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The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: New Twist Coming In Baby Reveal

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: New Twist Coming In Baby RevealThe Bold and the Beautiful spoilers indicate that a new twist is coming in the baby switch reveal.

This week fans will finally get their wish when the truth about baby Beth is revealed. For months Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) and Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) believed their daughter died during childbirth. But after Flo Fulton (Katrina Bowden) makes a confession, the couple will be reunited with their daughter.

While it’s going to be a happy occasion, for Hope and Liam, it’s going to be devastating for Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), who adopted the baby, not knowing it was Beth.  While viewers will be happy that the truth’s finally revealed, it may not be over yet.

Rumors are that a new twist is coming when Dr. Jordan Armstrong (Vincent Irizarry) becomes involved in the storyline. So how will Dr Armstrong fit into the Beth story?

Speculation is that Beth will become ill and Dr. Armstrong will treat the baby, which will lead to a big revelation.

One theory has to do with whether Beth is really Hope’s daughter. Reese Buckingham (Wayne Brady) confessed Hope’s baby was alive and he switched the infants. However, we never saw the switch and we just have Reese’s word. Given his tendency to manipulate others, it’s a possibility Hope’s baby is dead.

The next theory has to do with baby Beth’s paternity. Ever since Hope announced her pregnancy, fans have wondered if Liam was the father. He was already a dad to Steffy’s daughter Kelly Spencer (Zoe Pennington), so it was surprising that’d make him a father again so soon after Kelly’s birth. A DNA test could reveal that Liam isn’t Beth’s dad, and it will lead to a bigger mystery of who is the father of Hope’s baby.

Another theory also has to do with paternity, but not for baby Beth. The paternity shocker will be for Liam and Steffy’s daughter Kelly. Steffy slept with Liam’s father Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) around the time she conceived, and even though a test confirmed Liam’s the dad, many believe Bill is the father. If Beth needs a blood transfusion and Kelly’s tested, the truth about her paternity will be revealed and set up more drama for everyone.

What do you think the big twist is in the baby storyline?

In the meantime, keep up with Celebrating The Soaps for all the latest news and updates right here.

  1. Guest says

    I’m so happy that Hope is getting her baby back but to hav it be that she’s really not the Mother & Liam not the Father is more than sick !!!!

  2. Guest says

    I hope Phoebe is not Beth ….let Beth die with the storyline

  3. Guest says

    Stop playing with the baby storyline.
    Let Liam and Hope have their baby. This is a very heartbreaking story.
    You can get rid of Thomas.

  4. Guest says

    This story of Beth finally getting back with Hope was coming & now the sick story OF Beth not BEING THEREs’ . If that’s the way this is going down, I’m done with the B& ., OMG, what they won’t do to PROP up Steffy, & her coming OUT on top AGAIN- PATHETIC

  5. Guest says

    How pathetic can you get

  6. Guest says

    I just want this to be over It WWAAAAAY past ridiculous. Do not take her from Liam & Hope again. Let them be happy for once.

  7. Guest says

    I totally agree with Rosebud…

  8. Guest says


  9. Guest says

    As long as Hope gets Beth back!

  10. Guest says

    I hope that hope baby is Bill..
    After all she is brooke’s daughter.
    And like I said b4.
    Why is it that Taylor kids are always treated like they are nothing.
    They are Foresters.
    Why is it they always have to be the bad guys.
    Why they can’t be happy and in love.
    Please don’t put steffy baby as Bills.
    I feel that hope should get her baby.. But it’s not liams.
    Please let Taylor and her kids be.
    And I’m just so tired hearing about The Logans
    and they Hoe Asses.
    Please put steffy & liam back together and let them be a real family.
    And far as hope and the Hoe Logans.
    Give them Drama for once and let hope baby be bills.

  11. Guest says

    This has gone on too long! I agree with Rosebud, Let Liam and Hope have their baby back! Send Thomas to jail! I think everyone is tired of this sick story! Let Hope, Liam and Beth be a family!, I also am ready to quit watching The Bold And Beautiful!

  12. Guest says

    I’ll turn it off permanently. It’s time for Hope and Liam be happy. At least for awhile.

  13. Guest says

    When or why would Hope’s baby ever come from Bill??? Doesnt even make sense! Obviously we know Kelly could easily be Bills!

