The Young and the Restless (YR) Poll: Will Adam and Victor Go To Jail For Crimes Committed?

The Young and The Restless: Adam Newman (Mark Grossman), Victor Newman (Eric Braeden)Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) believes his father is guilty of a crime committed in Kansas on ‘The Young and the Restless’. Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) either already knows that his son is guilty of a crime committed in Nevada, or he soon will.

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This poll question assumes that both Newman men are guilty of self-defense, or defense crimes that resulted in two men’s deaths. With that presumption, the question then becomes will Adam and Victor both go to jail? Of course, alternative scenarios, where one of the two men remain free, or neither lands behind bars are also plausible.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Why Did A.J. Montalvo Die?

Viewers first saw A.J. Montalvo’s (apart not known to have been cast) name when Victor pulled a folder from a cabinet that is in the hallway outside of the main house’s living room at the Ranch. The ‘Moustache’ had a forlorn look on his face as he reread old newspaper clippings that detailed A.J.’s demise and Cliff Wilson’s (David Cowgill) death, that was assumed to have resulted accidentally through the reckless behavior of a drunk driver.

Alyssa Montalvo (Maria DiDomenico) is A.J.’s daughter, Adam’s childhood friend, and potentially, the lady who will help Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) to stop Grossman’s character from blackmailing Victor. DiDomenico’s newly introduced character is currently compromised by a ruse Adam and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) are pushing. But Vickie is determined to change the dynamic that’s in play by working with Alyssa, who wants her story put before the public so that justice can be furthered.

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Y&R Spoilers – Alyssa Montalvo’s Knowledge Can’t Be Buried

Learning that her father was killed and didn’t accidentally fall from a barn loft, as she was originally told during her youth, stunned Alyssa. She was commissioned by Adam to learn what really happened and concluded, after a rapid reporter search, that Victor killed her father.

Adam was provided with a box of supposed evidence. He also independently contacted a friend who works at a bank in Kansas, where his mother, Hope Wilson (Signy Coleman), and Cliff, who was Adam’s stepfather, had an account.

Learning that Cliff was in financial distress and had accepted money from A.J., who was known to be a loan shark, chilled Adam. Proof of a large deposit into Cliff’s account, with no known transfer payments following, was disturbing. Adam came to believe that A.J. sent one of his associates to pressure Cliff into paying, but because that muscle man was drunk the message resulted in an unintended car crash, where both men died.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Life-Altering Moment In Vegas

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Chance Chancellor (Donny Boaz) and Adam discussed what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada when both of their characters were off-script. Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) secretly recorded that conversation and used it as blackmail to push Chelsea out of the Grand Phoenix Hotel.

Victor’s contacts previously informed him that his son was alive, had amnesia, and was living as ‘Spider’, as viewers came to see last year. That implies Victor knows about Adam having killed the man Chance was after and who lunged at ‘Spider’.

Considering the above, Adam could turn his father into the authorities. Victor could also report Adam’s crime. Of course, flashback scenes haven’t been shown that prove, or clear, either man.

Fans of ‘The Young and the Restless’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, will Adam and Victor go to jail? Please vote in our poll!

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Adam NewmanChloe MitchellThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersVictor NewmanYRYR Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Victor gets out of everything. If Adam killed AJ he was too young to be prosecuted at the time and as for Vegas he was defending Chance.