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The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Loses Thomas And Douglas Forever, He Comes Home New Love?

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers and updates tease Hope Logan’s (Annika Noelle) indecision with Thomas Forrester’s (Matthew Atkinson) marriage proposal may have cost her him forever.

Not only has Hope lost Thomas, she also lost Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) who rejected her also-they moved to Paris; what if Thomas returns with a new love?

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – Thomas Forrester Wanted Commitment

Thomas wanted a forever commitment, but Hope wasn’t ready for that-finally, his sister Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) convinced him she was toying with him.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: Hope’s Indecision Costs Her Thomas And Douglas Forever, Thomas Comes Home With A New Love?

Really, she wasn’t, but Hope was miles behind Thomas in being ready for a lifetime commitment and she simply wanted more patience and time.

But Steffy wasn’t having that, she didn’t want her brother with her former rival for men anyway so she convinced him to dump her and never look back.

Thomas had endured years of obsession with Hope and stalking and manipulation, and although now he’s proven he’s changed, one can’t blame Hope for wanting to make sure.

But now both him and Douglas, who Hope loved dearly as her own son have moved away, Douglas telling Hope his birth mother was his mother!

B & B Spoilers – Thomas Forrester Is Full Of Pain

Thomas is clearly full of pain in spite of his decision to walk away from Hope; and sometimes one wants to fill that hole in one’s heart right away.

It wouldn’t be the best thing for Thomas to enter a rebound relationship, but what if he meets someone new who he’s convinced really is “the one”?

What if that woman has wealth of her own, so any questions of gold-digging by his family will be avoided, and Douglas loves his dad’s new girlfriend dearly?

In spite of the upcoming reappearance of Ivy Forrester (Ashleigh Brewer) who Thomas dated before, it could be someone brand new he meets in Paris, and besides, Ivy’s been in Australia.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers – What If Hope Logan Decides To Say Yes?

What if after having her heart broken and blaming Steffy, Hope realizes she’s at fault and decides to say yes, but it’s too late? Even though it may be months before Thomas and Douglas return, it’s a possibility she may try to make up with Thomas.

He’s probably not going to broadcast his love life all over the internet, even though if his new love is someone also well-known it’s possible the news will spread.

There could very well be a scenario when he and Douglas strut into Forrester Creations and Hope will approach him-only to see a lovely lady follow!

Thomas, free to see who he wants without interference in Paris may just be bringing Douglas and his new fiancée to meet the family. How heartsick Hope would be realizing she chased off the best man she ever had!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with B & B right now. Come back here often for The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Joe says

    I’m so glad that I don’t see that Thomas and Hope storyline because it was sick. Thomas and Hope mother and father are married and that’s a sick storyline. No more Liam and steffy storyline, bring ivy back for Liam and keep steffy and Finn together.

    1. Robin Hughes says

      Good ideal

  2. Anonymous says

    Nope not gonna happen Thomasand Hope are the it couple the future of Forrester Creations no new loves and they’re reuniting for May sweeps in Paris because Hope may be pregnant.

    1. Arianna says

      Not!!! I think Hope should be fired for insubordination!!!!

      1. Donna says

        What insubordination??

    2. Arianna says

      It’s clear that Steffy is right about Hope. Hope is just like her mother.

  3. Kay says

    I don’t know who do the writing smh‍♀️‍♀️ why do they put these couples together to break them up, it makes NO sense. Allow Thomas to be happy with Hope & stop with the back/forth bc it’s not good @ all. Let Finn & Steffy stay together bring someone on there for Liam. Finn stop judging Thomas bc u r not perfect so cut it out, he have changed for the better so if Hope can forgive then everybody need to shut up!!!!!

  4. MJ says

    Happy with storyline regarding Shelia still alive! And Deacon freaking out with the ten toes!!
    Bring new loves for Liam and Thomas. Keep Hope away from both of them. Bring Hope’s old flame back ( the one who wears a tattoo on his ankle) the one who Brooke banged agaidnt the wall during Hope’s graduation party. Which Hope never knew about. Let’s have some static between mommy Brooke and daughter Hope ( the two peas in a pod)…

  5. Mj says

    Also love the storyline with Luna/RJ/Zende…
    Plz let Bill be Luna’s Daddy!!! More on Poppy and Li…

  6. Mendez says

    We don’t know how Bradley Bell and the other writers will tell the story , I am hoping that something will make Hope take action and fight hor Thomas. The fact that some people would want to see Hope with Finn in any compacity is not realistic.

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