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Phyllis is at Crimson Lights when she spots Nick, she pounds and yells at the jukebox to get his attention. Nick laughs at Phyllis’ act, then she jokes that the coffee house needs a new jukebox because Danny Romalotti’s (Michael Damian) records are on there.
The two sit down for coffee and chat about Phyllis’ firing, and Chelsea living with Adam Newman (Mark Grossman). Phyllis comments that if Nick had dumped Chelsea and continued with his political campaign, he could be a councilman. Not wanting to argue, Nick leaves but says that Phyllis’ rant at the jukebox put a smile on his face.
Y&R Spoilers–Adam Newman And Chelsea Newman Are Worried About Thier Son!
Meanwhile, at the penthouse, Chelsea arrives home and Adam says that Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) is upstairs. They talk about how upset they are with Connor’s lie about Sharon Newman (Sharon Case). Adam thinks they should call him out on his behavior, but Chelsea thinks they need to be better parents and says they’re lying to Connor too. She says the living situation is making Connor believe they’re getting back together when it’s not true.
Adam tells Chelsea they’re just trying to be a family, and she feels they need to tell him this living situation isn’t forever. Adam believes Nick is behind Chelsea wanting to take Connor’s safe space away. An annoyed Chelsea starts to defend Nick as the couple’s argument heats up. Adam accuses Chelsea of shattering Connor’s world, and she’s about to leave when Connor comes down begging her not to go.
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The couple comforts Connor, who believes it’s Sharon’s fault. Adam denies Sharon’s involved in this as Connor says the monster wants Chelsea to leave. Connor then says when they’re not together everything goes wrong. Chelsea continues to comfort Connor, then promises him she’s coming home.
Later Chelsea arrives at Nick’s place and is upset about Connor. Nick says that Christian Newman (Alex Wilson) was asking when she and Connor were coming home, but Nick didn’t know what to say to his son. Chelsea says that she loves them, but she needs to put Connor first. Nick says he’s tried to be understanding but doesn’t know if he can keep going through this. He then asks if Chelsea can keep doing this.
Back at the penthouse, Adam ignores a call from Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) as Connor awakens, wondering when Chelsea’s coming home.
The Young and the Restless Spoilers — Billy Abbott’s Day
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At home, Billy is trying to assemble a dollhouse and talks about how it needs to be perfect. He picks up a male doll and says the doll never broke it’s wife’s heart. Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) and loves the dollhouse Billy put together for Katie Abbott (Sierra Mercuri).
Billy swigs a beer as he says the dollhouse is a bit off. Victoria brings up the subject of her and Billy about not seeing each other. Billy says he’s been busy, but Victoria feels he’s avoiding her. Billy says he’s just trying to figure things out, and Victoria voices her support.
As Victoria takes a call from work, Billy wonders why he’s holding back. When Victoria returns, Billy can’t open up to her and instead settles for a kiss. The two then make love, then afterward dresses for work. After Victoria leaves, Billy wonders what to do. He grabs a card and writes Hey Beautiful on it.
Victoria stops by Society to get takeout and Abby asks about Billy. Victoria says she and Billy are reconnecting, then Victoria inquires about Abby’s happy attitude. Abby doesn’t reveal anything for fear of jinxing it.
When Victoria arrives at Newman Enterprises, she sends an I love you text to Billy.
Billy arrives at the dive bar and sits with Amanda Sinclair (Mishel Morgan). The two chat and Billy says everything in his life is perfect, except him. Amanda says she knows what he means, then comments about leaving baggage behind. They then switch the topic to Hilary. Billy says he liked Hilary but is curious about who Amanda is. Amanda responds that she’s someone who is learning to trust others. The two have a few drinks as they talk about how they’re quite a pair.
Y&R Spoilers–Chance Chancellor’s Decision
At the Grand Phoenix, Chance is waiting for Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) who is at Society. Phyllis arrives and immediately confronts Chance about his role in her firing. Phyllis says she will prove her innocence. Annoyed with Phyllis, Chance tells her to take her problems somewhere else, and she mentions Las Vegas. Chance believes she’s bluffing, but she mentions a duffel bag and gun.
Chance says he was doing undercover work, then she mentions the sleazy guy was the one with the gun. Chance says Phyllis needs to get another job, but she says it won’t be that easy getting rid of her. She says she knows he and Adam were involved in something big, and she’s going to find out what it is. The two continue to trade barbs, and Chance says Phyllis’ life must be so pathetic that she needs to dig up dirt on other people.
Later Abby arrives at the hotel to see Chance. She apologizes for him having to deal with Phyllis, then asks about his decision towards the head of the security position. Chance says it’s a good offer, but he’ll have to turn it down. He tells Abby he plans to stay in town and asks her on a date.
Stay tuned to Y&R and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
Chelsea date is a disaster because she needs to get Connor some.serous help beyond sharon don’t get me wrong she trying that’s a disturbed boy
Please don’t put Chance and Abby together. Look at him in the pic above. He’s got buck teeth and looks like bugs bunny. I still say he’s too old for Abby.
The writers have really succeeded in making Chelsea look like a complete idiot. Allowing that demon seed of a child to control her every move . She moved into Adam’s with nothing but her purse. And then theres poor pitiful Nick. Good grief …please make these characters stronger
I loved that chance told the old Crow Phyllis to get a life and mind her own business but what would be more believable is these characters avoiding her. For example Abby inviting Chance to her office out of Phyllis’s ear shot and making it clear to Phyllis what an uncouth parasite she is.