  14. Guest says

    Enuff is enuff…..move on to another subject.
    so tired of Ridge and his kids

  15. Guest says

    Only thing I can add is I’d love to see Hope and Liam raise Douglas. He loves Hope and she loves him. I absolutely love the little guy playing Douglas. I hope when Thomas leaves someway Douglas stay.

  16. Guest says

    Come now no more drama for Hope and Liam please, now if Bill is the dad that’s a great story line given Ridge hates Bill, I would love to see that. Let’s take the storyline off of Hope and Liam we need something more exciting let them live happily ever after please. We need other people to take over the story line please new direction please

  17. Max says

    I would love for Hope and Bill to do the dance with no pants. Maybe it will loosen her up. Also it will blow Brooke’s mind.

  18. Guest says

    Let Liam and Hope have there baby with no more drama. Everyone including Douglas! know that Beth is alive. It’s getting boring!

  19. Max says

    True but if it was revealed now the shock and impact wouldn’t be that great. They should’ve done that when Hope was pregnant.

  20. Garland says

    Frankly, I would not mind if Bill was the father of Kelly. Liam and Steffy has run its course, in my opinion. Let Steffy be Liam free. The triangle is getting old , boring, and stale.

  21. Guest says

    I would like to see that Hope’s baby turns out to have a different father. Someone new that brings chemistry into her scenes because there is no chemistry between Hope and Liam. In addition, the new actor that plays Thomas is really creepy! Maybe that’s why he was chosen for this storyline because the other Thomas actor was too sweet. I miss the good old days when Sheila Carter was the Big Bad. Now she could play demented like no other. Too bad her last storyline was watered down for the masses.


  22. Guest says

    OMG dont do that to Hooe and Lism. Let them have their baby. That whole baby died story was so sad. Let them be with Beth finally please.

  23. Guest says

    So glad this story is at least changing somewhat. The baby has to be Liam and Beth’s so the writers can move on with a new storyline. We need fresh ideas.

  24. Guest says

    I’ll never watch again if they re-write history and make the baby not be Beth or Liam not the father. Period… Wake up B&B writers. You will lose many viewers. Please let these characters be happy and get on with other storylines and give us some fashion shows

  25. Guest says

    Stop playing with babyline pleade for god sake let Hope and Liam be happy with Beth and please give Steffy a new man and Life. Since she’s come back from paternity leave she has really grown into a much better person. She is so Strong now so we need her to take charge of whatever comes her way not Liam please

  26. Guest says

    I also totally agree with Rosebud.

  27. Guest says

    LET liam, hope have there baby but let not don diamont not be father of steph baby.that too much there lot father have two mother baby dram. liam need have all he take. plus why do hope et go leave happy all by herself. nonono no no.

  28. Guest says

    Let Hope and Liam and Beth be happy. This story line went on much too long. If this doesn’t happen , I’m through watching . I don’t anymore unrealistic twists with the baby drama. Come on writers.

  29. China Fair says

    I’ve watch bold and the beautiful since The beginning. I’m so over this baby reveal and secret. I don’t even watch it anymore. I turn it on and when I see all the long drawn out screens. I change the channel. I’ve stop recording it. Now I just wait for the news feed. So annoyed.

  30. China Fair says

    Omg! Yes

  31. Guest says

    Please leave Hope Liam and baby Beth alone. Let them be a happy family once and for all. Let it be that Kelly is Bill’s child so that Liam and Hope can be together without any ties with Steffy.

  32. Guest says

    I would like if baby Beth is going to have any health problems and they reveal that Kelly is not a match. Then Hope will find out that she is pregnant again by Liam so that their baby will be a match for baby Beth.

  33. Guest says

    Let bill be Kelly’s dad. Leave hope and liam alone let them be happy family with beth!

  34. Guest says

    If they do not let Liam and Hope have baby Beth without strings attached you will lose one more faithful follower. There is and can be enough drama without messing with them.

