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Blue Bloods Spoilers – Episodes Ten And Eleven’s Titles Revealed
While most of Blue Bloods’ eleventh season is still a mystery to fans, there may be some clues to viewers as to what’s ahead for the Reagans. Episode ten is called “The Common Good”. It will air on April 2. There hasn’t been a lot of information released as to what the episode will be about but the title seems to be a mashup of two previous episodes from a few years back, “The Greater Good” and “Common Ground”. Every Blue Bloods episode usually shows multiple sides of a debated issue, usually talked about at the Sunday dinner. The characters always try to do the best thing, or the good thing, to protect the interests of others.
In “The Common Good”, for instance, we might get Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) discussing the subject of the common good, and there may be differing opinions as to what exactly that common good may be. The greater good would imply a decision would be made that is better for some people, who are a majority, than for others, who are a minority. On the other hand, the common good seems to describe a decision that would be good for everyone equally.
Perhaps in this episode, this is exactly what will happen; a situation will come up where a decision will need to be made that will benefit all involved equally to the exclusion of none. Episode eleven is called “Guardian Angels”. That seems to give a little better idea to what this episode may be about. It sounds like Frank will have to assign some special police protection to someone; possibly a witness, or a victim who is to testify about a crime.
Blue Bloods Spoilers – The Reagans Have Had Losses Of Family Members But Also Had A Discovery Of One Previously Unknown
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Blue Bloods viewers will remember that the oldest Reagan son, Joe Reagan was killed before the series even began. Linda Reagan, (Amy Carlson) Danny Reagan’s wife died in a helicopter crash off screen after season seven. Fans were very upset that she was not given a proper goodbye and the accident was not played out onscreen, but the actress had left the show in between seasons so it was never filmed. Then in season ten, a new Reagan was discovered. Sean Reagan (Andrew Terraciano) had gotten a match from an unknown relative from a DNA network in the episode “Family Secrets” and did some detective work to figure out who this mystery person was. It was discovered that this mystery relative, named Joe Hill (Will Lochman) was a cop in the New York Police Department.
Joe had a girlfriend who no one knew had been pregnant at the time Joe died, and his mother had not told him who his birth father was. Joe was invited to family dinner a couple of times, and was there in the season ten finale, although he hadn’t been regularly seen in season eleven. However, Joe stopped going to family dinners when it got out he was related to the Reagans, and some of his fellow detectives had accused him of lying about it and he got into a fight. The last time he was seen was in season eleven’s episode “Atonement”. There are plans to include Joe in more episodes in the future.
Fans will have to tune in to see exactly what plays out in “Common Good” and “Guardian Angels” airing April 2 and April 9, respectively. Stay tuned to Blue Bloods and keep checking Blue Bloods spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
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