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Young and the Restless Spoilers – Billy helps Amanda
Billy and Amanda are in the hotel’s elevator, and she tells him that Rey arrested Ripley Turner (Christian Keyes). She mentions that with him in jail, she’ll be able to rest a little easier. Billy takes Amanda up to the roof so they can have a celebration.
Billy is standing near the edge, and Amanda joins him. He tells her about him and Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) breaking news of their split to the kids. He says in the end it was the right thing to do for both of them. He suggests that he and Amanda yell from the rooftop to celebrate finding their freedom. Amanda joins him in screaming from the rooftop. Amanda gets a kick out of it and thanks Billy. She says she’s found her voice again and is ready to roar.
Later Amanda is at Crimson Lights when Rey comes in with Ripley. Amanda tells Ripley that she holds his future in her hands. She says she hasn’t filed charges yet, and she won’t if he’ll leave town and forget about her. Amanda says she wanted one last face-to-face conversation so she can see his reaction when he realized she now has all the power. Ripley makes a snide comment about Billy. Amanda once again informs Ripley that their relationship is over. If Ripley ever comes near her again, Amanda promise it’ll be the end of his life. Ripley finally realizes coming here was a mistake, and Amanda gives him a plane ticket and orders him to leave. As Ripley leaves, he whispers that Amanda’s not as strong as she appears to be.
Young and the Restless Spoilers – Lola recalls memories of Kyle
Lola Rosales (Sasha Calle) is in her apartment packing up Kyle’s things when Rey arrives. Rey says he knows how difficult it is to end a marriage. Lola says she’s feeling a mixture of emotions including anger and embarrassment. Rey comforts his sister and promises things will get better. He even cracks a joke about how he wishes Arturo Rosales (Jason Canela) were here so they could bust Kyle up. Lola laughs at his joke, then informs him of her plan to visit their mom in Miami. She asks if he wants to come, but Rey declines because he’s busy. She senses something’s wrong and asks if everything’s okay, and he assures her everything’s fine.
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Later Kyle stops by the apartment. He tells Lola about his run-in with Rey, and Lola is amazed he’s still in one piece. Kyle says he agrees with everything Rey said about him. Lola informs him his stuff his packed, and Kyle responds that this is it. He then asks if Lola is okay, and she says she will be eventually. She says people have been asking if they can work out their issues, and she knows they can’t because all hope is lost. Kyle once again apologizes for hurting Lola, and they agree to make things amicable in the divorce. Kyle reassures her that his feelings for her were real, they just weren’t meant to last forever. After Kyle leaves, Lola breaks down as she recalls the memories she and Kyle shared together.
Young and the Restless Spoilers – Rey confronts Kyle, while Nick talks with Summer
Summer Newman (Hunter King) is at Crimson Lights when Phyllis calls her. Her mother wants to know where she was last night, and when Summer is hesitant to answer, Phyllis asks if she and Kyle are already back together. Summer tells her mother she knows what she’s doing as she looks at Kyle, who’s sitting across the table.
Phyllis is thinking of cancelling her trip to stay and help Summer, but Summer assures her mother she’s fine and tells her to go on her trip. Summer hangs up from the call, and Kyle assumes Phyllis is worried about her. Kyle once again tells Summer he’s sorry for breaking her heart, and it took him a long time to realize what he was missing. Kyle kisses Summer’s hand just as Nick comes in to witness the moment.
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Kyle steps onto the patio where he runs into Rey, who confronts him. Rey calls Kyle a dirtbag for hurting his sister and says Lola deserves someone better.
Meanwhile, inside Summer tells her father that she and Kyle are back together. Nick reminds Summer that Kyle’s still a married man. Summer shrugs off his concern and says she and Kyle will be together, and she promise this time she’ll be careful.
When Kyle arrives at Jabot, he explains to Summer how bad he feels about hurting Lola. Summer talks about her and Kyle’s past relationship. She says they weren’t ready then, but they are now.
The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Summer’s Kyle Fling Worries Nick And Phyllis
— SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) February 10, 2020
Young and the Restless Spoilers – Nick warns Phyllis about her plan
Phyllis and Billy run into each other in the lobby of The Grand Phoenix. Judging by her expression he senses she has her eye on a prize and wishes her luck in retrieving it. Phyllis responds that Billy seems much happier than he has in a while. She talks about his past and mentions him gambling away a yacht. Billy says he’s in his prime and it’s only going to get better.
Later Phyllis is getting ready to leave for her trip when Nick stops by to talk about Summer. When he learns she’s planning to follow Chance Chancellor (Donny Boaz) and Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) to Las Vegas, he pleads with her not to go. Phyllis says she can handle the two men and promises she won’t get into trouble. As she’s leaving, Nick shakes his head.
Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless and keep checking The Young and The Restless spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!