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Kanye West’s Former Bodyguard Made These Not-So-Surprising Revelations About The Rapper

It’s not news that Kanye West is a jealous lover, take how he behaved when his ex-wife Kim kardashian was dating Pete Davidson as an example. Kanye threw all sorts of insults at Pete all because he couldn’t bear seeing Kim with someone else that’s not him.

Seems like Kanye has always been like that even before Kim decided to divorce him. Anyways, back when he was still married to Kim, Kanye was overly possessive of Kim. It was so bad that Kanye had to fire anyone who as much as looked at Kim twice.

One of his ex-bodyguards made some revelations about his former boss Kanye West and why he no longer worked for the rapper.

Kanye West — Why Steve Stanulis Ceased Working For Kanye

Steve Stanulis is a former police officer in New York City, his service has been sought for and rendered, to most celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Alanis Morissette, and Tobey Maguire.

Kanye West's Former Bodyguard Made These Not-So-Surprising Revelations About The Rapper

In 2020, Steve Stanulis revealed to Us Weekly that out of the celebrities he was privileged to work for, he rated Kanye West as his least favorite boss.

Kanye West relieved Steve of his duty as his bodyguard in the year 2016, and it was just because Kanye saw Steve speaking with his then-wife Kim Kardashian. Kanye had Steve fired because he was insecure.

According to Steve, “I went upstairs to see what was happening as we were supposed to be driving them … I happened to see Kim. I thought I’d ask her or the other security … if there was a change of plan. As I was walking up to Kim … Kanye walked by.”

Steve went on to say that when Kanye saw him with Kim, Kanye glared at him in a very bad way. Despite the awkward stare he got from Kanye, Steve still went ahead to greet the rapper but, instead of acknowledging his greeting, Kanye went inside his hotel room and slammed the door shut. Not very long, he was informed that his services are no longer needed.

Kanye West – On Kanye’s Mood Swings

Steve also revealed that aside from being fired for simply talking to Kim, he and the rapper got off on the wrong foot.

Speaking with Hollywood Raw Podcast, Steve explained that on his first day of working for Kanye, he didn’t know the right number to push on the elevator. Instead of explaining to him what to do despite knowing it was his first day at work, Kanye “ranted and raved” at Steve for being ignorant of something so simple.

It didn’t end there because Steve is not the only partaker of Kanye’s bad sides. Steve revealed to The Daily Mail that Kanye doesn’t care about his workers.

According to Steve, Kanye is almost always in a bad mood and throwing tantrums. During Kanye’s bad moods, his staff always do their best to forebear his moods. They can choose to put on all black apparel just because Kanye’s mood feels like patterned cloth distracts him.

Steve told The U.K Sun, “I’ve been employed by a lot of high-end people but I’ve never worked for someone like [West]. He’s ten times worse than what you see. You just never knew what would trigger a meltdown.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Kanye West right now. Come back here often for all the Kanye West’s spoilers, news, and updates.

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