The Young And The Restless Spoilers: 3 Reasons Why Billy Abbott’s Gambling Addiction Is Lurking Around The Corner

The Young And The Restless: Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) CBS The Young and the Restless spoilers tease that Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) has a gambling addiction and it’s one he’s struggled to control. Whenever his life has gotten turbulent Billy has upped the stakes by turning to behavior that only makes his situation worse. Right now his life is very turbulent and there are serious signs he is headed back down a dark path of illicit poker games. Could the chewing gum be next?

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Here are three reasons why Billy Abbot’s gambling addiction looks like it is going to rear its ugly head soon.

#1 Lily Winters And Amanda Sinclair Are Talking About Billy Abbott’s Love Of Poker

For starters, it seemed like everyone all over town was talking about Billy and his addictive personality! It started with Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) and Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) talking about the gambling-prone bad boy. Billy’s ears must have been burning because he soon walked in with a huge scoop for them and their company.

He spilled about the scandal engulfing Adam Newman (Mark Grossman), a man Billy hates because he was behind the death of his young daughter.

Both ladies tried to talk him down with talk of lawsuits and risk for Chance Comm. Later Lily told Billy this could end up sinking the company but will he do what he does best and act irresponsibly and end up having to self-medicate after making a huge error?

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#2 Nate Hasting And Amanda Sinclair Are Talking About Billy’s Love of poker

Later Amanda runs into Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) and vents to him about Billy Boy and his gambling is referenced. She complains that he’s always walking a fine line and she finds it exhausting being his safety net. She even describes him as an evil genius!

#3 At The Rate He’s Going Billy Abbot Will Need Some Stress Relief

There’s also the fact that he is in a very stressful position, and this points to him relapsing due to the pressure. Will he once again try to make himself feel better by turning to addictive behavior?

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Where there’s soapy smoke there’s usually a sudsy fire. Billy’s proclivity for rash behavior, paired with lots of talk about his gambling, means there’s a good chance he’ll be blowing Chance Comm. cash at a random poker table in the near future.

It sure looks that way. And if that happens, who or what else will be put in harm’s way?

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  • Guest

    He's already gambling in secret, Amanda finds him.