  35. Guest says

    I sure hope sweet bright eyed Kelly isn’t Dollar Bill’s baby , the whole baby story is sick enough already

  36. Peggy Weaver says

    It’s Hope Liam and Beth time. Joy love laughter tears. Beth said mama and dada. Douglas done told them. Let him on the exciting news. So he can really feel proud. He might have something to say about his real mom. That opens some eyes. Then I hope he belongs to Ridge

  37. Guest says

    Peggy Weaver, I do love your idea, Ridge been little Douglas Daddy, that really would turn the page on creepy Thomas but please don’t let Dollar Bill be sweet little Kelly’s Dad

  38. Guest says

    I hope they leave Liam and Hope alone. Let them live their life with Beth. Send Thomas to prison,as for Steffy I hope Bill is the dad

  39. Guest says

    Look out Bill you may have a daughter!

  40. Guest says

    I do love the comments, some of them are so ridiculous. Bill & Hope,LOL

  41. Guest says

    Hand the baby over to Hope and Liam please stop messing with this baby if they want a twist make Bill Kelly’s dad instead of Liam …I know people will find this crazy but Steffy has out grown Liam I personally find Katy and Bill are boaring and Brook should not go back again she’s been that route several times.

  42. Guest says

    About the comments, I really do like them. Very entertaining but some of them need a spell check

  43. Guest says

    This spoiler just confirmed I am not going to start watching anymore. I have not watched since Beth was stolen and since Hope never slept with anyone but Liam when she came back from Europe the second scenario is stupid and the first scenario is even dumber because if Hope’s baby died why would Reese put himself in so much trouble by lying to Zoe and Flo and viewers will be very angry that Bell wrote a double dose of pain for Hope. It is apparent this soap is in trouble but these stupid writers refuse to listen to the viewers so I am out for good now!!!

  44. Guest says

    I completely agree with Rosebud.
    Find some other story line and move forward!!

  45. Guest says

    I always believed that hope was pregnant before she came home. Beth is not Liam’s and Kelly may not be Liam’s either. With that being said Hope should get what she deserves for coming home and interfering in Steffy and Liam’s marriage. Send Hope back to Paris.

  46. Guest says

    Maybe it will do with the theory of Thomas having an illness. He could be Thomas’s doctor. If not I hope Kelly is Bill’s and they can all walk away.

  47. Guest says

    Hopes first airdate was January 8th – she found out she was pregnant on July 4th she would have had to be 7 months preg or more by then there is no way. ALSO did you know that she is 31 years old or 32 lol I thought she was in her 20s lol

  48. Guest says

    What about how many times Steffy interfered in Hope’s relationship with Liam. All they rich peeps who could go anywhere and do anything , shouldn’t be bedding every male member of a family with their family. Gross! Boundaries people – soap or not! Start Fresh Steffy !

  49. Guest says

    I agree with everything you said especially sending her back to Paris!!

  50. Guest says

    There I no question, Thomas is one sick puppy. Who is the doctor treating Thomas

  51. Guest says

    I don’t think Hope and Liam are meant to be together! He and Steffy have been married twice and each time they have broken up it’s because of Hopeless! She needs to stop going after Spencer Men!!

  52. Guest says

    I’m all in favor of spicing up the show with any other story lines, but thank God the writers are ending this one. Let Hope and Liam have some time with their daughter. And the fans, like me can stop crying. I’m sorry for Steffy, but she’s grown a lot since becoming a mother, so I have faith, she will be ok. I hope she’s not pregnant again. Put a good, spicy man in Steffy’s life. Liam belongs with Hope and Beth. I don’t like to kill people off the show, but Thomas needs to go and let Hope and Liam raise Douglas.

  53. Guest says

    beths father will be bill

  54. Guest says

    I agree Lucky…let Douglas stay with Hope, he has a bond with Liam too.

  55. Guest says

    Liam will turn out to be sterlie

  56. Marci Robins says

    The big twist is trashy BB as usual. Digging another ditch. But Steffy needs a more dramatic storyline to stretch her acting chops. Give one to Quinn, too. I miss her.

  57. Guest says

    As the connection between mommy Hope and Daddy Liam have occurred all through this sad grueling months, don’t see how that could change…Beth has to be their baby! I may quit watching if she’s not. I want Steffy to put her big girl panties on and show everyone how she’s grown up with motherhood..

  58. Guest says

    I think they need to leave Beth and hope and liam alone. If something is going to happen let it happen with steffy and Kelly. Let Kelly be Bill’s kid. Enough with messing with liam and hope let them be happy together

  59. Guest says

    This has to stop! It is ridiculous and is pissing off everyone! You need to clean house and fire these writers immediately!!!

