NCIS Hawaii Producer Larry Teng Tells Crew To Achieve Something Great

NCIS Hawaii: Larry TengNCIS Hawaii arrives on CBS in September, and interest in the new drama rides high. Meanwhile, Executive Producer Larry Teng also harbors very high hopes for the show. In fact, he urged the crew to always try for the best to make it something greater than others. Actually, it all sounds rather refreshing, especially as the network signed up a female to play the leading role.

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NCIS Hawaii Spoilers – Brings Refreshing Firsts

Fans of the franchise heard back in June that finally, a female landed the leading role. So, move over Mark Harmon and Dwayne Pride. CBS cast Vanessa Lachey to head the NCIS Pearl Harbor team. Playing the role of  Jane Tennant, she’s not only a professional in the field. but she balances her life as she’s also a mom. With a good background behind her, fans can expect a strong character. Bear in mind, Vanessa previously acted in That’s Life, The Bold and the Beautiful, Psych, Maybe It’s Me, Disaster Movie, and others.

Back in April, Variety reported on some of the producers and writers for NCIS Hawaii. These included Chris Silber, Matt Bosack, and Jan Nash. Word also came that Mark Harmon also plays a role in producing the show. Well, with the show premiering in just over a month, Executive Producer Larry Teng spoke out about the crew and the high standards of the production team. It came on Instagram when he waited for a flight out of Hawaii late last week.

NCIS Hawaii Spoilers – Larry Teng Urges For Excellence And  Greater Things

In his very long post on Instrgam, Larry Teng first talked about how he left with “mixed feelings.” He said, “I leave with mixed feelings. Because there’s a part of me that feels a sense of longing as I am leaving, and the other an uplifting feeling knowing that this show we’ve created [is] in the hands of wonderful people.” He also thanked the people he worked with for trusting his judgment. Additionally, he seems confident that the audience will fall in love with the characters in the show.

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NCIS Hawaii Producer Larry Teng Tells Crew To Achieve Something Great

The crew who film for NCIS Hawaii saw a large part of his post referred to them. Actually, according to Teng, he said all of it before. So possibly, they know it by heart now. Certainly, he seems keen on a perfect spinoff and hopes that fans love it. Addressing the crew, he noted, “I took this show for many reasons. But none stronger than to get a chance to bring a show to Hawai’i and set it up the right way.” Additionally, he noted, “Keep your standards high. Make this yours. Protect what you believe in. Don’t let anyone from the outside take that away from you.”

NCIS Hawaii Spoilers – More Urging For An Excellent Show

Larry Teng continued on, and talked about how good “art” can’t be created “in a factory.” Amongst other pointers, he told them, “If you can achieve something higher and greater and better, do it.

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Remember to check back with us often for more news, updates, and spoilers about NCIS Hawaii on CBS. The show premieres on September 20.

CBSLarry TengNCISNCIS HawaiiNCIS Hawaii Larry TengNCIS Hawaii NEws
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