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Young and the Restless Spoilers: Paris Plane Crash Causes Massive Injury For Kyle – Summer Fights The Abbotts For Harrison’s Custody

Young and the Restless Spoilers: Paris Plane Crash Causes Massive Injury For Kyle – Summer Fights The Abbotts For Harrison’s CustodyYoung and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers suggest that Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) has decided to take little Harrison Abbott (Redding Munsell) on a trip to Paris as he conducts business for Glissade. Of course, he’s only doing it to get under Summer Newman’s (Allison Lanier) skin, but could the plane ride end in disaster?

Y&R Spoilers: The Plane To Paris Crashes

Y&R spoilers note that Summer is mainly mad because Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) and Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) will be in attendance on said business trip. She really shouldn’t perceive either woman as a threat, but sadly, she does.

What if the plane goes down? What if everyone sustains some sort of injury? Through a miracle, Harrison may walk away with just scratches and bruises. Everyone else could deal with injuries of their own, but what if Kyle bears the brunt of it?

Y&R Spoilers: Summer Newman Decides To Take Full Custody Of Harrison

With Kyle down and out in a coma due to injuries, this would be Summer’s perfect opportunity to snag Harrison. She genuinely loves the little boy and he’d be fine under his stepmom’s supervision; however, would Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Diane Abbott (Susan Walters) be okay with this?

On one hand, they might be. They both adore Summer and understand she genuinely cares for Harrison. On the other, this is a soap opera, so Summer becoming Harrison’s full-time guardian could rub them the wrong way.

If Kyle ends up quite injured, both of his parents will reel from guilt. They may know the issues Summer has caused Kyle when it comes to custody of Harrison, and they may want to fight Ms. Newman on their son’s behalf as he won’t be physically able to.

Y&R Spoilers: The Moustache Gets Involved

Y&R spoilers note that Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) has his sights set on bringing Jack Abbott down, so if he were to come between Summer and Harrison, you know the Moustache would get involved.

In fact, if Victor used his resources and powers, there’s a good chance Summer could get sole custody of Harrison, even if Kyle isn’t in a coma.

If Kyle gets injured in a plane crash, would Summer try to gain access to a sole custody agreement for Harrison? Share your thoughts below!

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  1. Joe says

    I think summer should have no party in Harrison life anymore. That’s boy has a mother and father still living and if it was me after the divorce i would not have her with easy access to my son because that will only confuse him. Summer doesn’t want Kyle to move on . That’s why she don’t want Kyle to move out so she can come and go whenever it suits her. She gets to dictate who Kyle can serve or be around. Kyle needs to man up and tell her to get lost. Tara Locke should come back and put summer in her place.

    1. Karen says

      I agree. Summer really needs to be taught a lesson,the world doesnt revolve around her

      1. Jo says

        They need to bring Tara Lock back, Harrison’s mother.

        1. Connie says

          Totally agree

    2. Cynthia says

      I agree summer as move on so why does she care about who kyle see are who looks after Harrison she really doesn’t have any rights to Harrison she is just the step mom Harrison real mother needs to come back to town and put summer in her place summer is really getting on my nerves she think she is suppose to get everything she wants.

    3. Ashley says

      I can’t wait for Tara to come back

      1. Sarah R Lloyd says

        I would like to see Tara Locke reprise again because she is Harrison mother. Why was Harrison not told about his mother.

    4. Veronica says

      I don’t want to see Harrison with Summer I’m getting tried of the Newman’s Victor and his whole ungrateful family right now i like Adman please make it so jack come on top

    5. Kris Marie says

      Absolutely agree. Summer is a spoiled brat and she’s acting like the birth mother, which she isn’t. Why doesn’t she marry Chance and have a kid with him?

    6. Barbara says

      It’s time for Harrison’s mother to come to Genoa City to get her son. I’m tired of Summer acting like Harrison is her blood son and doing things to Kyle cause she thinks he is having an affair with Audra and she’s dating Chance. And listening to her crazy mother. She needs a rude awakening.

  2. Jean Miller says

    No way shoukd Summer have sole custody of Harrison … I don’t recall her legally adopting the boy – she’s only his step mother because of marriage. Summers claims of my son, I’m his mother, blah blah blah are over the top sickening anymore. Bring his REAL mother back to raise him if Kyke is unable to .. that shoukd shut Summer up.

    1. Mlc says

      You’re exactly right she never adopted Harrison. She’s just his step mother. She has no permission from Tara to adopt Harrison.

