Young and the Restless News: Heather Tom Opens Up About Emotional Return

 Young and the Restless News: Heather Tom Opens Up About Emotional ReturnThe Bold and the Beautiful star Heather Tom (Katie Logan) recently had an emotional return to The Young and the Restless. But it wasn’t to play a character in front of the cameras. Instead, she was behind the cameras. The stunning brunette got a chance to call the shots while directing a very special episode of the hit CBS show. And according to Heather, it was a very emotional experience for her. Here’s what you need to know.

AMP in the post

As many fans can recall, Heather used to play Victoria Newman before making her way to The Bold and the Beautiful. The character now belongs to actress Amelia Heinle. And while Heather is enjoying her time at the soap’s sister show, she definitely misses Genoa City and all of the wonderful friends, co-stars and cast mates that she left behind.

According to Soaps in Depth, Heather had this to say about working with all of her former co-stars on The Young and the Restless, “Such an extraordinary amount of talented people. Powerful full circle moment to come home to The Young and the Restless to direct an episode.”

Now, as far as whether or not Heather would ever return to Genoa City full time remains to be seen. For now, it looks like she’s got plenty of work to do over at The Bold and the Beautiful. Her character, Katie Logan, has recently reignited her relationship with her longtime love, Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). But knowing what kind of guy Bill is, there’s a chance that Katie might experience just as much heartbreak as she will love. Either way, we will definitely be rooting for her in the coming weeks!

With that said, we also have a feeling that Heather might be doing even more directorial work in the future. After all, it’s a passion of hers that she enjoys very much. It’s so great to see a talented soap star like Heather Tom work both in front and behind the cameras. We are keeping our fingers crossed that we see much more of her and her work in the coming months!

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So Y&R fans, what do you think about these “Young and the Restless” spoilers? Voice your opinion in the comments below and don’t forget to check Celebrating The Soaps often for the latest “Young and the Restless”spoilers, rumors, updates and news.

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  • Guest

    I sure do , that was awhile ago …. she gave Nikki and Victor a run for their money I may add . She did a good job as Victoria .

  • Guest

    She was absolutely magnificent: classy, ladylike, strong and fearless. She dominated every sceen and I’ve missed her ever since. Her character in Bold and Beautiful do not compare to her time in Y&R.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Yes. Amelia is a way better Victoria though.

  • Guest

    yes and i loved her as Victoria….she is the main reason i now watch B&B

  • Guest

    I second that

  • Guest

    I I loved her as Victoria, Wish She would come back. Don’t have to be Victoria though

  • trina98

    I do remember she was the young Victoria and she was very good ..I only started following B&B because she and Don Diamont were on it!

  • trina98

    Amelia has played the older Victoria so hard to really gage Heather Tom was very young teenager /young adult she was good …Heathers brother was also on Y&R for a bit.

  • trina98

    I am so tired of Phyllis and Adam send them somewhere far far away the writing is absolutely horrendous and they aren’t much better with the acting!

  • Guest

    Take adam off the show ….he is a lousy actor…and the story line needs to change…tired of child custody caseE….get some grown up ideas.