The Young And The Restless Leak: Mariah Has Shocking Pregnancy Complications

The Young And The Restless: Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes)The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers reveal that our insider at CBS is spilling some dish about the show’s jaw-dropping Womb For Rent story and it doesn’t bode well for the main players. According to our inside source, Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) is set to experience some unwanted symptoms and it could mean the end of the road for this fantastical plot that many fans have railed against.

AMP in the post

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Abby Newman Is An Entitled Heiress

It all started innocently enough: boy meets girl, boy marries girl, they plan a family. Except that the totally unexpected happened and both discovered that neither were fully able to participate in the procreation process.

The unexpected was followed by the outlandish. Long story short, right after the honeymoon these two were torn asunder and with her groom, MIA, Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) started advertising for a womb and some sperm. Her friends came to her rescue and offered up their bods and bodily fluids so that her dream could come true.

Y&R spoilers – Chance Chancellor Left Abby In The Dust

Today the main players made the cringiest video ever, showing Chance what he’s missing. Maybe this is precisely why he has not come back?

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Wombstress Mariah cradled her stomach and cooed, sperm donor Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) pleaded for his buddy to come, save him and Abby looked like the cat who got the mice to have a baby for her.

Obviously, the far-fetched (ludicrous) story has been hailed as a major mistake by fans who are not used to being played for fools. Yes, soap fans can suspend disbelief but when TPTB crossbreed a Hallmark movie with a Chucky film, the result is disastrous.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – What Happens Next In Genoa City?

Our source has heard ongoing fans’ dislike of the Challmark plot. Not only are fans unhappy, the rumor is that a major bigwig is taking the dunderheaded plot and criticism of it personally. If what we hear is true, then the person is right to offended as this material was produced under their watch.

Now comes whispers that Mariah could encounter complications which could presumably lead to a tragic end for the pregnancy. What do you think about all of this soap fans? Tell us, are you a fan of this storyline or do you leave the room when it comes onscreen?

AMP in the post

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young and the Restless spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    Miriah a good friend to Abby and Devon, and Chance. This is really hard to watch knowing Miriah maybe in for a big disappointment. Hope baby is fine but what about Miriah. She is not fine knowing she will have to give baby to Abby. Sharon will stand by her. As for Summer move on without Kyle, Like Sally said once a cheater always a cheater, then Summer slaps her maybe she will believe Sally now. Look what Kyle and Summer did to Lola. Same thing happened to Sharon with Nick, He and Phyllis walked all over her, made her to be the bad guy. Karma is right behind that door, hope these 2 fine it now. When people kick you to the curb time to get back up on that horse and ride, without Rey and Adam. Be the loving person and mom that you are. Ride Sharon ride.

  • Jezz

    I would welcome a biracial child on the show but as a product of a happy couple. I really don't like this breeding a baby like it's a puppy mill. There would have been a good story in Chance wouldn't feel a confident/comfortable father of a baby with moms best friend/real baby daddy/uncle always around. However throw in the mix a biracial child, who would obviously identify with uncle Devon easier if the child is darker in color than it will with a lighter Chance and it takes the story to entirely more uncomfortable level! I don't think whoever wrote this story thought the story through. It is a recipe to offend with its lack of consideration. It might have been a better story if the writer had also used Mariah's egg and then it was decided Mariah keeps the baby and Devon supports her as doner and child's father. The better story for Abby and Chance was to adopt a toddler with special needs, because it would be great to see Abby do something less shallow for once. This designer Gucci baby is just disappointing and makes Abby's character more silly than ever. I hate this story and something should be done before it upsets people with its obvious risk of misunderstanding of storylines resulting in offense.

  • Guest

    This was a dumb idea as a story line. It makes no sense to bring a child into the world this way when the father is out of town, not involved, and no one has any idea when he will be back. Also given this is Mariah's and Devon's first child having them participate in this is not wise. While I am noting dumb ideas, it was also dumb to bring Tara to Jack's house. Jack's family is rich. They could have put her up anywhere. Instead they create an exposure for themselves with Ashland Locke by hiding his child from him at their house. How do these people run a major corporation being this stupid?

