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B&B Recap Friday, August 16: Bill & Luna Kiss, Taylor Returns, Finn’s Truth Quest

The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Friday, August 16, 2024 is finally here! On today’s episode, Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) kisses Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). No, that’s not a typo.

Plus, Taylor Hayes (Rebecca Budig) returns. Also, John “Finn” Finnegan (Tanner Novlan) informs Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) that he’s going to tell the truth to Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood).

The Bold And The Beautiful Recap – Hope Logan Begs

Hope says she never should have done that. Finn says Hope kissed him in the middle of the party. Finn says matter of factly that he has to tell Steffy. Hope begs. Hope explains she was drinking and made a reckless, impulsive decision. Finn agrees and adds that she planted a kiss on him, but also says, “You can’t do that.” 

The Bold And The Beautiful Recap Friday, August 16: Bill & Luna Kiss, Taylor Returns, Finn’s Truth Quest

Steffy is at home and hears honking outside. Steffy gets excited and rushes to the door to greet Taylor. 

At the jail, Penelope “Poppy” Nozawa (Romy Park) comes into a visitor’s room and is surprised to see Li Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda). Poppy thanks Li for coming. Li says she couldn’t resist seeing her sister in jail. 

Poppy pleads with Li that she’s innocent. Li agrees that Poppy is a lot of things, but murder? Poppy asks Li if she’s spoken to Luna as she’s worried about her.

Luna asks Bill what the DNA test says. Bill says, “One stripe.” Luna knows that means Bill isn’t her father. They embrace. 

B&B Recap – Taylor Hayes Returns

B&B recap for Friday, August 16 reveals that Taylor says she wanted to surprise Steffy, but didn’t want to sneak up on her. Sounds like a safe bet considering the recent events. Taylor and Steffy share a happy reunion.

Hope says she knows that she messed up. Finn tells Hope that he’s married. Finn explains that he shouldn’t have spent time with Hope. Finn admits he doesn’t know what the hell he was thinking. Well, Finn, you were probably thinking you had a friend, an ally, a support system. 

Finn also tells Hope that Steffy warned him about her. Finn adds that he would NEVER cross a line like that. Hope said that Finn was just a good friend and she’s the one who crossed a line. Well, thanks for stating the obvious, Hope.

Once again, Hope asks Finn just to forget about the kiss. Yeah, because it’ll make it easier for you, Hope. Never mind that Finn is the one who has to live with it…

Luna is heartbroken. Bill is pretty sad, too. Luna can’t get over Bill’s dedication to her. Bill assures Luna that she will always have a special place in his heart. Luna asks about her mom.

Bill doesn’t know and talks about all the evidence stacked against Poppy. Bill says the first paternity test was obviously tampered with. Bill asks if it was all part of Poppy’s plan. 

Poppy says she knows it doesn’t look good. Li says Poppy admitted to using drugs. Poppy claims she didn’t kill Tom or Hollis. Poppy also said she didn’t mess with the DNA test either. 

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – About Thomas Forrester

The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Friday, August 16 reveals that  Taylor talks about Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) and Paris Buckingham (Diamond White). Taylor spent time with Thomas while in Europe. Taylor says Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) is really enjoying his life with them in Paris, too. 

Taylor changes the subject to Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) being back in the spotlight. Steffy updates Taylor about Brooke’s Bedroom exceeding expectations. It can carry Hope for the Future for a bit, but Steffy has concerns about Ridge Forrester’s (Thorsten Kaye) focus.

Then, the chat turns to Hope. Taylor asks if Hope is spending too much time with Steffy’s husband. 

Finn says he has a wife, he made a vow, and he can’t keep secrets from Steffy. Hope interjects that it meant nothing! Finn says his wedding ring means something to him. Hope doesn’t want to lose Finn as a friend. Hope adds that if Finn tells, then it will make the Logan/Forrester war even worse. Finn understands that, but Steffy still needs to hear the truth.

