Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers suggest that Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) could return to Genoa City now that Jeremy Stark (James Hyde) is dead and gone. If Phyllis shows up in town alive, this could exonerate Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) from the charges she’s up against. If and when Red does return to GC, could Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) see her in a new light?
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The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Phyllis Summers Counts Her Blessings & Moves On
Y&R spoilers suggest there could be a plot twist in this storyline. Phyllis made a major mistake by partnering up with Stark and faking her death. She crossed a thousand lines, but at least she saw firsthand the hurt that her kids endured. There’s a good chance the Red will come back to GC, pin the blame on Jeremy, claim she was held against her will, and own up to stabbing him in an act of self-defense.
With that said, Diane will be released from jail and Phyllis may decide to make amends and move on. Her hatred and rivalry with Jenkins took her to a dark place; somewhere she may never want to go again. Phyllis has likely learned a valuable lesson, and in an effort to not dig a deeper hole, she’ll walk away from the situation and focus on her kids, family, and loved ones.
Y&R Spoilers – Will Diane Jenkins Be Ready To “Move Forward”?
This new leaf Phyllis turns may not sit well with Diane. After all, Phyllis will stroll back into town, turn into a heroine, and everyone will shower her with attention. People will feel bad for not only how they treated her before she “died” but the ordeal she’s been through. Jenkins will not only be jealous of the Phyllis lovefest, but she’ll also be skeptical of Ms. Summers’s story and feel as if she can “smell a rat”.
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Much like this attitude turned Jack off when Phyllis was the one who had it, Diane refusing to “let things go” will rub Abbott the wrong way. He’s always loved Red, but what broke them up the last time around was her obsession with Diane. If she lets go of it, will Jack see Phyllis in a new light?
Could Phack enjoy a romantic reunion once Red is back in town? Leave your thoughts in the comment section! Tune into the Y&R daily on CBS to see what happens next, and visit this site for all the latest Young and the Restless spoilers and news.
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Get rid of Diane!!! Put Jack & Red back together & let it last. Put some happiness back in The Y & R. Too much drama & back stabbing in our world, would love to have a soap with happiness in it!!!!
Jack and red belong together!!!!!
Yes red and Jack do belong together. If it weren’t for Victor they would still be together.
your so right diane get her off the show ,can’t stand her
I hope when Phyllis comes back and Jack wants her again, she flat out tells him NO!
Please do not! Put Jack and Phillis back!
Jack and Diane should be together, they have way more chemistry
I totally agree. Phyllis has always been a train wreck and will likely always be. The 3 old biddies on this show that took it upon themselves to run Diane out of town all need therapy. 20 years have gone by. They need to get over it. Don’t you just love when Nikki gets that I’m better than you look and she actually does look down on the little people with her face all screwed up. Don’t forget where you came from Nikki
AGREED! Diane is way more laid back. That is EXACTLY what she and Jack need. Phyllis is TOO high maintenance. I am so very tired of her temper fits and her trying to control everybody. She needs help. She needs therapy to learn how NOT to treat people. She NEEDS to get a grip once and for all. Her loud mouth rants get on my last nerve. Hope Chance and Christine lock her up for a LONG TIME.
I agree.Jack and Diane belong together.
Yes they do for sure
I would love to see Phyllis and Jack back together!! Phyllis comes back blaming Stark for all of this mess. Diane is freed but with Jack seeing Phyllis in a new light. Diane will move on
This sounds great. I’ve always liked Jack and Phyllis. Diane just doesn’t have the fire that Phyllis has.
I think Phyliis and Stark would have made a beautiful couple. They could have everything at their liking. Too bad writers suck. Should have had this all as a dream.
I totally agree. Stark was a welcome addition to this “once great soap”. The writers suck. I have watched since the beginning and am disgusted with their story lines. I find that I am now shutting it off and turning to other channels part way thru the episodes. Stark and Red would be dynamic. Phyllis killing him, covered in blood. (her so tiny!) Give me a break. Then she already has a body bag and is disposing of body. God Lord. Ridiculous.
I agree with the writers stupid stories it’s madning
And stop messing with Adam and sally Adam is one of the best actors on that show
I had just about enough of Phyllis! I like Jack and Diane
together. Phyllis gets away with too much stuff.
Why is it that she don’t get what’s coming to her?
You writers need to do better with these story lines.
AGREED!! 200%
No jack and Diane does not belong together I want the writers to put Jack and Phyllis back together if it was not for Diane jack and Phyllis would still be together jack well regret ever giving Diane the benefit of the doubt so writers please put jack and Phyllis back together I pray that jack and Diane does not get married and that Phyllis well stop it if not Phyllis someone else
I totally agree. I like Jack and Diane together. Phyllis can leave and take her daughter with her….
Yes, Phyllis & Jack back together. I can’t stand Diane send her back where she came from.
Phyllis supposedly has blood all over her hands, the scissors and the towel but she did not get any blood on the white blanket while she wrapped him in it??? Hmmmm
She should be locked up for ever. I was one of the people who wanted this Phyllis back and now I wish she wasn’t back. She’s a whacko. I hope when she comes back, Jack does see her in a better light and tells her where to go. She lied so much to Summer about Diane. Diane never searched out Phyllis it was always the other way around. I can’t stand Phyllis anymore or Nikki or Ashley. I hope Tucker leaves town and leaves Ashley in the dust. Talk about mixed signals. She’s another one who doesn’t know what she wants. Maybe I should stop watching…lol
I agree with you Norma C. Every word you say lol
Oh no! Worst thing could happen make feel like heroine. Best storyline would be she ask Diane for forgiveness because the same thing Jeremy tried to do her is what Diane was trying to tell everyone but no one believed her. Physalis still a dirty person. She is definitely one person that has not changed. See how easy for her to join Starks
Yes Jack and Red back together!! Get rid of Diane can’t stand her .