  60. Guest says

    Bill is both Kelly and Beth’s father

  61. Guest says

    I have not stopped watched, but I’ve cried enuf, it will end with them getting Beth and Steffy will be the grown-up Brook and Taylor never was. Steffy will hate her brother for what he did.

  62. Guest says

    China Fair..start that DVR up again, next to weeks appear to be great and happy tears for a change!

  63. Guest says

    It may come out that crazy Thomas killed Caroline… he sure is a horny sicko and she was not giving it to him either

  64. Guest says

    Hope and Liam are not boring, they are good people, not like their parents

  65. Guest says

    They suck with prolonging this storyline. THAT’S WHY I WATCH ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS. U PICK UP NO WHERE!!!

  66. Guest says

    I think the baby ( Kelly) father should be Bill Spencer. And that baby Beth will have a transfusion from her mother Hope or her father Laim.

  67. Guest says

    Please don’t bring Dollar Bill into this, I like the idea of Liam not being the father of Beth

  68. Guest says

    Make a baby not Liam and Hope I will stop looking at The Bold and the Beautiful

  69. Guest says

    I agree. Thomas can go. It is time for this baby story line to be over.

  70. Guest says

    Just watched… actually clapped when Douglas said those magical words.

  71. Guest says

    End this ongoing saga of Beth. Let Liam and Hope have Beth. Viewers are so tired of this story line. Need to focus on a different storyline or viewers will change the channel due to boredom of ongoing never ending storyline.

  72. Guest says

    I think its gonna come out that the baby is beth but liam is not the father

  73. Guest says

    She only slept with liam that we kno of she could have been pregnant wen she came back but didnt kno ijs

  74. Guest says

    I hope the baby story ends soon, but I hope Beth is not Liam’s baby and that Kelly is really his and not Bill’s. This will end the Liam and Hope connection which is so boring as a couple. Let Liam remarry Steffy and Hope move on far far away. This character has been the focus way too long and had lost the interest of many viewers. Many write they want Liam and Hope back together to raise Beth. What about Steffy and their child. Their love is real. Liam feels sorry for Hope and she needs to grow and and seek mental help. She is not capable of raising a baby. Her mother Brooke runs her life like she isn’t capable so why would she be able to handle raising any child. Sorry just had enough of Hope’s poor acting and the show about her so much the past year. Time for another focus on this show.

  75. Guest says

    Hope story goes in the direction of Liam isn’t beths father. Sets up 6 more months of a “who dinit.”

  76. creativewmn says

    The Truth about Kelly’s paternity seems more realistic, with Steffy sleeping with Bill. Beth not being Liam’s, is too far fetch and ridiculous. Mostly in part since Hope is more conservative in her jumping in bed with men. Although the only thing, Hope would have had an encounter before her return, and sorry I don’t think so. I say the speculation on that is in part of ruffling feathers on these posts.

  77. creativewmn says

    Pretty stupid right? I have a better Idea, lets all move on and get back to the dam fashion and leave the babies and such alone for awhile.

  78. creativewmn says

    I don’t get the obsession with not letting Hope being happy with Liam and now with her baby. Time to move on with other characters drama and how about the fashion?

  79. creativewmn says

    So do I 🙂

  80. creativewmn says

    I right behind you as well.

  81. Noname says

    I believed all along that Liam is not Beth’s father because it is very convenient for Hope to want and wish that Liam was the father. Beside it was a one night stand and additionally, we viewers don’t know what Hope did in Milan, Italy for several years after her divorce from Wyatt, and Hope never talked about her life in Milan to anyone. Secondly, I also have suspicion that perhaps Phoebe is not Beth at all, Brad Bell and writers like to create twist and drama in their story plots and make everyone believe a certain way, then the twist and turn comes around. Reese was a pathological liar and gambler, and he could also have been fabricating and manipulating. Satisfying the majority of viewers that Phoebe is Beth is too obvious, and too bland. Also, Douglas was only parroting what he heard from his Dad, we parents all know that children like to deal with fantasy, not discerning he difference between real and unreal. That is quite clear when they watch all the comic shows ( Sesame Street ) and think the muppets are real people. Could Douglas have been absorbed in his line of thinking?

