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In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Grey’s Anatomy executive producer and showrunner Krista Vernoff said that the show may come to an end, and this spring too!
Grey’s Anatomy News – Season Wrap-Up Or Series Finale?
No definite decision or conclusion have been reached, so Vernoff is currently working on plotting two finales that will both suit as the season’s ending and the series’ ending as a whole, for the time being, as the future of the stone is not yet set in stone.
“I’m planning a season and a finale that could function as either a season finale or a series finale,” Vernoff commented, “I’m planning for both contingencies and it’s hard and it’s not ideal. It’s not where I wish we were.”
Like nearly every show on a broadcast network, Grey’s Anatomy started its production far later than usual in 2020 due to the restrictions that came as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It then portrayed the pandemic on the series, probably in a more factual light than any other series on TV, as it actually gave the lead character the disease.
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Meredith was placed in an intended Coma as a result of the Covid-19, the program then did something unexpected and brought back Patrick Dempsey for the role of Derek Shepherd… but through an unexpected dream sequence.
Grey Anatomy’s creator Shonda Rhimes has always said that the show would end when Ellen Pompeo no longer wants to do it, which might be another reason for the show to wrap up as the actress’ current two-year contract expires later this year.
The news of the show wrapping up with the current season was quickly followed by the long-running medical drama saying goodbye to its major character during Thursday’s mid-season premiere. Fans are all over mourning the loss of their beloved character, Dr. Andrew DeLuca.
Grey’s Anatomy – There Could Still Be A Renewal
Though ABC has not yet announced plans for a renewal, the show’s ratings remain fairly consistent, and it still remains the network’s most-watched scripted show, so there’s a strong chance that the show could stay running for a while longer.
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Vernoff revealed that she already has stories in place for the farewell as well as for a renewal, she’s only just waiting for confirmation before the cameras would start rolling.”
“Because there are a couple of character threads that will change. I’ve got plans for both contingencies. Either there will be closure or I will build something in that allows me to have a bit of a cliffhanger and a thread for next season.”
Vernoff also doesn’t want fans to hope for a spinoff if the show does end. “We are on fumes. I don’t really have creative space for imaginings of what might happen next year; I’m trying to get through this season,” she admits.
She did say that once she can confirm if Grey’s Anatomy season 17 would be the final season or not, then she can start to try to imagine other things. But as for now, simultaneously planning for the end of the series and the end of the season is all she can focus on.