Young and the Restless Spoilers Monday, August 12: Adam’s Business Deal – Victor Offers To Take Care of Adam – Phyllis Receives Shocking News

Young and the Restless Spoilers Monday, August 12: Adam’s Business Deal - Victor Offers To Take Care of Adam - Phyllis Receives Shocking NewsThe Young and the Restless spoilers for Monday August 12th indicate that Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will make a business deal that stuns Phyllis Newman (Michelle Stafford), while Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) plots to take down Adam.

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Young and the Restless Spoilers – Phyllis learns about Summer’s antics

At Society, Phyllis and Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) are having a meeting about designs for Grand Phoenix. Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson) comes up and talks about Abby and Summer Newman’s (Hunter King) catfight at the party. Abby chastises Theo for blurting it out, then explains to Phyllis what happened with Summer.

Phyllis admonishes Abby and says she doesn’t want any drama at the hotel’s grand opening. Theo remarks that a scandal would help with the grand opening, then Phyllis orders him to run an errand. Phyllis once again turns the discussion back to Summer and states that Abby is jealous of Summer and has a lack of respect. Abby tells Phyllis that nobody in Genoa City respects her, then leaves.

Later Abby arrives and she chats with Victor about his treatment. Then talks turns to Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic), and Abby says she’s unsure of their relationship. Abby informs him about her fight with Summer, then says she’s working with Phyllis. Victor praises her work, but warns her to keep an eye on Phyllis. Abby then talks about working with Adam, and Victor expresses his regret over bringing him home.

Young and the Restless Spoilers – Nick seeks Victor’s help

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At his house, Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) is on the phone with Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan). He say he was worried about her, but she assures him that she’s fine, then tells him she’s got to go.

Victor is sitting in his office, feeling weak and looks up at his portrait. Nick arrives to talk about how Phyllis helped get the properties back to Newman Enterprises. Victor wonders why Nick didn’t keep them, and he responds that he doesn’t want them and wants to start with a clean slate. The discussion then turns to Adam. Nick tells Victor about Adam telling Christian the truth about his paternity. Victor says he regrets bringing Adam back to Genoa City and informs Nick that he’ll handle Adam.

After Nick leaves, Victor makes a call and tells the person that his grandson’s future is at stake.

Young and the Restless Spoilers – Adam and Connor bond

Chelsea is still at Adam’s penthouse, watching Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) bond with his dad. Adam thanks her for bringing Connor over and tells her that she’s an amazing mother for raising a remarkable kid. Chelsea says Connor seems happy, and Adam asks Chelsea if Connor can live with him. The two begin to argue, and Chelsea says he isn’t going to use Connor like he used Christian Newman (Jude and Ozzy McGuigen) against Nick. Adam talks about going to court, and Chelsea says he’ll never win.

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Connor appears and notices the tension between his parents. Chelsea tells Connor it’s time to go, and Adam says he’ll see him soon.

Chelsea and Connor arrive home, where the two are arguing. Connor says he wants to live with Adam and accuses Chelsea of lying to him about Adam being dead. Chelsea say she doesn’t understand her reason for not telling him, but Connor won’t listen and accuses her of keeping him away from his dad.

Nick arrives home just as Connor is yelling at Chelsea, then the boy storms off.

Chelsea explains to Nick that Adam wants Connor to live with him, and Nick says the boy doesn’t understand what’s going on. Nick becomes annoyed when she says seeing Adam with Connor reminded her of the old Adam. Chelsea wonders how she’s going to handle the situation. Nick asks if she’s contemplating running away again. She says no and that if she did, Adam would find her. She expresses her desire that Adam’s love for Connor will outweigh his anger towards the world.

Young and the Restless Spoilers – Adam’s business deal

Adam meets with Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) to discuss selling Grand Phoenix. Devon wonders why Adam isn’t selling the hotel to Phyllis, he says that it’s too risky and that the property is Devon’s.

Phyllis is at Dark Horse talking to Theo about his business ideas, but advises him on working on his social skills. After Theo leaves, Adam arrives. He makes a joke about Theo being Phyllis’ boy toy, then talks about being reunited with Connor.

Discussion turns to Grand Phoenix, Phyllis says she’s still raising funds to purchase it, then Adam tells her that he offered the hotel to Devon. He then tells Phyllis that Dark Horse is dead and for Phyllis to pack her stuff. An upset Phyllis says he’s a man who has nothing, but Adam vows he’ll be on top of the world with his sons. Stay tuned to Y&R to find out!

Adam NewmanPhyllis SummersThe Young and the RestlessThe Young and the Restless SpoilersYRYR Spoilers
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  • Guest

    Adam needs a reality check.1st of all no judge is going to give him full custody of Connor Adam should think himself lucky Chelsea even brought Connor to even see him.Why doesnt the whole Newman clan come to grips with each other there is a little boy called Christian that’s life has been turned upside down and the Newmans should think about that they all need to set aside their differences and think of Christian for a change Adam is going about trying to get custody of Christian all wrong.Nick needs a good lawyer to fight for him and needs to get a new paternity test .Maybe Christian is really his after all

  • Guest

    I hope Adam keeps fighting for custody of his two son’s Connor and Christian
    Victor to stay away from his other little kids problems as in Nick & Victoria
    Adam doesn’t have a dad, he died and went to heaven same as his late mom Hope.
    he is here all by himself trying to do the right thing after been apart from his two son’s
    and whose against it is cry baby Nick, Victoria the lap dog, Victor the control freak,
    sometimes I wish they’d all get along, always have to interfere and these kids can’t
    fight their own battles always need daddy around, brats. Adam has Michael as his
    lawyer and as for Nick there is someone coming and its Brittany maybe she’ll be his
    lawyer and when she was his before and he was fighting his dad for custody of Christian
    he lied in court saying the real dad died and not coming back but surprise he is alive and
    come back fighting all the NEWMAN TRIO.

  • Guest

    No Nick needs a reality check not Adam!
    oh yeah you want to bet and the judge will know Christian and Connor are Adam’s son
    not Nick’s cause he is just a cry baby uncle. Its not wrong that the real dad Adam
    is going after custody of his two boys, its wrong for Nick!
    Christian and Connor are Adam’s and Nick tried that in the hospital the test came out
    as ADAM’s not NICK’S

  • Guest

    Blue b.So this man not suppose to have no children , lucky really! you must have just started looking at this soap? What Adam wants he gets that why Victor has to step in poor bonnet on the wrong team!