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Doria Ragland Is Beginning To Regret Meghan Markle For This Reason

Doria Ragland Is Beginning To Regret Meghan Markle For This ReasonWhile there’s no doubt that she would do anything for her daughter – and she certainly has – she’s beginning to feel some regret and even resentment. Of course, we are talking about Doria Ragland.

There’s a new report that suggests Doria is resenting the fact that her daughter Meghan Markle has made her into a full-time nanny at home for her children, Archie and Lilibet.

Royal Family News – Doria Ragland Is Beginning To Regret Meghan Markle For This Reason

As much as Doria wanted to be a part of her daughter’s family life, now she thinks that she’s being used. That’s because Meghan at this point expects her mother to be there for Archie and Lilibet at all times.

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But Doria didn’t sign up for this. Unfortunately for her though, she’s the only person that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can count on right now.

As everyone already knows, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have distanced themselves from everyone in their lives, including the royal family.

One source close to the situation even said, “Meghan has always been determined that her children should grow up with a very good relationship with their mother Doria so it’s no surprise that Doria is the live-in nanny.”

“One of Meghan‘s difficulties when she was a working royal living in the UK was her lack of experience of dealing with staff so in Montecito she has kept paid staff to an absolute minimum.”

The tipster also said, “If she’s avoiding the Royal tradition of paying people to do the childcare, she’s certainly sticking to the Royal tradition of sending children to elite schools.”

So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that she will. For now, Doria really has no other choice but to be there for her grandchildren.

In the meantime, let us know what you think of this story by living us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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  1. Dogmom5 says

    I have a step daughter that used the heck out of her dad and I. We were to pick up her kids as soon as her dad got home from work on Friday and not bring them back till bedtime on Sunday. We love those kids so we kept them (they are adults now). We did this for months with no time for us. When we told her we were not keeping them every weekend so got mad and we didn’t see them or allowed to talk to them for months. I can understand Doris’s feelings about being used. She n facto put her foot down, but that is her choice

    1. Kelli Hebert says

      Personally I think that Megan Markle needs to Grow up and start taking care of her own children. Hasn’t she done enough to embarrassed the Royals? All because things did go the way she wanted! If she truly loved her husband she would try and fix them instead of driving that wedge futher.

  2. June says

    It’s her choice, but they should get another person whom she can monitor. That would give her a break when she needs lone. They can’t trust the children with just anybody.

  3. Debby says

    I think everyone has wondered about this particular situation. You NEVER see H&M with their children. No wonder people think they don’t exist.

  4. Patricia says

    Dorian, needs to put her foot down. Hopefully she didn’t give up her home, so she can go back to it. Let Meghan and Harry raise their own children.

  5. Dee says

    Camilla need to get out of the royals she destroyed a marriage. And 2 boys

  6. noellastober says

    Both Doria and Harry should leave Harry should take the kids and brng them to UK He is their father and there should be nothing to lmake it so he could not take his children on vacatiion without htier mom The fact Doira is a full time nanny should be enouch of a problem with the courts that MM wants nothing to do with her kids They are nothing put pawns in the chess game to her. This is just horrible as so many of us have said this kind of stuff from the get go She rules H to do whatever she wants him to and finally he may have had enough

    H get th e set of balls you need to brilng y our children to see the other side of their family They do not get to see her side of the family except for their grandma MM has cut everyone o ut of her life so she could rule you and mold you into whatever miserable person she wants you to be Get rid of her and let the courts decide what to do with the children. Your family can get you the best lawyers if you are willing to get rid of the ev il woman you married Wake up child and become the real man you should be

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