  • Guest

    I would like to see moriah have the baby and her and Devon raise it together

  • Guest

    I heard Mariah is going to keep the baby and once its born, she's not going to let
    it go, she's going to get attached to the baby even if she made that agreement to
    Abby, and the one person that is going to hurt the most is Abby cause Chance is
    not here for comfort. This means Mariah will end up with Devon. I feel bad for Abby
    when she wants a baby so bad and for Mariah to do this to her is like a slap in the face.

  • Guest

    Every time I see Abby come on screen I roll my eyes…. There is that shallow, self-centered, entitled rich girl living her clueless soap opera life….

  • Guest

    Hello!! There has already been a biracial baby…2 actually. Cane and Lily Ashby's twins.

  • Guest

    I like the storyline. I have watched Y&R since the 1st show. I would love to see it continued.

  • Jezz

    Thank you for reminding me. I had forgotten, it would be nice to see the twins. I know they are away to university but it would be great to see them visit on holidays.

  • Jezz

    So true, I had hoped this story with her and Chance would finally turn silly rich Designer Shop Barbie into a better more sensible character and finally give this actress a decent storyline. This silly story should have been about picking a handbag miniature puppy, not a baby.

  • Guest

    I think the whole situation is dumb. I like Abby but she has no real story line. All she does is laugh.

  • Guest

    This was a dumb idea from the start. Too much complications. A lot of old folks have watched this show from the 70's and don't get the biracial, especially among
    friends idea. God I miss Bill Bell.

  • Guest

    I hope Mariah carry the baby full term even though she will have unwanted symptoms. I would like to see everyone involved happy and raise the child as one.

  • Guest

    The whole problem lies in this ridiculous notion to keep the "Chance" character in rotation. If the writers knew that Donny was going to be let go, send him off on a mission shortly after the marriage, have him "presumably" killed off, then bring him back soap opera style a few years later. Let Abby move on by building her hotel across from the Grand Phoenix, constantly butting heads with Phyllis–providing some comic relief but more importantly giving her a storyline.

    That said however, this is going to be a Christmas baby, and I DO want to see that come to fruition–the first Abbot Newman Chancellor baby after all.

  • Guest

    People do this everyday I don't see anything wrong with it, if all parties agree.

  • Guest

    stands by her kidsI like Miriah but maybe she jumped into this to soon.Thinking of Abby was good but what about her. She needed more time to think this through. Sharon will stand by her, not sure about Nick he is to wrapped up in Summer and Phyllis, like they are the only ones. Nick for acts like Summer is only kid he has. What about Miriah,Noah Faith and Christin did he just loose interest in them. Since Sharon"s cancer he does not see them much. When he kicked Sharon to the curb did he do that to his kids to? Does anyone else see this? Rey needs to be gone,Adam the same,Phyllis let her have Jack,Summer move on like she is not the only kid. That is disappointing now that Nick does not see them much, But hangs on to Summer and Phyllis like they are the only ones. Need a new story that does not have Phyllis,Summer and Kyle in it all the time. Sure glad Sharon stands by her kids when their father does not. Except for Faith when she was sick. New storylines are needed to bring some of our main characters back to the way they were, and not on backburner like they are now.

  • Guest

    Personally I'm soooo bored with Y&R. All the story lines. I use to watch it up until about 20yrs ago. I decided to watch Y&R again. They use to have good story lines, but now, hello!!!!! They writers need to get their stories more interesting. Tired of the snooze fest they're putting out. Seriously considering not watching it again.

  • Shirley

    I don't like were you are going with this, the baby needs to survive.

