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The Young and the Restless spoilers document that Amanda Sinclair’s (Mishael Morgan) resistance to Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) came to a swift end. What appears to be the start of a complicated relationship with possible kindred souls has begun.
The shocking appearance of Ripley Turner (Christian Keyes) in Amanda’s suite at the Grand Phoenix hotel coincided with Billy’s knock at her door. No confrontation occurred, as the new character, Keyes is portraying left without incident. What was notable is that Amanda took emotional comfort in Billy’s arms.
The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Villy Ends On Billy Abbott’s Call
Vickie Newman (Amelia Heinle) didn’t end Villy this time. Instead, in a soapy twist, Billy opted to end their latest relationship. He modernized finding himself phrase by citing the need to discover his authentic self, which translates in any era to a focus on oneself.
Choosing to upend the family he and Vickie fought so hard to restore is a selfish act. However, viewers also know that at his core, Billy isn’t a selfish soul, but a poor one. The man needs psychological help, which is proven by last summer’s chilling Chancellor boat house incident, his doctor’s recommendation, and various acts of recklessness in recent weeks.
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Y&R Spoilers – Amanda Sinclair’s Past Not Yet In Focus
Why did Ripley have a protection from abuse order issued against Amanda? She also had one issued against him. So, which came first and what were the exact claims on these subjective legal papers?
With whatever was true, what’s clear is that Amanda was involved in a relationship that she perceived as unhealthy. Placing a global positioning system tracking device on Ripley’s car couldn’t possibly have been legal, as Amanda surely knows.
Hearing the attorney’s description of Ripley as charismatic, but troubled can’t be accepted as truth. Instead, that’s Amanda’s opinion. Clearly, her view of this one-time significant other changed, as did his take on her. Did both people overreact, was one, or the other right, wrong, or fall somewhere in between on the perception scale?
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The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Bamanda Cues As Drama-filled
Writing Morgan’s newest character together with Thompson’s looks to be a stroke of genius. Few could claim to have seen this coming when clearly a repairing of Morgan with Bryton James (Devon Hamilton) seemed a cinch.
Amanda may prove to be Hilary Hamilton’s (Morgan’s initial role on the show), identical twin sister. Ripley shares the same last name as Hilary’s mother, which shouldn’t be a coincidence. But the intent in Y&R reaching out to Morgan to return to the cast and her acceptance in doing so surely wasn’t to revisit old storylines.
Bamanda is already creating compelling drama. More is sure to come, as Billy and Amanda continue to click and clash. Yes, this is good soap.
Celebrating The Soaps is a leading source for everything linked to The Young and the Restless. Check back regularly for Y&R spoilers and news!