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The Young and the Restless – AJ Montalvo “Fell” Out Of A Barn Loft While Cliff Wilson Was The Victim Of A Drunk Driver
As viewers of The Young and The Restless will recall, AJ Montalvo (uncast character) who was Alyssa’s father “fell” out of a barn loft to his death, while Adam’s stepfather, Cliff Wilson (uncast character) was the victim of a drunk driver. Victor had been in Leavenworth, Kansas which is the town that Hope Adams Wilson’s (Signy Coleman) farm, where Adam grew up as Adam Wilson is close to.
Victor had left Genoa City and his life there behind, and was presumed dead, and arrived there just in time to save a blind Hope from a rapist. He stayed there a while, having heard from a friend that everyone back in Genoa City thought he was dead. Victor and Hope’s romance was cut short when she told Victor she had become engaged to her longtime friend, Cliff Wilson.
But Hope was obviously torn between Cliff and Victor, and broke up with Cliff and returned with Victor to Genoa City. When she found out Victor had an ex-wife and children there, she didn’t want to interfere between Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) and Victor reconciling, so she returned to Kansas. However, Victor followed her. Victor and Hope slept together and later became engaged and then married, and she found out she was pregnant with Adam.
Victor wanted her to abort and she left him and returned to Kansas. She began spending time with Cliff again, and they eventually married, and a few years later Victor showed up. He met Adam at that time, and the two spent some time together, but Adam didn’t know Victor was his birth father until he became an adult.
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Y&R Spoilers – Adam Newman And Victor Newman Meet At Crimson Lights
Adam sets up a meeting with Victor at Crimson Lights, and of course Victor is suspicious as to why Adam has arranged this meeting. Adam is antagonistic, and he guesses it is because he is more like his father when it comes to being ruthless, that their relationship has always been so complicated.
Victor had thought they were finally on a better footing with each other than they had been, and so had Adam, until he picked Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) to run Newman Enterprises while Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) recovers from her stab wound and the emotional aftermath of the attack, Nick had previously not wanted the position, and yet Victor offered it to him and he accepted it after he acted like he had considered Adam’s offer, which he had meant as an offer to pitch in and help in the family business, and so now Adam feels betrayed and rejected.
Adam tells Victor what he has found out and gives him the terms that Victor will need to adhere to in order for Adam to not make the damning information public. He tries to leverage Victor with the intel, which is the implication that Victor set up the murders of both AJ and Cliff, and possibly pushed AJ out of the barn loft himself. Time will tell as to how seriously Victor takes Adam’s threats!
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Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless, and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently, for all the latest news, updates and developments!
What about Devon And Elena how could Nate do this go along with such
Im always on Victors side why not this with Cliff and some guy A. j why now like this was years ago why put this in the storyline and I’m so sick of Mariah and Tessa like its boreing to watch and wtf so Amanda?lost her memory hilliary she. Is really Hillary wtf Nate likes her to Amanda