Wheel Of Fortune: Pat Sajak Retires, Fans Upset Over His Replacement

Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak is retiring and fans are already upset over his replacement. This has been in the works from the beginning. Keep on reading to learn more.

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Wheel Of Fortune – Pat Sajak Retires

On Monday evening, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak shocked fans when he announced that he was retiring. His career will come to an end after the 2023-24 season. Fans assumed it was happening sooner and freaked out on social media. Sajak shared a statement and revealed there will be more to come.

“Well, the time has come. I’ve decided that our 41st season, which begins in September, will be my last,” Sajak announced. “It’s been a wonderful ride, and I’ll have more to say in the coming months. Many thanks to you all. (If nothing else, it’ll keep the clickbait sites busy!)”

Pat Sajak

For now, he’s keeping quiet on the details. Sajak served as a host for America’s Game Show for four decades. This comes just months after he teased that he’s planning to leave the show behind. Sajak admitted that he could see it running long without him.

He feels that the game show still has legs thanks to its dedicated fans. It’s because of them that Wheel of Fortune has been on the air for 40 seasons. Fans already have a feeling about who’s going to replace Sajak on the show, and most of them aren’t happy about it.

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WoF – Fans Speak Out

Wheel of Fortune fans spoke out about Pat Sajak’s departure. They already know who’s going to replace him. Some fans took to Reddit to react to the news. Most have a feeling that his daughter Maggie Sajack will be announced as the new host.

“His daughter closes out the show and runs an app version (I think?),” one fan noted. “I always wonder if they plan to have her host?”

“That’s kinda been my assumption for a while,” one user responded. “Something something nepotism, but if that was my kid, f*** everyone else, I’d set them up too.”

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Most fans are disappointed by this revelation. Others would love to see Vanna White become the new host. She did fill in for Sajak when he was getting emergency surgery. White received mixed reactions for hosting the game show. She even admitted that she preferred turning the letters over hosting.

What are your thoughts? Who do you think should replace Pat Sajak/ Do you think his daughter deserves it? Sound off below in the comment section.

Maggie SajackPat SajakPat Sajak RetirementPat Sajak retiresWheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune host
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  • Meri Coury

    They should try for someone new. Maybe Zak Efron would be up for the challenge?

  • David Melton

    Ask me if i give a hoot.

  • Michele L

    I think his daughter is perfect as the host if Diana doesn’t want it I would set my child up and as well good for you Patsy Jack and good luck

  • Michele L

    I’m sorry I need to correct my miss spelled name from Diana to Vanna White..