Young And The Restless Rumors: Who Is Ripley Turner And How Is He Related To Amanda And Hilary?

AMP in the post

The Young and The Restless spoilers tease that Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) might do a little digging into this “Ripley Turner” he found mentioned in the dossier that Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) brought over to him about Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) and possibly bring trouble to town for Amanda with his digging! But the question is, who exactly is Ripley Turner, and how might he be related to Amanda, as well as Devon’s late wife, Hilary Hamilton (Mishael Morgan)?

Young & The Restless Spoilers – Hilary Hamilton’s Real Name Was Ann Turner

Long time viewers of The Young and The Restless will recall that Hilary’s real name was Ann Turner, and she was the daughter of Rose Turner, (Leslie Stevens) a single woman who was dating Gus Rogan (Tony Todd). Much like Amanda Sinclair, after Ann found out her mother died, she dropped off the radar and changed her name to Hilary Curtis.

She originally came to Genoa City trying to get revenge on Neil Winters (Kristoff St. John) whom she had blamed for her mother’s death, because she found out Neil had been the last man to see Rose alive, after having had a few drinks in a bar with her she became extremely drunk and he’d booked her a hotel room and assumed she’d just passed out from being drunk and would recover after a good night’s sleep, but unfortunately she died in her sleep. Devon so far has not made a connection between Hilary’s real name and Ripley Turner; will he before he stirs up too much trouble for Amanda with his digging into her past?

Y&R Spoilers – Amanda Sinclair Also Dropped Off The Radar And Is Tracking Someone To Make Sure He Doesn’t Find Her

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Amanda, like Hilary, also dropped off the radar and paid to have herself wiped from the internet and more than likely has also changed her name. According to Victor’s dossier, she put a restraining order on Ripley Turner and he put one on her.

Why he would put one on her is a mystery, if he is the one that she is running from! Perhaps he wants to draw attention away from himself should something untoward happen to Amanda so he won’t be a suspect! But it has to be more than a coincidence that his last name is Turner, just as it has to be more than a coincidence that Amanda looks like Hilary’s doppelganger! Hilary never mentioned a sister, let alone a twin sister; Amanda, if she did know she had a twin sister, is not admitting it!

Young & The Restless Spoilers – Too Many Coincidences: Who Might Ripley Turner Be?

Whoever Ripley is, Amanda is apparently deathly afraid of him! Most viewers of The Young and The Restless have assumed he was an abusive ex- husband or boyfriend, and she has told Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) that she grew up an orphan, in foster homes. One scenario that might tie together Hilary, Amanda, and Ripley, is that perhaps Ripley Turner was Rose Turner’s husband, and Amanda and Hilary’s birth father; Ripley may have been abusive both to Rose and to the twins, and a divorce took place when they were just babies, and he got one, Amanda, and she got the other, Hilary.

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Amanda could have been put into the foster care system when abuse was discovered and her birth father may have been trying to reclaim her ever since and since she remembers the abuse – which may have included being locked in closets – noted by Cane Ashby (Daniel Goddard) when they were locked in her Grand Phoenix suite during the hostage crisis – it’s quite likely she never got over the abuse and wiped her identity off the internet so he couldn’t find her!

Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless, and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!


Devon HamiltonHilary CurtisThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersYRYR Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Of course Amanda is Hillarys twin.Just like Cassie and Mariah Cane had a twin also just a repeat of days gone by.Send Theo away from Kyle and Lola and send Phyllis somewhere other than hitting the sheets with Chance.Please do not even go there.l don’t think Chance would lower himself.Phyllis should mind her own buisness what happened in Vegas stayes in Vegas and is none of her buisness.