Poppy tells Li that she still can’t kill a spider much less a human. Li says Poppy has always been a softie. Poppy wants Li to believe in her. Li finally softens and says she does believe in her. Poppy hangs her head in gratitude as she sniffles and sobs. Li gently wipes a strand a hair away from Poppy’s face. Li then tells Poppy not to worry about Luna, that she will be okay. Poppy says she’s happy that Luna has Bill. Poppy knows Bill will take care of her. 

B&B Recap – Friday, August 16, 2024

Bill assumes Tom Starr (Clint Howard)  is Luna’s father. Luna reminds Bill that Tom is dead. Bill apologizes. Luna asks if her mom really kill her dad? Bill doesn’t know and can’t even wrap his head around this. Luna doesn’t understand how this happened.

Bill says now they grieve and they share the loss of what could have been. Bill saw a bright future for them as a family. Luna says not anymore, it’s just her again. Bill reminds Luna that she’s not alone anymore. 

Steffy tells Taylor that she’s vented too much about Hope. Steffy doesn’t want Hope near Finn. Taylor asks if Hope is turning into Brooke.

Finn is pretty disgusted with Hope. Finn tells Hope for the zillionth time that he’s telling Steffy the truth. Finn grabs his medical bag to head home, but before he leaves, he says, “You really screwed things up.”

Hope goes to her office and shuts the door. In Hope’s head, the only voice she hears is Finn’s saying she screwed things up. Hope’s face twists in anguish.

Finn races in the door at the cliff house. Finn tells a confused Steffy that they need to talk. Finn says it’s about Hope. Steffy’s face jumps from relaxed to teeth-grinding.

Bill tells Luna he’s not going anywhere. Bill will still be there for her. Luna says she’ll always remember how kind and welcoming Bill was to her. Luna tells Bill that all her life, all she’s known is uncertainty. Poppy moved Luna around a lot. Different cities, different schools, and even random babysitters.

Luna says Poppy made it seem like it was all a big, fun adventure. But for Luna as a little girl, it was instability. Luna says she had no friends and no childhood. Now her mom has even kept her from her own father.

Luna adds that Poppy was so happy with Bill. Luna adds that life before Bill was really, really hard. Much harder than she or Poppy would ever admit to. Luna then talked about following her dream and how she would finally break free from her mom.

However, Poppy soon followed Luna to L.A. Luna tells Bill that he has given her the greatest gift… this is the closest thing she’s ever had to a stable life. Luna says Bill is the most amazing and incredible man she’s ever met. They hug. Then, they part and pause… before Luna plants a kiss on Bill! 

Bill is horrified and has a WTF look on his face. Luna doesn’t – instead, she looks at Bill and smiles. Ummm… what the heck is going on!?!?!

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Keep watching the soap on CBS or Paramount+ to find out what happens next.


  1. Tina says

    Weird … smh

  2. […] Taylor isn’t just Ridge Forrester’s (Thorsten Kaye) ex-wife.  She’s also a doctor and a world-renowned psychiatrist.  It won’t take her long to realize there’s something serious going on with Hope […]

  3. […] Taylor Hayes has missed A LOT in Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) and Steffy Forrester’s (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) lives since she skipped town, and she will have a ton of catching up to do.  […]

  4. Veronica says

    li couldn’t believe what innocent Luna did, please don’t put them together. Well, she’s Poppy daughter..

  5. Paulette Patrick says

    I think the writers miss up when Luna kissed Bill that was so disrespectful and Hope was very disrespectful when she kissed Finn. I so wanted Bill to be Luna’s dad and I will be happy when the the person who killed Tom and Hollis comes out.

  6. JoAnn says

    Good lord no way. If they do something so stupid i’m done with the show. its getting too crazy for sure.

  7. Joyce says

    My question to the writers is why do you think the people watching the story is stupid. You have two people dead and yet we have seen no funerals DUH really it is getting dumber by the day your story lines are the worst all the messed up kissing SMH sad sad sad for those of us who has been watching your show should stop watching it. I say boycott B&B right away

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