Blue Bloods Spoilers: Detective Abigail Baker In Jeopardy – Is Abigail Hawk Leaving CBS Show?

Blue Bloods Spoilers: Detective Abigail Baker In Jeopardy - Is Abigail Hawk Leaving CBS Show?

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Blue Bloods spoilers tease that Primary Aide to the Commissioner, Abigail Baker’s (Abigail Hawk) life appears to be in jeopardy on the next episode of Blue Bloods, “Happy Endings”, to air on Friday, April 16. Abigail Baker will be assaulted, and work will become personal for New York Police Commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) because of Baker’s assault. Fans want to know if this means Abigail Hawk, her portrayer will be leaving Blue Bloods.

Blue Bloods Spoilers – Blue Bloods Fans Worry About Sudden Exits Of Favorite Characters Since Linda Reagan’s Off Screen Demise

Longtime Blue Bloods viewers will recall when Detective Danny Reagan’s (Donnie Walhberg) wife, Linda Reagan (Amy Carlson) died off screen between two seasons of Blue Bloods. There was no warning and the show had to backtrack later and explain that Linda died in a helicopter crash after the helicopter had been sabotaged by enemies of the Reagans. It turned out that Amy Carlson, the actress who played Linda Reagan had quit in between seasons and the showrunners chose to kill Linda off rather than recast the character.

Fans were upset because Linda didn’t get a proper goodbye on the show or a chance for them to “say goodbye” with a goodbye episode either. Since then, fans get nervous and worry when they see a popular character either disappear and turn into a mentioned only character, or if one is injured, as in Abigail Baker’s case, that she will be killed off like Linda was.

Viewers will remember a few years back that it was Baker’s husband, a policeman on the force was shot and the story played out on screen of a worried Abigail Baker watching over her husband in his hospital room. Now, Primary Aide to the Commissioner, Abigail Baker’s own life is in danger as she comes into the station after being assaulted on the street, apparently on the way to work. Her face is beaten and bloody as she tells her boss, Frank, what happened and fear is in the normally brave Abigail Baker’s face.

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Blue Bloods Spoilers: Detective Abigail Baker In Jeopardy - Is Abigail Hawk Leaving CBS Show?

Blue Bloods Spoilers – Fans Just Had To See Officer Eddie Janko-Reagan Punched Out And Now Abigail Baker

Blue Bloods fans will recall that they just saw Officer Eddie Janko-Reagan (Vanessa Ray) punched out by a perp in the last episode, “Guardian Angels” and now on the next episode “Happy Endings” Baker shows up beaten and bloody! We can be optimistic that the show’s title bodes well for the survival of Abigail Baker on Blue Bloods, and of course her portrayer, Abigail Hawk.

Primary Aide to the Commissioner Abigail Baker is one of the most important characters in the show itself, and a very important person to Frank Reagan and his team, which also includes Deputy Commissioner of Public Information, Garrett Moore (Gregory Jbara) and Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Sid Gormley (Robert Clohessy). Viewers can be sure that Frank and his immediate team, as well as the detectives and officers of the New York Police Department will be making it a priority to solve the brutal beating of one of their own, most certainly as if she were pounding the pavement in a uniform.

Abigail Baker has been pressed in the past, and at one time she did consider leaving the Commissioner’s Office and her position as Primary Aide to the Commissioner for greener – and safer – pastures. But since her husband is a cop, Abigail Baker knows and understands that life all too well, and she should trust her brothers and sisters in blue to solve the crime and punish whoever did this to her.

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Stay tuned to Blue Bloods, and keep checking Blue Bloods spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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