The Young and The Restless Spoilers Friday, August 18: Hillary Airs Dirty Laundry, Cane Gloats – Phyllis Furious At Jack, Quits Team

The Young and The Restless Spoilers Friday, August 18: Hillary Airs Dirty Laundry, Cane Gloats - Phyllis Furious At Jack, Quits Team“The Young and The Restless” spoilers indicate Friday, August 18th’s episode is full of all the great Friday cliffhanger drama we all just love. However, the only love going on in Friday show is the love/hate kind, as in we love to hate. We love to hate the juicy gossip, we love the gossip and hate the one delivering it. Something Hillary Curtis (Mishael Morgan) knows all too well as the host of the Hillary Hour on GC Buzz. Hillary loves to get all the juicy, late breaking, exclusive news, especially when she stumbles across it personally.

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Once again Hillary just happens to be in the right place at the right time. As she was leaving her suite at the GCAC and hears Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) blowing up at Benjamin Hockman (Ben Hermes) over their personal and business life. Hillary wasted no time in airing this very juicy tidbit about ‘Brash & Sassy’ financial troubles and who Victoria has shared a bed with. Cane and Ben are seen at the bar at the GCAC when Hillary breaks in her regular show to deliver this late breaking exclusive news. Cane all too happy by this, sends Victoria a text telling her that she needed to turn in on, as it was a must see!

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“Y&R” sources showed us Phyllis was the one to bring Victoria and Brash & Sassy to Benjamin Hochman (Ben Hermes). Phyllis had shared that with Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman), that is when Jack saw the opportunity to make a side-deal with Ben to gather information on Victoria along with Brash & Sassy. Now Phyllis has learned that Cane is also involved in this takedown Jack is planning.

Previews reveal a frustrated Phyllis in a tense conversation with Jack. “You and Cane are dying to bring Billy down” Phyllis continues, “You can consider me off the team!” Considering the outcome, it can affect Phyllis relationship with Billy. Will Jack get Phyllis to change her mind? She seems to be in the ‘I’m damned if I do, and I damned if I don’t” kind of situation.  What do you think Phyllis should do?

Catch “The Young and The Restless” weekdays on CBS. Be sure to check back often at Celebrating the Soaps, your “Y&R” source for news, updates, spoilers and so much more!

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