I would love too see Phyllis and Jack together I think they make a good couple not only did Jack dump her like a dog but she still loves him and he loves her.
Yes! Phyllis and Jacks love story deserves a new start.. they are good for each other and Diane deserves to see what love really looks like… ✌
Diane need to get out of Jack’s life and put Jack and Phyllis back together and let Jack married Phyllis and not Diane I can’t stand Diane when she first came back to town Diane had her eyes on Jack and Jack and Phyllis was together until Diane came between them now I praying that Jack and Phyllis gets back together
I agree 100 percent that Diane came between jack and Phyllis I can’t stand diane
Diane did not come between Jack and Phyllis Diane can be sitting at the bar at the hotel and Phyllis always be jumping in Diane face Phyllis can see Diane when she and Jack get off the elevator and Phyllis go on button her blouse and Jack be noticing it and feeling some mess up her hair a little bit and then when she get off the elevator she go to button up her blouse smiling and breathing all hard so Diane can get jealous and Jack peed that out what Phyllis was doing so he left Phyllis alone
I would love Jack to finally see Phyllis is the true love of his life. Diane is a manipulating narsis who will only cause him and his family pain. Kick her to the curb Jack. She will never change.
DO NOT want to see Jack with Phyllis!
Get rid of Diane, never liked her! Jack and his Red belong together
I hope Phyllis comes back saying Jeremy drugged her,married her, took her money, and that he was working with Diane to get rid of her. it’s fine with me if they leave Diane in jail for a very long time
Why drag the body out of the room if you were held against will etc? More believable to just call chance or whomever. Jack has turned into a wet noodle. Phyllis needs someone exciting and new. I thought Stark would be that but….. Smh. Ready for this whole overdone story to be done.
I love Phyllis and her imperfections! Diane in the very beginning tried to drive Phyllis crazy. Everyone walked in on Phyllis lashing out at Diane. But it was Diane who was the instigator and no one caught realized it. I loved Red and Jack’s deep connection and wanted to see them together. Diane did purposely go after everything Phyllis had or loved. She even tried to turn Summer against her. So yes I want bigger than life Phyllis to be cherished and loved. I never liked Diane’s manipulative character from the get go.
I love Phyllis and her imperfections! Diane in the very beginning tried to drive Phyllis crazy. Everyone walked in on Phyllis lashing out at Diane. But it was Diane who was the instigator and no onel realized it. I loved Red and Jack’s deep connection and wanted to see them together. Diane did purposely go after everything Phyllis had or loved. She even tried to turn Summer against her. So yes I want bigger than life Phyllis to be cherished and loved. I never liked Diane’s manipulative character from the get go.
This show has no sass anymore because the best storyline was Adam and Sally. Nick needs to be with Sharon and stop doing the same storyline for 50 years which is boring. Adam and Sally has more chemistry because they love each other. Jack has always loved Red because she was feisty; Diane killed Jacks son would be a good storyline and she is married to Jeremy! Adam deserves some happiness instead of always being put down. I stopped watching the show because it is always the same storyline!
Do not put Jack with Phyllis because there going to be a problem because their is another person involved and that is the EMT driver he knows Phyllis was involved with Jeremy.. and he coming back to blackmail Phyllis..LEAVE my Jack with Diane let DiDi alone..Jack and Diane
Yes get Phyllis and Jack back together.
This is the worst story line Red being stupid after all the good friends her and Jack was getting back..Now I can’t even watch it.. Cause our Red don’t have a good story line.. You can just put Red with someone else…Adam, not put him with Sharon..she needs something new also.. Come on writer..revamp the people..more men’s to choose from.
I hope jack sees how wrong Diane is and reconnects with phyllis
I was hoping that Phyllis was gone. Not crazy about Diane either. Jack has the worse trouble with finding the perfect woman for him. Summer and Kyle are the perfect match but they are getting boring. Bring Harrison’s mother back. That might throw a kink in the Summer/Kyle love fest. Victor has turned into a grumpy old man that thinks he rules the world. With all that being said, I love the Young and Restless and never miss an episode. Also record every episode.
Phyllis and Jack should not be put back together. Diane may have done some things that were very hurtful to others in the past especially to Kyle and Jack, but she has worked hard on changing. Phyllis should not get a pass. She should be held accountable for her criminal actions. Also, Ashley is very judgemental and I hope she realizes how she played a part in bringing Jeremy Starks to town. Also, I hope Summer realizes how she needs to see how her moms actions resulted in this criminal activity.
Phyllis’s character is bipolar if you look at past episodes and that doesn’t go away bipolars don’t have relationships they have hostages and I think Phyllis the character should get what’s coming to her with all the grief she’s caught
I agree with Norma C up yonder. I will definitely be so disappointed if Jack and Phyllis get back “on track” but this is a train wreck for sure. seriously??? jack wake up and smell more of Diane please, however, Diane needs to shut up and not fan the flames, she should not have TORN up Phyllis OBIT… oh well, write on weiters. I guess you know how to keep us all on the edge of our seats….
YES, Jack and Red belong together. Diane is the scheming one that always manages to cone between them. She’s not the little miss goodie two shoes that she wants everyone to think she is. She doesn’t deserve Jack and Jack deserves to have Red back. Come on writers! Put them back together where they belong!