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Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Is A Brain Tumor Responsible for Thomas’ Erratic Behavior?

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson)The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers indicate that the cause of Thomas Forrester’s (Matthew Atkinson) behavior will soon be revealed.

B&B fans have been frustrated with the way Thomas’ character has been portrayed. His obsession with Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) drove him to do horrible things and he may have even been involved in Emma Barber’s (Nia Sioux) death.

Thomas has become one of the most hated characters due to his recent actions. Yet, it seems like a redemption arc may be on the way and viewers will discover the reason for his behavior. Speculation is that there’s a medical reason behind Thomas’ erratic behavior and it’s because he has a brain tumor.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Pam Douglas Redeemed By A Brain Tumor

The brain tumor story has been used often in soap operas to redeem a character. A few years ago Pam Douglas (Alley Mills) pulled a couple of dangerous stunts, including tying a honey covered Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis) to a chair and letting a bear attack her.

Eventually, the Forrester family learned a brain tumor was responsible for Pam’s behavior. After surgery, Pam began leading a normal life, although at times she does have her zany moments. So could the writers be repeating the brain tumor storyline for Thomas?

If the writers want to keep Thomas on the show, they’re going to have to fix his character. They need a way to redeem him and Thomas having a brain tumor seems like the easy way to go. The revelation about Thomas will draw sympathy from the family and eventually they’ll be able to forgive him. This could also lead to Hope changing her mind about Thomas.

Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Hope Forrester May Decide To Stay With Him

Hope was a victim in Thomas plan. He wanted to break up her relationship with Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton). When he learned the truth about the baby switch, he went along with Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes) and Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) plan to keep quiet. Now, Thomas is getting the blame for everything.

When Hope learns about Thomas medical condition, she’ll feel a need to stay with him and help him recover. This will lead to her developing real feelings for him, and possibly reconsidering annulling their marriage.

Do you think a brain tumor is responsible for Thomas’ behavior? As always, more detailed spoilers and a full collection of pictures for the week in question will appear here on Celebrating The Soaps, where there will be more clues and hints about exactly what’s going on.

  1. Guest says

    No, he needs to pay for killing Emma Barber and the way he treats his son is sad. He should put his son happiness above all other. I hope he is found guilty for Emma death and put in jail. He is not fit to raise a child.

  2. Guest says

    Please NO!!!! PAMalready did this one before. Sure he will end up with amnesia, like Liam has had in the past. Hopefully the detective will link Thomas to Emma’s death and to Caroline’s death. Hope he is in prison for ATLEAST the 2 death’s. Douglas can be w/ Hope, Beth & Liam. Liam has as much right since Caroline was his cousin. Plus Douglas loves Hope.
    Ridge is a douche!!!!!! What about when Thomas threw Rick out the window, no one pressed charges, just like when Ridge threw Bill over the balcony, Taylor shot Bill, Steffy killed her cousin (Thorne’s daughter) and NO ONE PRESSED CHARGES. RIDGE IS A TOTAL DOUCHE.

  3. Guest says

    Hell no! Enough with the brain tumor crap! How long has Thomas been acting crazy? No one has a tumor that long?! Come on writers! You got to do better than this!

  4. Guest says

    You got it!

  5. Guest says

    Thank you!

  6. sassy60 says

    No,he needs to pay for the all the hateful things he has done. he has bad intention from the time he arrive back to La let him pay for his wrong doing, and lets move on ..

  7. Guest says

    I certainly hope not. That storyline is so over done. Hope deserves to be with Liam and their baby. I can see it all now, he’ll be helpless and Hopes gonna stay with him because he needs her. Yada,Yada,Yada. Same old story. Can’t stand Thomas, theres no coming back from all he’s done. Rather he didn’t regain consciousness.

  8. Guest says

    Your so right on the money. You have the right description of Thomas. DOUCHE!

  9. sassy60 says

    Thank you!!!

  10. Guest says

    I totally agree with everything thing everyone said. No more brain tumor, take him off for awhile and at least pretend he is in jail. For Emma’s death and keeping the baby away.

  11. Guest says

    NO..NO..NO.. Not a brain tumor.. let thomas just be a mean, abusive, possessive entitled jerk he is.. why always bring in a medical condition when someones action go off the rails.. if this should be the outcome i will once again stop watching B&B due to wacko storylines.

