Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers suggest some shocking paternity news for Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope), but will it be that “shocking” to anyone if the little one she’s carrying is Adam Newman’s baby? Sure, there’s a chance that it could be Nick Newman’s; however, from the moment Spectra did the deed with Adam, most fans could see where this storyline was headed.
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The Young & The Restless Spoilers – Sally Spectra Learns The Truth, Chloe Fisher Helps Devise A Plan
Y&R spoilers hint that it won’t be long until Sally learns who the father of her baby is. After all, this week she’s getting a paternity test done to see if her current love, the good Newman brother Nick, is her baby’s daddy. She’s also come to terms with not telling Adam about her current expectant mom state, unless “absolutely necessary”.
With Chloe Fisher (Elizabeth Hendrickson) encouraging Spectra to stay “mum” on her pregnancy, it’s not hard to see what could happen here. Sally will learn the truth, and Chloe will convince her that it is in everyone’s best interest to pretend Nick’s the father of this baby.
Y&R Spoilers – Nick Raises Another Child Of Adam’s
Y&R spoilers reveal that things will get messy around Sally’s pregnancy. Nick’s already promised that he’ll support her no matter what. Newman is an incredible person, and father. Any child would be lucky to have him as a dad. Nick would likely be okay with pretending to be the child’s father, knowing that Adam is the bio dad; however, he may not have to. Chloe and Sally could keep the child’s paternity to themselves and let Nick think he’s the baby daddy.
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The truth may not come out until the child is older. Spectra’s little one could very well become Christian 2.0, yet another child of Adam’s that Nick ends up raising as his own. If Adam is the father of Sally’s baby, should she tell him? Should Nick just raise Spectra’s little one alongside Christian or does Adam have a “right” to know? Have your say and leave your comments below! Plus, stay tuned to the CBC soap to see how what will happen with Sally and her baby.
Y&R spoilers tease some major shockers in the land of Genoa City coming up, so keep checking this site for the latest Y&R updates, spoilers, and news!
Enough already with Nick the hero okay?! Adam most definitely has a right to know and I’m so over Nick taking yet another child from Adam, it’s too much and it stinks big time, disgusting! These writers NEVER give Adam a chance, never! No matter where Adam goes he’s always being the “bad seed” to ALL of GC, why?! He’s made amends etc why keep kicking him down ALL the dam time?! It’s so redundant and just poor writing! I’m down to barely watching Y&R maybe twice a week! It’s predictable, it’s boring did I mention stupid?! I’ve been watching from day one of this show so this should show the writers something but it never does, it doesn’t change. Now bringing Heather back? Why no one really remembers her it’s just like how they threw Diane a big story but not the longtime characters like Sharon?! Something smells bad at Y&R and it’s not going to be good!!
Yes Sally should tell Adam. It is not right to let this baby be Nick”s and it is not. How low can you get to punish Adam for dumping her. She got the job. Does Nick want to raise all Adam”s kids. He will probably want to do that. What if baby gets sick and Adam is the one to save it. Then he will know. Geez Adam is always the punching bag. just like Sharon,Eleana. I hate to see these women not put in a good storyline. This storyline is a big No. Tired of it already, let Daniel star with Lilly, Kyle get on same page as Summer. Summer you are doing great. You go girl. Phyllis being Phyllis, Bring Amanda back as Lilly and Jill”s lawyer. Bring Devon and Nick down a notch. Not better than everyone. He is Sally”s protector more than girlfriend. Need to make Adam not like Victoria, or Victor. Adam loves Conner, he is a good dad like Nick. Nick is just to whipped with Sally. Disappointed in Nick”s new character like him the other way. Not at Newman”s or with Sally. At New Hope.
Adam needs to know that it is his baby. It really needs to be Adam’s baby. Sally and Adam made a great couple. Victoria and Nate deserve each other. Jack needs to get rid of Diane. She’s no good. It’s time she moved on
Sally should be honest about the paternity test. If she really does not love Adam, she should tell him they can co-parent and share custody but a loveless relationship would only hurt both of them and the baby.
Adam and Sally are great together they make such a fantastic couple. Adam is also a great father and he deserves to know he is the father of Sally baby. I am so disappointed that Adam broke her heart and they were no longer together. I can’t stand to see her with Nick.What you do in the dark always come to light. I can’t wait to see the look on Nick face when he finds out he is not the father. I will very disappointed if it turns out to be Nick baby.
Another “Who’s the Daddy?” storyline? Enough! And enough of someone changing paternity reports. These are the soaps, we know that. Nate does not deserve Alena. She must know that by now…. Devon and Abby?
Let Adam be the baby daddy and put Adam and Sally together. Dianne do not belong with Jack. She bist to much about it to Phyllis. She got Jack stealing. That don’t make any sense. Get Dianne away from Jack. Let Kyle see Dianne for who she is. She causing problem for Sommer and Kyle. She has lied too much.
Adam should know that the baby is his.Why would they do this again to Adam
I am team Adam with Sally
They don’t give Adam a chance.My fan club is counting on this baby to be Adams.He is treated so bad by his Family
I want Adam to be the father and her and Adam get back together
These new storylines are getting a little bit ridiculous, we are in desperate need of new writers, Adam is always the punching bag, if Adam is the real father then he should know, I’m sick of Sally and Nick and Jack and Diane, I always wanted Nick and Sharon to be together but now that is changed again! I think it’s time that even should stop watching for a week or two and see how the ratings drop ! Come on writers, get your stuff together and enough with the pertenity test and Sally and Nick and Jack and Diane, it seems that everyone else is on the back burner, but since Sally came on the show, it’s all about her , what about the other’s,? They do deserve some storyline!
Yes Sally should tell Adam that’s his baby and Chloe need to go get her up on business and stay out of everybody else’s. Nick need to get him a woman and stop going behind his brother.
Adam is a good man as well as nick, so he has a right to know the truth… I hope the writers of this show do the right thing!
Why you writers always dog Adam out he has the write to know that he is the father of Sally’s baby he’s a better father than Nick are look at poor Christian you never see the kid but we do get to see Adam with Connor and he’s a great father to Connor let the man know that this baby is his Adam is the best Newnan on the show if you asked me how would you writers like if this happen to you in real life because of how you are doing Adam I don’t care is it’s on a tv show are not one day this might come back to bite y’all in the but in real life I’m so sick of Adam being treated like he’s the worst person on the s hi ow I’ve been watching this show since it first came on but this bake the cake thinking Nick are better suited to raise another on of Adam’s son be for real with yourselves this is horrible disgusted stupid and crazy of all of you writers I’m done.
I’m team Adam and Sally. Nick is just to daddy like, even though they do have sex. Adam and Sally were electric and she made him the best version of himself. Just as he got the best out of her too.
Don’t make this a long drawn out pregnancy who’s the daddy please.. nick already is raising his nephew which if Adam’s. They need to get Adam and sally back together and let them be a great couple and parents.