Young and the Restless News: Lauralee Bell Suffers Devastating Loss

The Young And The Restless: Lauralee Bell (Christine Cricket Blair)The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal that there is sad news to pass along as actress Lauralee Bell (Christine Williams) has experienced the loss of her precious dog Bo. The loss of Bo sadly comes not long after Lauralee said goodbye to another beloved pet dog, Couver, just weeks ago.

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The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Condolences Go Out To Lauralee Bell And Her Family

Lauralee shared the sad news with her fans via Instagram.

This is what she posted: “I’ve waited a few days to post this because I wanted to keep things positive with the excitement of the Emmys plus this was very hard but so many of you have been so sweet and loving where our dogs are concerned so I needed to explain what has happened I never would’ve thought when I took this picture the first week of May that Bo (right) wouldn’t be here now.”

Y&R spoilers – Lauralee Has Lost Two Beloved Pets

She went on to say, “We had just lost his older brother Couver then this last month seizures and a stroke came out of nowhere for him. Hoping he found his brother over the rainbow bridge (a term l learned from my animal lovers out there as I had never heard that comforting visual).

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Lauralee posted a beautiful picture of herself with Bo and his twin sister Chelsea, whom she referenced, saying, “Stay close as your twin & sidekick Chelsea here needs to feel you around us. I will always miss my morning gift of that look in photo #2 that you gave so often! RIP ❤️ We can’t believe you’re gone!”

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Many Fans And Costars Responded To Lauralee With Love And Support

Many fans and castmates sent their condolences to Lauralee, expressing their sorrow. Among them was former costar Jerry Douglas (the late John Abbott) who wrote, “You are a dear loving woman, just like u’re Mom!!” Jerry is referring to Lauralee’s mom, the late Lee Phillip Bell who along with her late husband Bill Bell created The Young and the Restless and its sister soap The Bold and the Beautiful.

Other fans replied, “Sending you lots of 🙏🙏 and hugs! I have been in your spot and I know the pain 😢,” and “Oh so sad – breaks my heart for your family. They are beautiful and you’ll never forget how much joy they brought to your life. ❤️ 🌈.”

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  • Guest

    Well, to be sure, a pet is a family member, so it’s always a very sad loss when we have to say good-bye to our sweet fur babies, but geez! The headline made it seem like her husband or brother had been murdered! “Suffers a devastating loss!” Yes, it’s very sad, but what would the headline read if her husband or brother had actually been murdered?! If you use too much hyperbole there’s nowhere higher to go! It’s very sad to lose pets, for sure, but a spouse or family member being murdered is truly a devastating loss! In fact, that was the exact headline when Jennifer Hudson’s family was murdered. So dial back the hyperbole & go for a realistic headline. I promise you, everyone will still click onto it & will read it! If it said the truth: “Lauralee’s beloved pet dies” a zillion of us would want to read all about it!

  • Guest

    So sorry for this loss. Hard to lose one dog, but two so close..Sympathies

  • Guest

    RIP Bo. His sister will be sad for a long time missing her brother.

  • Guest

    Sending prayers for comfort.