  • Guest

    I didn't like that it was rushed.Abby and chance should have done this as a married couple not 1 person in partnership it sucks and was really a dumb call

  • Guest

    I leave the room when Amanda, and her sickening storyline comes on. Dump it will you? Dump Amanda too. This is just to stupid, another twin storyline. Also dump that slimy
    Phyllis, she has no story line except to annoy people. She is a waste of air time.

  • Guest

    Yep ! It's a different world out there I don't get it either they ram it down our throats -just look at the tv adverts these days ….

  • Guest

    most of the people on the show playing black people are bi racial or any show for that matter – take a look – one day we we all be mixed …..

  • Jezz

    I thought we do all stem from people out of Africa. I thought as people's migration happened looking for food water some of us lost colour as we began living in cooler climates. Personally I long for the day where a person's skin colour is regarded just like eye and hair colour, nothing more than a feature which makes us all beautifully different. It's what's in our hearts that matters most.

  • Guest

    I am one of the long time watchers and have no problem with the biracial thing. Are you forgetting that this is not new on Y&R? Devon, Mattie and Charlie are all biracial.

  • Guest

    I really want her to have the baby because Devon lost his wife and baby in a car accident and this would be partially his baby and he could become the best Uncle!

  • Guest

    I think Mariah and Devon should raise the baby together!

  • Guest

    Yes. , I fast forward this zAbby story immediately and have since Chance left . Ridiculous. Don’t know what writers are thinking. Knowing couples who can’t have children, husbands away and wife goes get 2people to have their bab? Ridiculous ! Stop it too !
    Yes, I too am tired of Chelsea’s unstable devious actions. Yup grow up even though it’s a soap.
    Bring Summer , Kyle & Chaxe back .

  • Guest

    I don’t like the storyline at all. It is too far out in left field. I like Adam to be a middle of the road Adam. He has gone too far to the nice guy side.

  • Guest

    Let’s be done with it. The whole show is rather dull these days

  • Guest

    I am old school and I don't like the whole idea. Biracial is OK but two friends is just going to get complicated. Besides that Stitch has kidnapped Miriah and wants Abby and the baby. This might turn out to be a good mystery.

  • Guest

    I think you are making a mockery of being a surrogate it is a beautiful thing fulfilling a dream of being able to have a family. Your review was very childishly written.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Please don't make this a racial topic. He's a baby. A baby that would be loved by many. Do not kill off a this child. We wouldn't have racial issues if people would stop making them issues.

  • Guest

    Wow, is everyone in a protected circle and not involved in real life? Surrogates exist and most are family or close friends, multi-racial children are born or adopted by many different types of couples. As the mother of 2 adopted I can tell you once you hold that child you have been waiting for they are yours just as if you gave birth ton them. Very current topic with soap twists thrown in. Love the angle of accepting each other for who they are and not who others want them to be. Also love that they are showing how people give the greatest gift to someone else and share the experience.

  • trina98

    I do not want Mariah to lose the baby and a biracial baby is fine with me I don't want them to break up Chance and Abby, she truly loves him ..if they have to find another Chance then I want them to do it …I want Mariah to deliver a very happy and healthy baby boy Abby has earned that much

  • trina98

    thank you …I welcome a real true surrogate storyline ..biracial and all . Abby will be a great mom and if Chance can't handle then Abby is good to go as a single mom ..she has great people in her life Jack and Billy and Devon and even Victor and Nick to help if need be.

  • Guest

    a good story line b.s. it happens in the real world and they are showing that all isn't loss if you can't have a baby on your own there is option out there

  • Loopy Cooney

    and gush…lol

  • Guest

    If they aren’t being back the old Chance then replace him It’s not like they have done in the past. This story line is getting to be so stupid. Please give Miriah a change of clothes

  • Guest

    Mariah isn't Nick's child

  • Guest

    They were supposed to recast chance. But now that the baby is here what are they waiting for!!!!!

  • Guest

    I like seeing Adam and Sally I think they could have a good life together