The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Theo Investigates The Abbotts, Up To No Good?

Young And The Restless Spoilers: Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson)The Young and The Restless spoilers tease that Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson) will do some investigation about his newfound family the Abbotts in upcoming episodes.

AMP in the post

Theo just found out he is his friend Kyle Abbott’s (Michael Mealor) cousin and that Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) is his uncle. He has met his grandmother Dina Mergeron (Marla Adams) who gave his father, Eric Vanderway (Jon Briddell) away as a baby. Of course, Theo will want to learn as much as possible about his new birth family and will want to investigate for that reason, but will he fulfill Kyle’s fears and investigate the Abbotts in nefarious ways as well?

Even though Kyle and Theo were close friends who partied together in New York, and know where some of each other’s bodies are buried, so to speak, since coming back to Genoa City and marrying Lola Rosales (Sasha Calle), he wants nothing more to do with Theo.

Young And The Restless Spoilers – Kyle Abbott Thinks He’ll Rob Them Blind

He knows what Theo is capable of and what Theo is capable of could be a threat to the family, not only because he considers Theo to have no morals, but also financially. He wouldn’t put it past Theo to rob the family blind, not to mention ruining their reputation!

In the weekly Y&R promo “Discoveries And Threats” Kyle, after being told in no uncertain terms by his father Jack that Theo is family and that he expects Theo to feel welcome, apparently talks to Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) about Theo.

AMP in the post

Billy and Kyle have not agreed on a lot work-wise lately, with the rivalry between the two for the corner office and Kyle being made to feel subordinate by Billy, but they do agree on this one thing – Theo is definitely a threat. Will Theo prove them right by investigating them in a manner that could erupt in scandals and ruined reputations?

Young And The Restless Spoilers – From Influencer To Cutthroat Corporate Spy?

Theo is a master influencer. It’s what he does for a living, although he doesn’t currently have one at the moment. An influencer is like a marketer, promoting companies and products on the internet by presenting them in a positive light and wanting to sway people towards those companies and products.

If Theo wanted to move from master influencer to cutthroat corporate spy he could do so very easily. He would be cutting off his nose to spite his face though since Jabot and the Abbott companies are now his legacies as well, but this is exactly what Kyle and Billy both fear that he will do!

AMP in the post

Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

Kyle AbbottLola RosalesThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersYRYR Spoilers
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  • Guest

    What am I missing. Dina is the mother. She got pregnant in high school to this Stewart Brooks person. Mother and father. She wasn’t married to John. So how is Theo an Abbott??? Maybe Jack’s step brother…but is he entitled to anything the Abbott’s have. NO.

  • Guest

    I am wondering the same thing. How can he possibly be entitled to anything. I’m confused on that one. Dont think this storyline was thought out

  • Guest

    Dina’s baby was adopted by the Vanderways. Dina’s baby was Eric Vanderway. Then Eric had a son named Theo Vanderway. That would make him Dina’s grandson. Dina married John Abbott, so her grandchild would be an Abbott grandchild.

  • Atley Jackson

    This show is driving me crazy, but I can’t not watch it.. from the start I knew that Theo is not an Abbott at all. Stuart Brooks and Dina got together and had a baby boy, who they put up for adoption, he was adopted by a good family, and was named Eric Vanderlay and Theo is the son of Eric making him Dina’s grandson but not an Abbott, so he shouldn’t be treated as one, not given a job at Jabot, I think the brookes had money maybe he should look them up. I understand what Kyle is feeling and I can’t believe no body is giving him some slack for what he is going thru, he knows the guy really well. He isn’t as good a influencer as people think, everyone he is calling wants nothing to do with him, so now I can see him trying to take whatever Jack has to offer, whether it is a job or money. This is going to go on for a long time I think, unfortunately.

  • Atley Jackson

    This storyline is nuts, I can barely watch it. Jack treating him like he’s a Abbott when he’s not is crazy. Send him to the Brooke’s I’m pretty sure they had/have money.

  • Sunni928

    And Jack gives him a history of the Abbott and Brooks family, with contact info. Also, articles from the newspapers, about their history.

    I wonder what Theo was asking Jack about – if his father is really dead as he has told Kyle.!!! He seemed to be very concerned about publicity – is it because his father is NOT dead, as he has claimed??????????? or maybe he isn’t Eric Vanderkley’s son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sunni928

    @Atley jackson – And Jack gives him a history of the Abbott and Brooks family, with contact info. Also, articles from the newspapers, about their history.

    I wonder what Theo was asking Jack about – if his father is really dead as he has told Kyle.!!! He seemed to be very concerned about publicity – is it because his father is NOT dead, as he has claimed??????????? or maybe he isn’t Eric Vanderkley’s son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sunni928

    @Af – I agree, Af. I think Kyle should get Theo’s DNA from a straw, like Theo possibly did, and run his own test. Kyle should also investigate whether Theo even worked at the restaurant that Theo claimed that he did. It shouldn’t be that hard, Kyle could claim to be checking Theo’s references for a job that he applied for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Atley Jackson

    Hey Sunni, well it seems his father is dead since we see him sitting at either Society where he practically lives now a days, lol but he pulls out his fathers pocket watch and starts talking to his father and out of the corner of the room/wall out comes his father, so he pretty much seems dead. His dad seemed to be telling him that his own family was enough for him, in other words he didn’t need go looking for another family, not that he did but maybe after his little talk with dad, he may lay off of the Abbotts which would relieve Kyle, and he would be following his dads wishes. Now if he does get more involved with them then I would say he def. is going to be after something. It just drives me nuts tho that Jack is almost treating him like an Abbott, as if he belongs in the house and at Jabot, and seeing as how he is losing what clients he even had I can see him taking a job at Jabot, which would tick Billy off as well, as John was Billys dad not Eric Vanderlay’s father, send him over to the Brooks sisters.