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Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tessa walks out
At the apartment, Mariah is shocked to see Tessa and wants to know why she’s home. Tessa said she came home to surprise Mariah, then inquires about what’s going on with Mariah and Lindsay (Kirby Bliss Blanton). Mariah brings up about how she was upset seeing a shirtless Tanner Watts (Chase Coleman) answer the phone. Tessa says she didn’t cheat on her with Tanner, then asks if Mariah was unfaithful to her.
Mariah denies sleeping with Lindsay, but Tessa says the evidence is in front of her. She then storms out. Mariah is upset and Lindsay comforts her and says she can fix this. Mariah says Tessa won’t talk to her, and once again cries that she didn’t cheat on Tessa. Mariah says there’s no way Tessa will ever trust her again. Lindsay tells Mariah she has the support of her family and friends, and Mariah thanks her for being there.
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Reed visits Victoria
Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) is at the ranch and is surprised when Reed comes in. She hugs her son and says she’s glad he’s here. Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) comments that Reed made it in time before the ice storm hits. Reed says Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) explained everything that’s happened. Reed wants to know how Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) can hurt Victoria after everything she went through with JT Hellstrom (Thad Luckinbill). Victoria says she doesn’t want to discuss Billy and claims she’s done with him.
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Young and the Restless Spoilers: Victor’s decision
Nick is at the ranch with his parents and Victoria when Reed arrives. He stays a while, then is getting ready to leave. Victor tells him he’s made a decision, and Adam Newman’s (Mark Grossman) the only person who can run Newman Enterprises. Nick is stunned and wishes his father good luck with his choice, then leaves. Nikki and Victor then discuss his decision, and she wonders if Adam can be trusted.
Meanwhile, Adam and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) are at Society, and she knows he’s anxious to hear about Victor’s decision. Adam comments Victor would rather let the company go under than put him in charge. Then Adam’s phone buzzes, it’s Victor requesting that he come to the ranch.
Later when Adam and Chelsea arrive at the ranch, Adam gets right down to business. He says there’s always strings attached and wants to know what he has to do to earn prove his loyalty to Victor. Nikki and Chelsea check on the kids as the ice storm continues. Victor then learns that a big tree has fallen down on the ranch. Victoria then comes downstairs, and Adam comments it’s going to be a long night and they have a lot to discuss.
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Sharon comforts Mariah
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At Sharon Newman’s (Sharon Case) house, she complains of nausea and being exhausted. She then expresses her worry that her chemo appointment will be cancelled if the numbers aren’t good. Faith Newman (Alyvia Alyn Lind) comes down just as Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso) gets a call to come into work. Sharon tells him to go because she’ll be fine.
After Rey leaves, Sharon and Faith talk. When Faith mentions a tuna sandwich, Sharon throws up. Faith apologizes, and Sharon assures her its okay. Faith goes back upstairs to do her homework just as Mariah arrives. Mariah starts to get emotional as she explains how her life is a big dumpster fire. Mariah explains everything that’s gone down with her and Tessa. Sharon says that Tessa should’ve been honest about Tanner from the beginning, and brings up all the pain she’s put Mariah through. Mariah mentions she didn’t tell Tessa about Sharon’s cancer because of Tanner. When Mariah asks Sharon’s advice on how to fix things with Tessa, Sharon says Mariah already knows the answer. Faith comes back downstairs just as the ice storm is about to begin.
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Phyllis is stranded
At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) stops by Amanda Sinclair’s (Mishel Morgan) hotel suite. The two women chat, and Amanda reveals that Ripley Turner (Christian Keyes) was arrested. Amanda becomes emotional as she talks about Ripley’s plan to kill her. Phyllis says the main thing is she’s alright, and she’s away from controlling men. She tells Amanda she’s safe now. Phyllis hugs her, then says she needs to go out, but will be back.
Phyllis arrives at Nick’s place with takeout food. When she inquires about Summer Newman (Hunter King), Nick says she’s working late at Jabot. As Phyllis is setting out the food, Nick brings up their kiss at the gala. Nick says a reunion with them can’t happen. Phyllis comments about Nick thinking so highly of himself, then says that wasn’t the reason for the kiss. She says she needs help with some expansion properties. Nick talks about the hotel and wonders what tricks Phyllis pulled to get Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) and Chelsea to give up their shares. Phyllis says she did what she had to do and doesn’t need his approval. She then leaves, but returns moments later saying there’s ice all over the road and she’s stuck here.
The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tuesday, March 3 – Mariah Denies Cheating On Tessa – Reed Visits Victoria – Adam To Be In Charge At Newman #YR #YoungandRestless #YRSpoilers #CBSDaytime #CBSSoaps #GenoaCity #DaytimeSpoilers #DaytimeTV #DaytimeDrama
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) March 2, 2020
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Elena’s clinic
Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) and Elena Dawson (Brytni Sarpy) are at Crimson Lights discussing the approaching ice storm. Elena says the new clinic is about ready to open and give him a key to the place. Amanda then comes in and the couple approaches her. They talk about Ripley and offer their apologies to her. Amanda thanks them and says she knows Colin Atkinson (Tristan Rogers) returned the money, and she’s happy for Devon. He then says that if Amanda is setting up a law practice, he can help her find an office space. Amanda says she hasn’t made a decision about her future yet. She then says her goodbyes and leaves.
Later Elena takes Devon to see the new clinic and he loves it. He tells her he’s proud of her and they start kissing just as Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) arrives. He tells them the storm’s getting worse and the roads are bad. The trio then realizes they’re stuck there for the night.
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