, Piper (Georgina Reilly) learns that Lewis has been keeping a devastating secret.

This new series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our The Baker and the Beauty recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Baker and the Beauty recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Baker and the Beauty recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The Baker and the Beauty begins tonight with Mateo Garcia (David Del Rio) is serving customers, while also revealing his family is building a cafe next door.  His cell phone rings and it is Vanessa Sanchez (Michelle Veintimilla), chastising him for not being professional.  She tells him that she booked a meeting with Marlow St. John (Samuel Gomez); he dances in his studio to the good news.

Rafael Garcia (Carlos Gomez) jokes that Mateo takes after his wife with the dancing but his older son, Daniel Garcia (Victor Rasuk) is more responsible.  He calls Daniel, reminding him he is supposed to be at work as the contractors are there.  Daniel tells his father that Noa Hamilton (Nathalie Kelley) has the interview revealing her big new movie role.  Rafael asks Daniel where his priorities are, and he promises to be there soon.

M56eanwhile, Piper (Georgina Reilly) learns Daniel did not inform his parents yet that he is planning to go to Morrocco for 3 months with Noa; but he promises to tell them today as soon as he picks up body armor.  Lewis (Dan Bucatinsky) watches closely as Noa does her interview.  She is taken aback when she learns that Vanessa, Daniel’s ex, did an interview of her own that morning.

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They show Noa a clip as Vanessa reveals she was hurt by his refusal; believing that they would work things out but unfortunately for her, Noa was there.  Lewis takes a call from Dr. Talbot (Jeffrey Holman), saying they need to get ahead of this.  Lewis swears he will not skip the fourth appointment.  Piper overhears his call, revealing to him that Vanessa spoke out.  Noa is asked to respond, but Daniel pulls the fire alarm to stall everything.

Mateo is in his recording studio when Natalie Garcia (Belissa Escobedo) says the interview was bad; Mateo feels Vanessa was really just telling it like it is.  He doesn’t know what to do, as Vanessa is a good manager and got him a meeting with a producer for tomorrow.  Natalie reminds him he will have to make a decision that he is either loyal to the family or loyal to himself.

Mari Garcia (Lisa Vidal) celebrates with Rafael in their new cafe space.  Mr. Hayes, the contractor insists they will only have to close the bakery for a week.  They are okay with that and they sign the papers, for all the permits.  Mari is extremely excited.

Lewis berates the “baker boy” for pulling the alarm, but Daniel says Vanessa would have never done that if he hadn’t bribed her and he can’t blame Daniel for taking a call as all of this happened.  Noa knows he was trying to help, but she can defend herself.  Lewis wants Daniel to lay low as he tells “Gucci” to try to stay out of trouble.  Lewis scoffs at him as Daniel leaves.  Lewis is mad at Noa but not Daniel.  He calls Noa a toddler as she explains that she used the men’s washroom because there is no line.  He says it doesn’t matter what happens it is all in how it looks.  He is concerned about her when he isn’t around.  He feels this is worse than Miley but hopefully better than Angelina and Jen.

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The board is concerned about how bad this looks for its launch.  He doesn’t feel Noa is a woman fit to run their company as she is also leaving the country for 12 weeks.

Lewis wants them to delay the decision for a week and he informs Noa about what is going on.  Mark Logan (Brian Tester) wants to cancel their contract as well.  Noa takes off her jacket and says they will go through everyone to see who will crack; all concerned that the story of Vanessa’s interview is not going away.

Daniel talks with Rafael as he reminds him of when they started out the bakery and how excited and nervous they are.  Rafael says they all get to create a place together and one day Daniel will be sitting there with his own son, telling him about tearing down the wall and creating the cafe too.  Daniel doesn’t tell his father, just talking about how the paparazzi writes all these lies.  Rafael feels if they are going to stick together, he is going to have to get used to Noa’s world.  Personally, Rafael prefers their world, over Noa’s.

Mateo is desperate to make a good impression and stalls until Vanessa opens her door.  He goes into her house, saying her hurting his family is unacceptable and fires her.  She doesn’t fight back, thinking it is fair.  Mateo says it isn’t fair after everything she has done for him.  He apologizes feeling she shouldn’t have to suffer for what Daniel did.  She wants him to assure her he will still attend the meeting and be himself.

Natalie talks to Amy (Madelyn Sher) about the whole situation with her brother as they approach their lockers and “Garcia Diggers” is written on her locker.  The bullies causing Natalie to defend Daniel.  She burns Anna (Cecille Colon), but as she walks away she faces the consequences of angering Anna by Anna punching her in the face.

Noa sits with individual people from the companies threatening to pull out.  Mark says he doesn’t see any problems in the long term.  Lewis jokes about Mark having zero fashion taste and is running a fashion company.  Lewis reminds Noa that if no one is talking to her, they are talking about her.  Meanwhile, Mark calls the head of the board, informing him of his meeting with Noa.

Mateo arrives at lunch with Marlowe.  He lies that Vanessa is late for the meeting.  Mari tells the paparazzi she will put together samples and everyone who shares the photos will get free lunch for a month.  Rafael and Mari enjoy a few moments of privacy as the workers are on lunch.  Marlowe tells Mateo he is nothing special and doesn’t look like a star.  He advises him to do weddings and small parties and not give up on the family business and the reason he agreed to the meeting is he wanted to meet Vanessa to see if she would work with him.  Mateo leaves the meeting very disheartened.

