The Young and the Restless Day Ahead Spoilers for Monday, October 29: Ashley’s Emotional Goodbye, Sharon Pushes Rey Away

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) begins with Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) joking about how much he enjoys coming home from work, knowing he’s got a great bed to come home to. He wants to share rides with Sharon (Sharon Case), who only make excuses about being alone with him.

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Ashley Is Leaving Town

At Jabot, Ashley (Eileen Davidson) feels like everyone is manipulating her and she puts her foot down on leaving Genoa City with the patents. She promises Traci (Beth Maitland) that she didn’t make this out of spite; she is disillusioned and disgusted, but this decision is not out of spite. Kyle (Michael Mealor) tells her that by rejecting their offer, she is leaving Jabot and her family with nothing; but she corrects him, saying by rejecting their offer, SHE is leaving with everything!

Jack (Peter Bergman) confronts her, saying customers will know when she starts her own cosmetic company, they will know they’re Jabot knock offs. Ashley has the rights to them as plainly stated in the documents and she plans on calling them “My Beauty”, just like her dad used to call her. She finds it ironic how Billy is calling this ploy high risk, after the stunts he’s pulled. She feels they all went along with Jack because at the end of the day, Jack matters more.

Lily’s Family Devastated

Charlie (Noah Alexander Gerry) sits at the table, while Mattie (Lexie Steveson) mopes around as Cane (Daniel Goddard) asks what they want for dinner; but all they want to know is if Lily (Christel Khalil) is safe at her new location. Cane tries to assure them that Michael (Christian LeBlanc) is handling it and will contact them when he knows anything.

Jack reminds Ashley that the family turns to him for leadership because their father asked him to fill that role since he was 15 years old and he has done that since then. He tells her that she may have wandered off while he stuck it out like John wanted him too. She shouts that he can’t use the “John Abbott” card on her. Abby (Melissa Ordway) feels they should have just given Ashley what she wanted and none of this would be happening.

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They have a flashback to when a young Jack tells Ashley she needs to clean up after he friends left all their floats in the pool. She insists Jack isn’t her boss, nor can he order her around. She will put the pool stuff away if dad asks her too and Jack says he will never ask her to do anything since mom is gone, everything falls on Jack. Back to current time, Abby tells Jack this has nothing to do with him since he doesn’t even work at Jabot, Kyle bickers back. Ashley says she is no longer interested and is completely done, revealing she booked a flight to Paris that night!

Ashley’s Family Begs Her Not To Leave

They all remind her that she is risking never seeing Dina (Marla Adams) again; Ashley feels Dina won’t miss her and even if she did recognize her, she would completely understand. She doesn’t want to get messed up in all this ugliness here and going to Paris is the whole purpose of her fresh start. She asks Abby to come with her; but she can’t go because of her relationship with Arturo (Jason Canela), and her job at Dark Horse and her father.

She apologizes to Billy (Jason Thompson) for allowing office politics for getting in the way of their relationship and hopes one day they can repair it. He feels what she is doing to Jabot will be damn well near impossible to forgive. Kyle hands it to her for making the ultimate power move. Congratulating her on a nice job.

Devon Needs Sharon’s Help

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Sharon feels that her and Rey need to establish some boundaries, so he doesn’t get any wrong ideas about her and the two of them. Devon (Bryton James) knows she advocates for crime victims and needs her help with Lily, explaining what happened to her in prison and has to believe there is something that can be done. Sharon believes what he is asking is reasonable and without making promises she will call Lily’s caseworker. Meanwhile, Rey observes Sharon and takes notes of her behavior, particularily when it comes to any mention of JT (Thad Luckinbill).

Sharon makes some calls, telling Devon that Lily is doing as well as expected. She has done everything they can as Lily doesn’t qualify for any other program and needs to serve her time in the facility upstate. Devon thanks her for helping; Sharon advises him to focus on what he can do and he does have the resources to help his family survive this.

Cane and the twins talk about how they can only see Lily on weekends, when Cane says they are going to do something drastic and grabs a piece of paper, saying they are going to write her a letter because who doesn’t like getting mail. They begin to write a fun letter for Lily, laughing as they share some good stories.