  12. Guest says

    I truly hope they don’t use that again, they did it for Pam. At least give him time away from the show to pretend he is in jail. He needs to be charged for the death of Emma. If they do this again I will stop looking at the show again. Come on writers let’s listen to the fans we give you the ratings.

  13. Guest says

    If they do this let’s find something else to look at until they get it right.

  14. Guest says

    Please no, and get another Thomas if it is a brain tumor. The guy playing Thomas now gave me the creeps from the beginning. Maybe soon I will start watching again.

  15. Guest says

    I agree.

  16. Guest says

    Will you please leave Liam and Hope together to be with their daughter.

  17. Guest says

    This guy playing Thimas gave me the creeps from the get go.

  18. Guest says

    Thomas killed a lady! No one is making him pay for it. That should be the storyline. No Do away with him…give custody to Hope and Liam. Bring someone new in for Stephie…shes been through so much

  19. Guest says

    I thought Hope and Liam is suppose to still be married the hell is going on with this dam soap so done with it.

  20. Guest says

    I’m with you let’s find something else to watch BOYCOTT

  21. Guest says

    Liam and hope deserve to be with each other. shit and let them be.

  22. Guest says

    Noooo tumour!!!
    maybe writers have rumours thinking we’ll buy that storyline
    What is wrong with Hope? No I wasn’t threatened and he was just apologizing. Seriously?
    he came up behind you in the house and yelled Annulment? Not hello. He grabbed you not once but twice. You felt you had to run out of the house.

  23. Guest says

    The character of Thomas is not interesting enough to redeem nor is the actor interesting enough to salvage on their small budgets
    once he wakes up, cuff him to the bedrail like any other fugitive

  24. Guest says

    Where is Taylor?
    do you think while Ridge is blaming Brooke, there will be trouble for Katie? Will Bill be a shoulder for Brooke?
    Donna will be all over Eric when Quinn helps pregnant Flo

  25. Guest says

    If hope have to part again from Liam is same old story repeating again. Think I will stop watching it.hope and Liam going back and forth is crazy the writer need to change it around it’s time to reunite hope and liam.

  26. Guest says

    Thomas may have a brain tumor,but that’s still no reason for Hope to stay with him.She doesn’t love Thomas.And he did cause Emma’s death,tumor or not.Thomas is a certified nut case.

  27. Lynette Nickens says

    Right i think she stay with liam Thomas need to find is on chick hope need to be liam and the baby

  28. Lynette Nickens says

    I agree

  29. Lynette Nickens says

    I think thomas killed Caroline they need to talk about that yet. And ridge so dam dum and i ant mad at brook if brook was not there i think that whold been hope falling down thomas need to go to jail he killd emma years back he puch rick. Hope bet not think bout going to him period

  30. Lynette Nickens says

    I think he killed Caroline too. Ridge getting on my nuerves ugh

  31. Guest says

    No brain tumor! Everything Thomas did had a reason, according to his logic. He was a domestic violence abuser. Everyone saw the signs, (including RIDGE!), and tried to get thru to him. In real life a brain tumor is no excuse for a guy being violent!! So, NO!!! Make Thomas pay for his actions!

  32. Guest says

    Can’t you folks come up with something better then a brain tumor. Took that one straight from Young and Restless. Ashley had a brain tumor. Come on guys.

  33. Guest says

    give me a break its to easy thomas should have to answer for what he has done and hope should run as fast as she can away from him and get a restaining order to keep him away from them both

  34. Guest says

    That is why it is called ACTING>>>>>

  35. Guest says

    Enough with the brain tumor excuse!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Guest says