  82. Guest says

    I would like to see Liam and Steffy back together and Liam is not the father of Beth and is the father of Stephanie child. Wyatt to get back with Sally

  83. Noname says

    I agree with you.

  84. creativewmn says

    And the line on the agreement gets longer. I say get a hint right.

  85. creativewmn says

    You think :))). Is this the only story that they can create. This is so bad.

  86. Guest says

    It’s time everyone finds out Hope is not a saint shes human and that’s not Liam’s baby. It came about as he and Steffy was so happy

  87. creativewmn says

    So Bill slept with Hope, during his obsession with Steffy. I’ll bet my savings account on that he’s the father of Kelly, given that we know he slept with Bill.

  88. Guest says

    I agree 1000% that home wrecking hopelss was pregnant wen she came back an she only came back 4 the soul purposes 2 ruin steffys marriage with the help of her hoe of a mother brook

  89. creativewmn says

    I agree. I’m beyond sick of the constant focus on being how to ruin Hope and Liam’s happiness, while dragging others into the mix. Time for some uplifting stories, like FASHION and other romances.

  90. Guest says

    I agree

  91. creativewmn says

    I wouldn’t hold too much over these stupid speculations of Hope and Liam not being the parents of Phoebe/Beth. It’s way too far fetch and given how the story has gone. Kelly being Bill’s would be more realistic, but don’t want Beth to get sick, which would create more drama and heartbreak for Hope an Liam. Also, Steffy so far has done a great job pulling her big girl panties on, as you say. She’s been great with Hope and Liam and offering support. I don’t care if Kelly is Liam’s, just let it be and have her move on to another man. One the truth comes out about Beth, let everyone in the trio be Happy. I know that is wishful thinking in the Soap world.

  92. Guest says

    I think Kelly’s father will be Bill, remember Steffy slept with Bill and there was a bit of uncertainty regarding the paternity test.

  93. Guest says

    Also a new man for Steffy, her character deserves someone committed to her alone, also this will create a new character. Then we can move on but somehow I think this storyline will drag on with DNA testing ( who knows what happens there ) and blah blah blah….ugh!

  94. Guest says

    Man, I really hope the twist doesn’t include Kelly. I really don’t want Bill to be able to weasel his way into Steffy’s life. I’m hoping for a new man for her and if Bill is the father, he will never be out of her life.

    I always thought that there would be something more to the Beth storyline because it seemed too cut and dry. But let Hope have her daughter.

  95. Guest says

    I hope the baby is not Hope and Liam’s. You cannot take a baby away form the mother it has only known. I would not go down the road of Beth being Bill’s either. Bill has to be bad again I hope he is the father of Beth. Hope is just like Brook it is time for her to get her payback for sleeping with Liam when he was with Steffy. Bring is someone with class for Steffy and see how Liam reacts.

  96. Guest says

    For a story teller, Bell you are terrible. Dont you have more to write so you prolooooong the story to make your brain work?

  97. Guest says

    move On, write something new. Give steffy a new man. It’s getting boring Liam and steffy, Liam back to Hope, Liam back to steffy it give Hope a new man

  98. Guest says

    I am sick of the story line. Seems like it has gone on for 2 years. Get on with it and let everyone know Beth is alive and get rid of Thomas. He should get what is coming to him.

  99. Guest says

    I want hope and Liam to have there baby back. What’s goingoing to happen to doughlas he the one that repeated

  100. Guest says

    I hope they don’t do that it’s sad enough.just want them to be happy

  101. Guest says

    No there’ll be more to this story, DNA tests to prove Phoebe is really Beth ( there could be drama with that), Steffy not wanting to let go of Beth, maybe a custody battle, the adoption could be deemed illegal as Flo is not the birth mother and therefore had no right to relinquish rights to a child that is not hers to adopt out. Kelly may well be Bills with the uncertainty regarding the paternity test although I hope not. Anyway I hope this story concludes soon, maybe with a new man for Steffy and a new character.

  102. Guest says

    I thought the storyline was going 2 b tht Hope finds out tht baby Beth is alive and n the meantime since Steffy and Liam slept 2 gether Steffy got pregnant again and tht would take the place of losing Baby Beth. Now y’all r coming n with this new storyline about Kelly takes a paternity test bc Beth gets sick and Steffy and Liam find out tht Kelley isn’t his. I don’t like or want this storyline can’t u get away from this situation all 2 gether after baby Beth is reveal revealed. I mean it’s getting old.

