The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Climb Into The Y&R Time Machine – A Double Does Of Jeanne Cooper

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Climb Into The Y&R Time Machine - A Double Does Of Jeanne CooperThe Young and the Restless spoilers tease that loyal viewers are about to climb into the hot tub time machine, so grab your towels and Mai Tai’s everyone, because it’s going to be a fun week to remember!

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We have missed the late, great Jeanne Cooper ever since she left the show but now we get double the fun as Y&R travels back in time to a situation when Cooper was Katherine Chancellor and her doppelganger Marge.

In case you didn’t know, Cooper was an actress who enjoyed a decades-long career, and was nominated for ten Daytime Emmy Awards. In 2008 she won the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.

Monday will initiate a full week of Cooper-centric episodes in which we get to see what her character was up to eons ago!

The Young and the Restless Spoilers – Jeanne Cooper Was A Shining Star For The Ages

The incomparable actress died May 8, 2013, at the age of 84. But she reigned supreme on Y&R from 1973 to 2013 as Katherine Chancellor the steely, savvy woman with a heart of gold.

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Throughout the years Katherine married, divorced, and got caught up in some of the wildest schemes seen in the daytime.

And that is exactly what viewers will get to see, Cooper at her finest as she portrays two polar opposite characters at the same time.

Not many actors are able to pull off doppelganger characters believably—Jon Lindstrom as twins Ryan and Kevin Chamberlain on General Hospital is one—but Cooper was stunning in her portrayal of Marge, a con artist who impersonated the great Katherine.

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What will fans see in the flashback episodes? We’ll be introduced to Kay’s then-husband, Rex (Quinn Redeker). He was once in jail and one of his old cell-mates, Clint, sees Marge and sets in motion a devious plan.

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The con teaches Marge how to act like Katherine then kidnapped the real deal and put in her place a large and in charge Marge.

And it worked! For a while. Eventually the trailer trash-Esque Marge was found out but not before she and Clint had a hoot.

Fun fact: Cooper published her autobiography, Not Young, Still Restless: A Memoir in 2012 and it is must-reading for Y&R fans!

Jeanne CooperThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersYRYR Spoilers
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  • Jezz

    Yes, I was getting really sick of watching what should now be renamed The Old Phyllis Show. It’s a real shame it takes a pandemic and the current shows recordings to stop to get to see anything of the the shows better actors and characters like Paul, Christine etc. I had not actually seen the costume ball and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ester getting a chance to dance and shine. When the show resumes after this terrible time I hope it will return with better writing. It would be great to see some stories which give all the characters stories and screen time. I am tired of the show being all about Phyllis, putting her in everything and with characters which are silly and don’t make sense. The story with Abby is childish and pathetic. The actors playing Abby and Chance deserve better. As for Phyllis with Nick it’s revolting and more like cheap porn than acting. I’m surprised JM hasn’t quite it’s so degrading. This Phyllis is a terrible actress, it’s like watching a bad school play where the mom has paid for books or sports equipment so her talentless child can get a leading role. The original show is being repeated in the nick of time because the current writers and their obsession with Phyllis is running it into the ground.