    I am so over this show – There are real people out there with brain tumors and they toss it around like its a joke on this show and the other one too with JT – Brad Bell made a mistake using a main character as a villain now he has to clean up his mess and this is his way out – I will say it for the millionth time – they should have had Thomas and Douglas come back however Vincent should have been the one to tag a long and take advantage of Hope etc. Now you have a Villain that can die a million times and come back. You DO NOT use a main character and they are really pushing the Thomas background of being not so stable – he has done nothing more than any of the others on the show. I am not falling for it anymore – I have watched since day one and its just a joke now – 7 years of the Hope/Liam/Steffy triangle – no wonder why Ron Moss and Susan Flannery left more than 5 years ago – they saw the triangle hell they lived through one with Taylor/Brooke/Ridge why stick around for more nonsense. This show is a complete predictable joke…mess…both…I am not a fan of whats her face either the one who plays Flos Mom – another woman for Ridge? or will it be Quinn AGAIN? this show has no imagination anymore and left its roots of fashion a long time ago – its just an awful mess

  37. Guest says

    and STOP making Hope so Hopeless and naive and plain dumb.

  38. Guest says

    PREDICTABLE! It’s the easiest fix/excuse to give a character. Write a storyline making the character doing horrible things and then, Hey folks, it’s a brain tumor, all is forgiven!

  39. Guest says

    Agreed! Ridge is being an asshat. He certainly didn’t treat Thomas this kind when he was trying to force Caroline to lie about who was Douglas’ father. Ridge was perfectly happy to steal Douglas from Thomas and claim the baby as his own.

  40. Guest says

    I agree. Crappy writing!

  41. Guest says

    The writers are ruining Hope. She was great for those brief episodes when she got her baby back and her backbone, now she’s back to being a self doubting basket case.

  42. Guest says

    I’m pretty sure he was supposed to give the audience the creeps. The actor playing Thomas has been great at being bad!

  43. Guest says

    This is bullshit I swear if Hope forgive him and everybody else I will never watch this soap again, this is some bullshit Hope and Liam belong together what the hell and Steffy need a new love , Thomas needs to move on with his life . R idge won’t realize his fucking son is sick until it come out that Douglas is really Ridges son also Brook need lose Ridges ass I’m so over this soap I barely watch it since they have the spoilers why waste your time watching it when you no whats going to happen. I haven’t watched it in weeks so done with B&B

  44. praying lady says

    I hope the writer have better since than go to the tumor storyline again!!!!!!!!!!!! I want Thomas to pay for everything that he did !!!!!! THE WRITER PLEASE LISTEN TO US DO NOT LET HOPE START HAVING FEEL FOR THOMAS BECAUSE HE IS IN A COMA!!!

  45. Guest says

    I totally agree. I said the same thing.(pam). Maybe the writers should write about some other type of illness. Like Bipolar, etc. So tired of the (soaps) doing the same stuff, like when Thomas drugging Liam,,,, the same storyline as Y&R when Zoe drugged a group of peps.
    Let’s move on already. Just like I have said, Katie will have some complications w/ her heart. Since Storm gave his HEART to Katie , she will have a (hopefully) just a set back due to her heart, so Flo (since Storm is her Dad) will need to step in to help Katie.
    Yep,, I could go on & on. Will do later

  46. Guest says

    Question….. Why is it only up to Ridge to decide if Flo has a pass????? What about Hope,, Liam,,, Steffy,,, Brook????? I thought that storyline was BS!!!!! The writers should of asked Hope, since she married Thomas, Steffy as she lost her adopted daughter,,,and Thomas’s sister!!!!
    I feel like Ridge just needed a chance to try & act… Oh by the way No-one working lately???? Should of had Sally’s athletic line at least on the show…
    Plus doesn’t Steffy have more of FC than Ridge??

  47. Guest says

    I still think that Thomas had something to do with Caroline’s death!!!!
    Maybe (hopefully) Douglas knows more about that aswell!!!

  48. Guest says

    Restraining order,,, right.!!! That would definitely tick Thomas off.

  49. Guest says

    Right on!!!! He, Thomas was still playing head games with Hope, Liam, Brook, Steffy & his Father. He needs to be locked up & in Serious Therapy!!!!!
    He has more issues than just wanting Hope!!! Caroline didn’t want him, so he did something to her!!!!!

  50. Guest says

    She has had her head ,,, well in the clouds lately… What ever happened to the sensible Hope???? They have turned her into a walking of the dead.
    Oh maybe cuz Steffy needs to be the sensible one… Even though she did kill her cousin

  51. Guest says

    I sooo agree!!! Did not care for him on Y&R,,,…

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