  103. Guest says

    I hate the soap with hope on it

  104. Guest says

    I just want a Hope and Liam love story. I always wanted to see their happiness play. So over the Steffy and Liam. I will start my DVR again.

  105. Guest says

    I agree please stop playing with people emotion . Let Hope and Liam enjoy there baby. And you can do a story line with Steffy baby. Maybe Bill is the father. If you guys mess with Baby Beth i will stop watching for sure.

  106. Guest says

    Stop it!!! Give Beth back to Hope and Liam and do not let Bill be the father of Steffy’s baby!!! Enough along these story lines already!!

  107. Guest says

    I am too, if they keep messing with this story line. LeavE Hope alone. Other babies have been left alone.

  108. Guest says

    Me too.

  109. Guest says

    Yep. Get rid of him

  110. Guest says

    Stop with the baby stories . Gave back Beth to Liam and Hope. Put Wyatt back with Sally. I thought B&B was about fashion the clothes, Run ways. Not stolen babies and the majority of the people know the secret. And yet. On a soap where everyone gossips not a word about the baby. It took a little kid to tell the truth !

  111. creativewmn says

    I meant to say, we know she(meaning Steffy), slept with Bill.

  112. Guest says

    I’m excited to find out how this gets revealed but hope and liam need their baby back

  113. Guest says

    I agree

  114. praying lady says


  115. Guest says


  116. Guest says

    Slutty … er Steffy is finally getting what she deserves. Since Hope didn’t and wouldn’t sleep with Bill. That’s slutty way.
    She gets into a fight with Liam. Storms out. As soon as she gets to guest house Bill calls she tells him where she was and boom they’re in bed. She was enjoying every minute.

  117. Guest says

    Don’t play that game with us, Liam is Kellys father. If you go thru this again, I for one, will not go on that ride. this is the last. tired of jerking us around.

  118. Guest says

    I agree. Leave the baby stories alone. Don’t open up that can of bill/Steffy worms. I am tired of that too. Liam love those kids. Move on.

  119. Guest says

    I may be in the minority, but Liam has not treated both women well over the years. What if Liam isn’t the father of Kelly or Phoebe?

  120. Guest says

    Please don’t do that to Hope or Liam it was hard enough to see the pain in Hope eyes when she was told that her baby was dead, we all know that Reese said it was Hope daughter why are you going to take that away from us and Hope, just let Hope enjoy her daughter being alive, do something else with a twist not Hope or daughter in the middle of it. If Bradley come up with a twist about Hope daughter that’s telling the fans that Hope will not be a mother for long.

  121. Guest says

    Please please make Kelly Dollar Bills. Then Hope & Liam can finally have a life together with THEIR daughter & maybe Douglas

  122. Guest says

    Phoebe is Beth and Liam is Beth’s father….however, Bill is probably Kelly’s father since Bill was spotted at the hospital on the exact same day the paternity test was done.

  123. Guest says

    And Bill was at the hospital on the same date as the paternity test was taken…

  124. Guest says

    I totally agree, let Liam and Hope be happy and introduce a new (unrelated to anyone on the show) man for Steffy.

  125. Guest says


  126. Guest says

    Maybe that’s why the writers have not put Steffy with a new man and have not really had her character pursue Liam anymore, maybe Bill will turn out to be Kelly’s dad and Bill and Steffy will be a couple. That would also explain why they never show Bill and Katie anymore….

  127. Guest says


  128. Guest says

    And how exactly would Bill be Beth’s father? Magic?

  129. Guest says

    The head writer, Brad Bell, owns the B&B. His mother, Lee Philips-Bell and father, William Bell created both Y&R and B&B. Brad Bell is not a good storyteller like his father was as evidenced by all the crappy story lines over the years.

  130. Guest says

    OMG! The writers are not nearly as creative as you give them credit for being. If anything it seems more like the writers were scrambling to make this story line work and drag it out as long as possible.

  131. Guest says

    If Hope was already pregnant , then she would have been further along and gave birth earlier than she did. If she won’t sleep with Thomas and married to him, she definitely didn’t sleep with no one else but Liam. Steffy got all upset and distraught and slept with Bill, Hope is sad, distraught and confused and she still won’t sleep with Thomas.