  3. Donna says

    Sleazy move, but Summer is her mother’s daughter. Summer has no legal claim to the kid since his birth parents are both alive. At best, Jack & Diane could be awarded temporary custody while Kyle is incapacitated and his birth mother is still in jail.

  4. Zita says

    Summer has no rights to Harrison sure he loves her as his mom. Jack needs his eyes to Diane. She needs to make major mistakes to show Kyle was right about her she doesn’t have the skills to be in executive position.

    1. DC says

      I totally agree!!

  5. Jo says

    I still think Diane is working with someone we the spectators have not heard of yet to take Jabot from the Abbot Family. I want to see Jack’s face when he finds out that Diane was playing him all along……

    1. DC says

      Me too!!

  6. Connie says

    Tucker was great. They need to bring him back to sort out the triangle.

    1. Sims says

      I think so to I have always liked him in one life to live. I wish they would that soap back

  7. Dorothy says

    I hate these clickbait articles disguised as spoilers. This is all hypothetical storytelling. None of these possible scenarios have ever occurred. Everyone hates Summer and CBS is destroying this show with the Summer storyline, and the repeat Adam vs the Newmans! It’s been time to unite the Newmans, yes, that means everyone, including Adam, getting along as a family. Sally and Nick should have stayed together as a couple despite the fans desire for her and Adam getting back together. When Victor and Nikki were first introduced as a couple, everyone hated it. Now they are the most loved couple in the history of the show. Sally and Nick should be reunited as a couple. Nick gave Sally substance. He treated her like an equal made her stand out. Everyone could predict that she and Adam were going to be a couple again and that the paternity test would name Adam as the father.
    Billy is too arrogant and needs to be knocked down a notch. Devon and Abby should stay together forever but, the writers will find a way to screw that storyline up! Claire’s storyline is beautiful right now. The way she is getting to know her family, and Victoria’s love for Claire is so inspiring. Claire’s innocence is what every show needs. I pray that the writers don’t corrupt or get rid of her. The fans love Claire, and we need a hero like her.
    The Young and the Restless has got to be more original than it is now. Expand the character list. Hire new writers. Do something to keep this show a dynasty instead of becoming a dinosaur. I know people who record the show on their dvr so they can fast forward the boring storylines (Jack and Dianne)!

  8. Rene says

    Summer is no longer his step mother if they are divorced! She needs to quit! Diane needs to stop should never had taken that position!

  9. Rene says

    The reason I say no longer a step is because a man can get married again, so how many or who’ll be the step mom then? Once a divorce happens (unless blood related) that person is removed. No one has/keeps five step parents (exaggeration of course) just saying Summer needs to sit down somewhere, Kyle is doing nothing wrong, so she has no rights, even if he was the next of kin would get custody

  10. Stacy says

    So sick of summer and her whining. Bring Tara back and let her fight for her son. Claire is boring. Over this story line. Sick of the feud between Victor and Jack. So yesterday. Same old, same old. Would like to see Sharon and Nick get back together again. Not really following the Devon and Billy story, just another boring storyline.

  11. Gary Colborn says

    I’d like to see Nick and Phyllis back together, and help to get Summer of Harrison, also I would like to see for once Victor lose his desire to take over Chancelor from Jill. He has more money than he needs and doesn’t need to become the king of billionaires controlling everything in Genalcity. Also knock Devon off his high horse, and have he. Lose alot of money. He forgot where he came from.

    1. Judy says

      I really like summer and she loves harrison,she would make a great mother,don’t let Diane get her hands on him,she will ruin him.I like jack,he could make a good Grandpa!

  12. Cheryl says

    OMG seriously!!! Summer is the one that should be on a plane…as she goes to stop them and HER plane goes down and she NEVER recovers. Well maybe Poppy and/or Shelia needs to pay Summer a visit. Sorry I dislike Summer and her childish ways. She’ll never grow up. It’s the actress that plays the roll of Summer that is just made summer a spoiled brat. At least Hunter played a better Summer. I don’t understand how Chance puts up with Summer. Seems he has lowered his standards.

  13. Cheryl says

    As far as Devon is…. He has definitely lost his way. His character has lost my respect. Sad but true. Nick and Sharon should get together again. Need the next love couple, that will last for many years to come. Tracy and Alan way to go, she deserves to be happy. Hopefully she gets it.

  14. sandra atkins says

    please let summer get a reality check soon. I am so sick of her and Phyllis. The feud between jack and victor is so outdated. I hate victor. Please let billy succeed for once. And take Devon down a notch. Send Lily back to winters, so billy can be done with her. Let Kyle and Tara get married and raise their son together.

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