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Blue Bloods Spoilers – Joe Hill Returned To The Family Dinner Table In The Season Finale
Blue Bloods viewers will remember when Joe was first introduced as a member of the Reagan family, namely the newly discovered son of the late Joe Reagan, Joe Hill distanced himself from the family once it got out he was a Reagan. He had been working in the same police precinct as the rest of the Reagans and found he was being treated differently as a Reagan than when he was just Joe Hill, a nobody cop. He even refused to start attending the Reagan Sunday family dinners, even though he had been invited and included.
But in the season finale, Joe finally made it to dinner, and fans hope it means they’ll be seeing more of him in the new season. In a recent interview with “TV Insider” the showrunner for Blue Bloods, Kevin Wade talked about the possibility of more Joe Hill for the new season. Considering the show already has a very large ensemble class, a fact that has been noted by Donnie Wahlberg on occasion as it being difficult for all the actors to get to know one another, they may not be able to have Joe Hill on every single week. Wade says they’d like to be able to include him in various storylines, sort of weaving him in and out. Wade continued, saying Hochman has great chemistry with the rest of the cast and already a connection has formed. The audience also really likes what he brought to the show.
Blue Bloods Spoilers – Joe Hill Has A Fresh Start
Wade continued, saying that Hochman as Joe Hill in a sense has a fresh start and a fresh relationship with the rest of the show’s characters. He also stated that they will start working on the next season’s storylines in the next couple of weeks. He also admitted that his character was originally planned to be eliminated after the tenth season, but then right when they introduced him everything shut down because of Covid. Then they brought it back at the beginning of this season and the fate of Joe Hil was just kind of hanging there. They decided to bring him back for the season finale, with him returning in a surprising way, and reintegrate him into the show in a storyline that would take care of what happened to him, but because of fan response to the character, they decided to include him in the new season.
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They haven’t quite decided if he will be at the family dinner every week, but family ties run deep amongst the Reagans, even if one of them is just getting to know his family. In the season finale, much was made of Joe being a Reagan even though he wasn’t raised as one, with Danny and Jamie Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg, Will Estes) stepping in to save Joe as he was on a dangerous undercover mission. When they lost the ability to communicate electronically, Joe left them a series of bread crumbs which when they realized he would do what they would do because of being a Reagan, they were able to find him and save him.
Stay tuned to Blue Bloods, and keep checking Blue Bloods spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates, and developments!
Oh I like this new character, and this is my very favorite show of all of them on TV……love the family unit and how they support each other even if not agreeing with each other all the time. NOTHING wrong with the show so do not need to fix it ..