Ashley’s Emotional Goobye

Traci cries, telling Ashley she loves her unconditionally, but she believes she is making a mistake that is going to hurt all of them. Ashley says she is going to prove them wrong, but in the nicest way possible. Dina comes as Ashley says she is going to say goodbye and asks Dina to sit with her. Ashley tells Dina she gave something to her that changed her life which made her feel liberating. She assures Dina that it is okay because she thinks her family will look at her the same way and it is okay because it appears they have more in common than she thought. Dina walks back out of the room as Jack walks up to Ashley; Ashley has nothing to say to him and turns her back on him, walking out. Jack tries not to get emotional.

Traci beats herself up for being optimistic; Abby appreciates her for trying and her heart was in the right place. Abby says she should be grateful for not living here all the time, Traci realizes that Ashley just walked out on her own daughter as Abby says she should never second guess herself about telling the truth. Abby hates that her mom is leaving but she admires that Dina did look out for Ashley throughout of this; talking about seeing Dina rocking in her confusion as she was insistent that she was a good mother.

At Jabot, Billy and Kyle worry about what they are going to tell the buyers once the stock they have runs out; wondering to say if its a supply issue or simply tell the truth. Kyle confronts Billy on what he did to Summer (Hunter King). Billy says he did it to hurt Phyllis (Gina Tognoni), and Kyle reveals that he had to cut his own date short with new woman, Lola (Sasha Calle) in order to comfort a distraught Summer and now Lola is freezing him out. Billy hopes Lola never speaks to him again, since its truly what he deserves after what he did to Billy and his gambling. Billy wants them to focus on the business, because that’s what John Abbott would want.

Kyle is furious this is all about John Abbott, calling him a “myth” and no one could live up to it. Billy asks if he is done venting, as they need to deal with these vendors. Down at the GCAC, Ashley is on the phone with Neil (Kristoff St. John) explaining her decision with Jabot and that she is starting her own company in Paris. She would have loved to see where their relationship could have gone, but suggests since he owns a jet, he can come see her some time. Before she can leave the restaurant, Jack stops her saying there is stuff he needs to tell her!

Devon And Cane Reach Common Ground

Devon goes to see Cane sharing the news Sharon was able to get for them. Cane explains how its been a struggle for all of them, but they haven’t been able to deal with it emotional. Devon offers his jet for them anytime as Devon says their marriage is solid and will make it through this.

Jack owns that he started this war and will regret everything this has done to her. He worries that if she takes the patents she owns, it will cripple Jabot but it will be hurting Abby, Traci and Billy’s kids and all the employees of Jabot; something she doesn’t want. She is right that this is his fault and he should have been looking for forgiveness from her for what he did. The Clause was written to keep Phyllis from taking the company, but the darker truth was he never wanted to compete against her. He never wanted to accept the possibility that she would outshine him and ensured she never could; and for that he is deeply sorry. She hugs him.

As children, Jack apologizes for getting on her case, she says its not fair that he has to do all the chores and she doesn’t like to fight with him.

Jack wants to go home with Ashley to work through it, but she hasn’t changed her mind. She has spent most of her life doing what is best for Jabot and trying to meet the needs of the company that now she needs to put herself first. She tells him she has a plane to catch and walks out of GCAC.

Sharon Puts Her Walls Up

Rey confronts Sharon about being uncomfortable around him. She apologizes for overreacting but wants to be sure what this looks like to other people and it dawns on him this is about what Nick (Joshua Morrow) said the other day. She just doesn’t want people to jump to the wrong conclusions about the two of them, especially since he is married. She wants to be careful because this is how rumors get started.

Jack returns to the Jabot manse, remembering how he told Ashley she could always count on him being fair to her. She said maybe one day when she grows up she might be able to tell him what to do; and he tells her that he will always be her big brother which means she could never boss him around. Ashley sits back in the plane with one glance back at the city, as she sips champagne, bidding Genoa City “Goodbye!”

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times. In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. And as always, don’t forget to check back with Celebrating the Soaps for all the latest news, updates and spoilers on The Young and the Restless and all of your favorite daytime television shows right here!

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