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CBS Young and the Restless Spoilers – Adam Newman Dug Up Dirt On Victor Newman That Turned Out To Be Dirt About Himself
Viewers of The Young and The Restless will recall that Adam dug up dirt on Victor from years ago in Kansas that really turned out to be dirt about himself, although he refused to believe the truth when Victor told him. He, Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) and Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) had gone on a trip down to Kansas near the farm where Adam grew up with his mother and Adam had run into a childhood friend who had grown up to be an investigative reporter, Alyssa Montalvo (Maria DiDomenica).
As they compared notes on their fathers’ deaths, and how Adam and his mother didn’t attend Alyssa’s father’s funeral but Hope sent a pie, and Victor was in town all at that same time, they realized that something fishy had gone on and both started digging into the past. They found out that Adam’s father, Cliff Wilson (uncast) was killed by a drunk driver that Alyssa’s father, AJ Montalvo (uncredited) possibly may have hired because Cliff had borrowed money from AJ, who was a loan shark, and then the coroner was paid off to change AJ’s cause of death to an accident.
AJ’s body had been moved to below the barn under a window in the hayloft and his head had been placed on a large rock to show that the blunt force trauma to his head had been caused by landing on the rock. It was believable enough, but unfortunately for Victor – Adam, and Alyssa dug up all the details and she got the coroner to confess. Adam used the intel to leverage Victor into making him CEO of Newman Enterprises, unseating Victoria who practically disowned her father, and her brother Nick sided in with her!
Y&R Spoilers 2020 – Adam Newman Himself Killed AJ Montalvo
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Adam himself, at the age of eleven, killed AJ, but it was in defense of his mother Hope, who was blind. At eleven years old Adam took it upon himself to be the man of the house after his father died – who it turned out had nothing to do with AJ Montalvo, it was just a commonplace drunk driver’s fault. AJ had confronted Hope about the money that Cliff had owed him, and things became ugly.
Adam came up behind him and hit AJ in the back of the head and knocked him out, and apparently hard enough to kill him, and Hope called Victor to come quickly. Victor found a catatonic Adam who was scared to death and had blocked everything out, and Hope and Adam hadn’t gone to the funeral because Hope didn’t want Adam’s memories jogged. It probably would have been better for Victor to put Adam into trauma treatment and the boy certainly wouldn’t have stood trial for murder at that young age.
But, he went along with Hope and proceeded to have the handyman, George, help him move AJ’s body from the house and stage it like he’d fallen from a great height from the barn loft onto the rock, and paid off the coroner for the coverup.
Victor told Adam the truth but he didn’t believe it, and Victoria understood somewhat when Nikki told her the truth, but things were left unresolved between Victor and Victoria and Nick, and Adam had accused Victor of making the story up to cover for himself, and Victor seemed a defeated man for the first time in his life as Nikki tried to comfort him in the last scene before the show went on enforced hiatus. Will Victor and Nikki ever be able to heal their broken family? Time will tell, but they all have a lot of work to do, preferably in family therapy!
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Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless, and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
Yes Nikki & Victor belong together. They’ve struggled together they many ups & downs but always find their way back to each other.
Yes but she needs to think about Victor other children instead of wanting everything for her all the time