‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers: Chloe, Adam, Nick, and Chelsea Striving Looking For A Win – Who Will Achieve That Goal?

The Young and the Restless spoilers document four specific aims for victory. But among the lives that will be analyzed below, who, or how many characters will achieve their goal?

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Y&R Spoilers: Four Members Of Genoa City Aim For Victory

The word victory is subjective. In this instance, consider it to be someone who will realize whatever he, or she is currently pursuing.Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson) lost what was then her only daughter going on six years ago. The death of Delia Abbott (Sophie Pollono) isn’t something that she will ever recover from.

Yes, Chloe acted wrongly in trying to blow up the man who accidentally ran Delia down. Yes, Chloe was too impulsive when she filled Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) with lead a few weeks ago.She’s obviously still in need of more than Kevin Fisher’s (Greg Rikaart) love and that of their daughter, Bella Mitchell (Cali May Kinder). Today, all she wants is her life with Kevin and Bella back.

Young And The Restless Spoilers: Adam Newman Didn’t Realize He Hit Delia Abbott

Adam didn’t realize that he’d hit Delia, if that’s what actually happened. Y&R fans know that this particular plot point has never been fully confirmed, as retrospective video evidence was circumstantial and the remnants of Delia’s clothes in his wheel well don’t make him definitively guilty.There’s plenty that can be written about Adam. But let’s leave it at the above. Assume he never was guilty of the crime and all that followed since that October 2013, night could have made his life very different.

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Victor for Adam would be him getting the woman he loves most, Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan), along with his first-born son, Connor Newman (Gunner and Ryder Gadbois), back. And Adam is seeking legal control over his second-born child, Christian, as well.

Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) was fully sincere when he told his brother that he would look out for Connor. Adam (as then played by Justin Hartley) expected to go to jail for an extended period of time when that request was accepted.


Y&R Spoilers: Nick Newman Didn’t Know Christian Was Adam Newman’s Son

Meanwhile, Nick unknowingly raised Adam’s other child, Christian Newman (Jude and Ozzy McGuigen). He doesn’t deserve to lose Christian now, nothing less than retained full custody would be a victory.Chelsea believed that she saw her husband die in a cabin blast. She later came to believe that someone who was once her best friend, Chloe, also died.

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Assuming that she was a widow, Chelsea married again. Her presumed fatherless child was then adopted by her new husband.This lady deserves peace of mind and a safe life with her son. Chelsea’s return to Genoa City, Wisconsin, is an effort to achieve that victory.

As always, more detailed Spoilers and Breaking news will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps!

Chloe MitchellMichael BaldwinThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersYRYR Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Chelsea’s marriage and the adoption ate void. Adam has to be dead 7 years since there was no body. She is still legally Adam’s wife.