  132. Guest says

    No Hope couldn’t have been pregnant when she came back, by the time she had sex with Liam she would have been showing big time.

  133. Guest says

    The baby is Hope and Liam’s and Beth’s real mother is Hope and she was taken away from her mother by the shady criminal Reese and SOLD to Steffy.

  134. Guest says

    Plus, Hope and Liam didn’t immediately have sex upon her return from Milan, if Hope were pregnant by someone else she certainly would have been showing by the time she had sex with Liam.

  135. Guest says

    Please let this eNd with Hope and Liam being Beth’s parents and Steffy and Liam being Kelly’s. No more baby switching stories! Give steffy a new man! Enough! And let Hope and Liam raise Douglas while the father goes to jail forever!

  136. Guest says

    Exactly. The timing does not work on Hope being pregnant before she returned from Milan.

  137. Guest says

    Ridge brought Hope home from Milan to surprise Brooke, Hope didn’t come back to ruin anything with Liam and Steffy, in fact, Hope didn’t know Steffy cheated on Liam with Bill until shortly after her return. Also, Hope returned in January, she told Liam she was pregnant on the 4th of July, Hope would have been seven months pregnant by the time she had sex with Liam…and he probably would have noticed that. Nice try though.

  138. Guest says

    I agree Bill and Steffy would be good and it would add some drama with Ridge hating Bill’s guts and then finding out Bill is Kelly’s father!

  139. Guest says

    Hmmm, not true. Hope wasn’t even in the country when Steffy had sex with Bill, and that broke up their marriage that time.

  140. Guest says

    Then I guess you’ll be disappointed when it is revealed that Phoebe is, in fact, Beth.

  141. Guest says

    Hope needs a darker side. She tricked Liam into marry her. A Logan never loses a man. She and Brooke set this into play. Give Steffy back Phobee. Thomas needs to go to a sanatuim. Hope can’t divorce him she married to him. Liam needs a strong, straight forward woman, not a wuse like Hope.

  142. Guest says

    Plus Wyatt is Beth father. She was inserminated with his sperm. This the battle for Wyatt is between Sally, Flo (now she pregnant) and Hope. Sally wins

  143. Guest says

    Let Hope and Liam be together with their daughter. Steffy cheated on Liam with his father let her find a new man and reveal Kelly as Bill’s.

  144. Guest says

    Don’t really care about any “twists” in the storyline anymore. Its boring beyond words.

  145. Guest says

    That is garbage. Reese admitted that he switched the baby and that it was Hope’s baby that he sold. Let Liam and Hope be happy for once with their dtr and Douglas.

  146. Roseofmexico says

    This baby storyline needs to come to a close. It’s dragging on & on & on to the point where it’s not only ridiculous, but BORING. I’m waiting for Ridge’s reaction when he finally sees that Thomas is a dangerous person in the true sense of the word. As for Ridge, he’s been wearing blinders for too long now. C’mon Ridge..wake up…go get a nice haircut like you had months ago, instead of the shagggy, dirty, greasy looking thing you have now. Also trim that beard!

  147. Guest says

    Oh gosh not AGAIN hope has been through the wringer for goodness sake this story is overdone so please let Beth be hopes baby & let the reason for the good doctors appearance on the show be the fact that Kelly really is bills daughter !!!

  148. Guest says

    I absolutely agree with you ! Enough already B & B or l switch off & change channels !

  149. Guest says

    coul agree with you more!!

  150. Guest says

    Yes so true

  151. Guest says

    Yes please put them together they actually make a dynamic couple & it will drive grunty ridge bonkers !! Now that’s a great storyline !

  152. Guest says

    Absolutely agree

  153. Guest says

    Yes totally including myself !!

  154. Guest says

    I think Liam is the father of Beth Logan Liam is the real baby father and hope is the real mother. Bill spencer is a father to steffy stay baby kelly

  155. Guest says

    I totally agree he can’t write stories and because he owns it the awful stories won’t stop as he really believes he’s a great writer. Which is so laughable just like his wife just by marriage thought she could write Y & R ……. People hated her writing too!

  156. Guest says

    I hope Bill is Kelly’s Daddy and Ridge is Douglas’

  157. Guest says

    I agree to all the comments. The next thing that’s going to happen is Thomas will give Hope the drugs so he can sleep with her. She and Stephanie will both be pregnant. Goodbye Thomas.