Rafael and Mari enjoy a small lunch at the new cafe.  Rafael knows that Daniel is strong but it is getting to him.  Mari says Daniel is sensitive like his father and that is one of the reasons she loves Rafael so much.  He asks her if she will love him if the cafe doesn’t work, she says that is the stupidest question ever.  They are interrupted when Mari gets a call from the school because Natalie got into a fight at school.

In the principal’s office, they say they are going to investigate the situation as they have a zero-tolerance, as there looks like there was the hate speech on Natalie’s locker; Mari automatically assumes its because of Natalie’s sexuality but it is in reference to Daniel and Noa.

At the bakery, Daniel is confronted by the media, as he suggested to take the interview down.  He pushes Daniel, saying his family is opening a cafe hanging on the coattails of her relationship with Noa.  Daniel orders him to get out as Rafael attempts to call his contractor, whose number is now out of service.  Natalie and Mari return as she sent Natalie to her room, both Rafael and Mari acknowledge this is bad.

Mari informs Rafael that this is the new scam and have destroyed 10 companies in the past few months. Rafael admits the check cleared yesterday. She is concerned that Natalie is going to get expelled; but Daniel comes in and needs to talk to them, saying there is never a right time. He informs them that Noa is going to Morrocco for 3 months and he is going with her.

He begins to defend his actions as Mari says they need him to be there. He feels while Noa is working, he can do more videos. Rafael is angry, saying he can abandon the family if he wants but he shouldn’t delude himself. Daniel swears this is his dream but Rafael points out that Mateo has a dream but Daniel has a fantasy and Rafael himself, has work to do. He loves the room.

Mari tells Daniel that everything his father feared is happening and it is all Noa’s fault. Daniel learns that Natalie got into a fight as she tells Daniel with his idea of running away and a grandeur life is all her fault. Daniel lashes back at everyone in the family as Natalie reminds him when is the last time their family had to fight like this. Daniel says they should blame Vanessa because everything was fine until she gave that interview. He storms off.

Lewis feels they need to take this fashion line up a notch so they can survive this hostile takeover. Piper knows he is getting a call from a doctor and wants to know how bad it is. Lewis reveals he has prostate cancer and insists he will be fine. He says there are plenty of options but most of them lead to impotency and how could he deprive the world of him? He says he will tell Noa as Piper is forced to promise not to tell her and he will when he is ready. Piper gives him a hug.

Natalie worries that her entire life will change if she gets expelled. He reminds her she was defending herself. She says she didn’t start it but she did finish it; Mateo is impressed with her moves, telling her she looks beautiful with the bruise. They hear their parents screaming and rush to assist them as they find the two smashings down the wall by themselves.

When questioned, Rafael says the contractors stole their money. Mari reminds them they are the Garcias and they are going to do this themselves. Natalie asks if there is another sledge hammer, mocking Mateo that he couldn’t handle one of those. They make it into a fun party as they rip down the wall to the bakery, unfortunately, they hit a gas line and Rafael rushes everyone out.

Lewis and Piper find out Mark Logan is the one who called an emergency board meeting. Lewis wants to know who the second person is as they need two people to pass a motion. Piper looks at him as she realizes they know who the other board member is.

Daniel goes to see Vanessa, revealing all his woes, asking her if this is what she wanted. Vanessa sits down, saying she wanted was to stop losing potential clients and be who she is, not some internet meme. She doesn’t know what is worse, that he could be so narcissistic or that he believes she would actually do something like that. He tells her that is what is happening, intention or not.

Vanessa says she told the press the truth. He might not like the way the truth makes him look, but mirrors can be cruel sometimes. He feels he shouldn’t have come and she agrees. He has to face the press who catch him leaving Vanessa’s. Wondering if Noa knows he is there.

Lewis and Piper inform Noa of everything that Mark Logan is doing to remove her from her own company. She realizes it is her father who is backing that decision. Daniel doesn’t handle the press well, punching one of them out in front of all the cameras.

Noa spots Daniel coming in, saying she missed him; they kiss. He confesses to punching Kurt Malick (Michael Rady), but she already knew. Daniel can’t understand how she handles the pressure because it feels like you can’t breathe. She tells him this isn’t really fair to him nor his family as she is used as it has been her whole life. Noa looks sad, suggesting they take a walk.

Mari learns that Natalie is suspended, with Natalie swearing it won’t happen again. Mari questions on whether Natalie knew about all the disciplinary issues Amy has. She admits she knew Amy got into trouble before and Mari forbids her from seeing Amy anymore.

Rafael finds out the gas leak is the least of their problems as the wall is covered in asbestos and this would take 10 -12 weeks for them to fix it. Vanessa learns that Marlowe wants to work with her from Mateo, who says she shouldn’t act surprised as she is the real deal. She tells Mateo “to hell with Marlowe” and why would she want to work with him as he is wrong about Mateo. He appreciates it but says it is over and leaves Vanessa’s place. She watches him with utter disappointment in her eyes.

Noa reveals her father is trying to take her company away from her, explaining how her relationship is with her father. She started the company before she emancipated from her dad, making him always sitting on the board and getting a piece of her hard work.

She knows he senses they are vulnerable and is attacking. She needs to fly around the world and meet with every single board member and convince them not to believe her father’s lies. He reassures her that he will be by her side, offering to pack his bags and go with her.

Rafael and Mari lament over the closure notice for the bakery as Natalie cries in her bedroom. Mateo throws his drum sticks around angry that he is done too. Noa tells Daniel she cannot be distracted on this trip and this is something she needs to do on her own.


ABC The Baker and the Beauty RecapThe Baker and The BeautyThe Baker and the Beauty Episode 6 RecapThe Baker and the Beauty Episode 6 Recap 5/18/20The Baker and the Beauty Premiere
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