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Young And The Restless Spoilers: Chelsea Ends Up Pregnant, Adam Has To Choose Between Billy Raising His Child Or Keeping Sally

Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers indicate some explosive moments ahead. As Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) and Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) desperately try to keep their one-nighter in Baltimore a secret, a plot twist could arise that would leave Adam with a moral dilemma.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Nothing Is Ever A Coincidence In The Land Of Genoa City

Y&R spoilers remind fans that this past week, Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) grieved the one-year loss of Baby Ava.

Viewers may recall that Adam was given the difficult task of choosing between his baby’s life or saving Sally’s life after complications arose in Ms. Spectra’s pregnancy.

Young And The Restless Spoilers: Chelsea Ends Up Pregnant, Adam Has To Choose Between Billy Raising His Child Or Keeping Sally

It’s interesting the show chose to commemorate this sad event. The Y&R does tend to do this, now and again.

However, considering all the moving pieces in their current storyline, it’s hard not to think that the soap is reminding fans of how devastating Sally’s baby loss was in order to usher in a new arc.

Imagine how much more upset she’d be if she found out Adam impregnated another woman.

Y&R Spoilers – Chelsea Lawson Ends Up Pregnant

Y&R spoilers note that Chelsea could end up expecting. One would think that this would be “the thing” to expose their one-nighter as Adam has such a huge desire to become a father again.

Still, he knows all too well that if the news came out that he got Chelsea pregnant, Sally would break up with him instantly.

There’s no room for infidelity in their relationship, and she would drop him like a bad habit and never look back.

The two struggled with their last romantic reunion and all bets would be off if they broke up this time, especially over an affair.

But would Adam and Chelsea agree to continue to cover up their cheating lie? Adam doesn’t want to lose Sally and Chelsea doesn’t want to lose Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson); however, they would if the truth came out. Plus, could Adam allow his child to be raised by Billy Abbott of all people?

While Adam has enjoyed watching and raising Connor Newman (Judah Mackey), his other son Christian Newman (Alex Wilson) has been raised by his half-brother Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow), which has been a difficult pill for Adam to swallow.

Losing one son and watching another man raise him is one thing, Adam likely wouldn’t sit back and allow that to happen a second time. Although if it meant keeping Sally, maybe he would?

What happens if Chelsea ends up pregnant? Share your thoughts below. Watch Y&R on CBS daily to catch all the Genoa City drama and visit this site often for the best Young and the Restless updates, spoilers, and news.

  1. Joe says

    If this is where this storyline is going then it’s not entertaining nor is it worth watching. This is the same thing that was done to Sally on the young and the restless. This baby moma drama is not worth watching.

    1. noellastober says

      You are so correct This crap has to end To keep going over and over on the same stuff is just not to be tolerated anymore Bottom line, the show need new writers because there is nothing new these guys can come up with Fans are annoyed and will be leaving in droves

  2. Lisa says

    There is no need in it!

  3. Robyn says

    I am not surprised at all, as a matter fact, waiting for the other shoe to drop that Sally is pregnant too won’t that be special! This is after all the young and the restless I actually have no more words I am losing interest completely in the show as a whole!

    1. Nancy McKee says

      Me too….too much round n round stuff going on

      1. Syloan Jacobs says

        True alot of Round and round stuff but look on the bright side, it’s a whole lot faster then the Bold and The Beautiful

  4. Lonna says

    I hate this whole drama between the Adam/Chelsea Sally/Billy crap. For once can Sally get to be happy with Adam? The pregnancy storyline is ridiculous and we would only get to see Chelsea freak out more, which in turn will make Billy ask 500 times ” what aren’t you telling me Chelsea? ” It’s not something I want to spend 3/4 of the week watching. This show definitely needs something new, like a long vacation for Chelsea, Connor and Billy.

    1. Patricia says

      Agree. However, the baby maybe Billy’s. Paternity test will be needed. I so dislike this storyline. So dislike Conner in this crisis. Dislike Chelsea and Adam’s choice.

  5. […] Both parents are learning how to relate to their now-grown daughter decades after Jordan’s revenge kidnapping plot forever altered their family. […]

  6. Gary Colborn says

    Please don’t let Chelsea be pregnant, I am really tired of everyone having babies by someone other than their spouse or partner. Also don’t have Billy step down from Abbott Chandlers, have him prove everyone wrong and actually beat Victor, Victor doesn’t need anymore Companies also have Devon suffer a big loss.

  7. Gary Colborn says

    Please don’t let Chelsea be pregnant, I am really tired of everyone having babies by someone other than their spouse or partner. Also don’t have Billy step down from Abbott Chandlers, have him prove everyone wrong and actually beat Victor, Victor doesn’t need anymore Companies also have Devon suffer a big loss.

  8. Cowboys says

    Terrible story!! I am so bored with this show. There is nothing exciting happening. Adam fought so hard for Sally and now we are supposed to believe he’d do this. Nah.. 3 mentally ill people in one show. Corporations boring! No wonder I like General Hospital much more! Get some fresh writers!

  9. San says

    Just allow Sally to be truly loved ,marry have a baby for once stop the back and forth with Adam and Chelsea also stop making Sharon out to be crazy I mean her character wasn’t like that for yrs until the last 5 yrs enough is enough

    1. Lynelll says

      I agree let’s just sweep the Adam /Chelsea thing under the rug just like they did with Billy and Summer so we can move on already. Geese, I record them because I’m at work and then I come home to just forward through everything because it’s just oh soooo tired and repetitive

  10. Soni says

    If Chelsie and Adam ruin what he has with Sally I will quit watching the show!!!

  11. Theresa says

    It would be very interesting if young and the restless made Chelsea and Sally, both pregnant for Adam. after watching Young and the restless for 40+ years and Sally gets her heartbroken again I would have to stop watching young and the restless. Sally deserves to be married to Adam and raise a family.

  12. Jimmie Ruth Maynor says

    I agree 100 percent with Gary and San!!!!!!

  13. Norma says

    I’m really sick of this storyline also. I’m sick of Billy and even more sick of Chelsea. Now that Connor is home stop- that story here. Let them all get back to their real relationship. I’ve never been a fan of Adam. I would like to see Sally back with Nick.

  14. Gerry Charles says

    Please!!!! Don’t let Chelse be pregnant. She is old enough to use protection; months with Billy – one nite with Adam and gets pregnant—- come on writers!!!! Let Adam and Sally be married and happy. Adam has been the underdog for too long.every adult female on show has a child for someone she is not involved with. Enough already!! Please find Phyllis her own man. Sick of her mean spirit.

  15. Gail says

    No one can ever be happy summer was supposed to be so in love with Kyle and vice versa now they hate each other okay she has a new cousin and now I’ll googly eyes Kyle is for the new cousin I’m sick of the whole thing and Victor need to leave Billy alone and Adam and Sally need to stay together and Billy and Chelsea need to stay together y’all need to do something I’m going to stop watching this show and I’ve been watching it ever since day one

  16. Kay says

    I totally agree with how boring y&r has gotten. Summer &Kyle is ridiculous, Billy & Chelsa, Adam & Sally are totally BORING. WHAT Victor is doing is stupid. Revenge because a friend tried to help a friend? OMG!!!! Sharon is the only interesting story line. And that’s not saying a lot. She’s usually the most boring.

  17. Tujie says

    I have watched Y & R since the very beginning. I used to love it. But it is just repeating storylines, over and over. It’s become very boring!! Enough with all the back stabing and ruthlessness!! For once, can’t there be some happiness in Genawa City? This show has become !!

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