  158. Guest says

    You are all crazy, Liam belongs with Steffy! She actually has a personality. Do hate the baby storyline.

  159. Guest says

    I don’t like any of that so why can’t you just leave it alone? Let everybody heal as they should. We don’t want a twist or need it as it’s twisted enough as it is! Everybody here is blameless except for Reese, Flo, Zoe, Shauna and especially psycho Thomas! And to some degree Taylor she got in to big a hurry and also she should have kept out of her daughters life. She does w
    ell with out interference from anybody. Hope and Liam deserve to have their baby back. If Taylor hadn’t been in such a hurry maybe this wouldn’t have happened.Thats where a real adoption would have been the best and avoided this mess. Everyone through no fault of their own all were hurt in one way or the other! Therefore they all need to be in a prison! No Exceptions!

  160. Guest says

    I agree. Enough of this story line.

  161. Guest says

    Agree, let them get their baby and let it be their baby. This has been way too long.

  162. Guest says


  163. Guest says

    No mome steffy with liam if she has another kid let it be with someone else liam and hope and beth tied of this baby crap let liam and hope be together they luv each other i will not watch this crap again if another baby thats stupid.

  164. Guest says

    Let Liam and Hope finally be happy with their baby girl and let them get back together. Instead of being with that crazy Thomas.

  165. Guest says

    Stop with all of this twist and turns in this storyline just give Hope her daughter back and start another storyline about who goes to jail and who don’t , bring Taylor back so she can answer some of the questions for Steffy.

  166. Guest says


  167. Guest says

    Can not agree with you more!

  168. Guest says

    Yeah I agree also. Because Douglas told Thomas he likes Liam he’s nice to him.

  169. Guest says

    I will do the same. I will not watch it ever again.

  170. Guest says

    Totally agree Jill. Way Way past ridiculous.

  171. Guest says

    Find her another man.

  172. Guest says

    Amen too that. Lol

  173. Guest says

    I hope that Beth isn’t Liam’s, but another man. That would help to redeem Hope from the wrong’s that Hope committed to Steffy while she was pregnant with Kelly (Steffy and Liam’s baby). Liam was on his way back to Steffy when Bill continued his mind tricks. It was then that Liam turned to Hope. Liam and Steffy were still married at the time.

  174. Guest says

    For pete sake, let the baby be Kelly that ends up ill ( SORRY) So we can actually find out it is Bill’s baby girl. ENOUGH WITH DRAMA AROUND BETH! As for as Steffy,,,
    She is great , as her role.,, tho please let’s move on to someone else ! Please have Steffy with someone New & Exciting. Liam, Hope, Beth & DOUGLAS to be a Family.
    I still want the storyline to have Thomas involved with Caroline’s death!!!
    Believe me I could go on & on

  175. Guest says

    So glad Hope is getting her baby back. And l hope Bill Spencer is Kelly’s father. Steffy is a hoe!!! How could she sleep with her husband Father. Disgusting!!!

  176. Guest says

    If the don’t get this storyline over with soon, I am gonna scream. Enough already!! No more baby surprises. Beth is Liam and Hopes and Kelly is Liam and Steffy’s. Let’s hope that psycho Thomas does not drug hope and get her pregnant again. AND if Hope doesn’t stand up to Thomas, I am going to scream again. Why on earth do they not have her tell THomas, she isn’t ready, she said she wasn’t ready and back off already. She follows along like a wimp….why go to the damn hotel? say no. Thomas pushed her into this. And she is such a Dumbo marrying him….there was no reason for that….she could be a mom to Douglas either way. And Thomas… this kid. Great little actor.

  177. Guest says

    Get rid of Thomas. Dont like that storyline.

  178. Guest says

    I think when Thomas tries to take Hope somehow he should fall off the roof, then Hope becomes Douglas’ Mom and for God’s sake we will finally be rid of that creepy Thomas who made my skin crawl!!!

  179. Guest says

    Steffy and Liam should live happily ever after, and crying ass Hope should take her mother and aunts on a long vacation. Sick of the Hogan’s. Hope was pregnant before she came back. It won’t be Liam daughter he will go back to Steffy better love story. But some new hot people on the show . Something different than babies being tore apart you know excitement!

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