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The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers and updates tease in Los Angeles that Taylor Hayes (Hunter Tylo) needs to come back to The Bold and The Beautiful for her son NOW, regardless that he’s out of the woods from his brain trauma!
Thomas Forrester Nearly Died
As viewers of The Bold and Beautiful will recall, neither Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) nor Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline Macinnes Wood) called Taylor right away. Thomas had collapsed, had seemed to be delusional, and if Hope Logan Spencer (Annika Noelle) had not been there when it happened he could have died! Thomas had a subdural hematoma that caused pressure causing post traumatic delirium. Post traumatic delirium includes hallucinations, hearing voices, and loss of judgment of what is real and what is not.
His blow to the head endured when he fell and hit it caused a traumatic brain injury, and when he fell a second time and hit his head it only got worse. Taylor, as his mother would have probably wanted to know right away, not after the brain surgery was completed and Thomas was out of the woods! What would have happened if Thomas didn’t make it? Perhaps Ridge meant well and didn’t want to scare Taylor, since they had lost one child already-Phoebe Forrester, (McKenzie Mauzy) who was killed in an automobile accident.
Ridge was the one who bore the brunt of the trauma, however, because Phoebe had died in his arms after he tried to rescue her. Plus Thomas had been working with his mother, who is a psychiatrist, on his obsessive disorders, mainly having been focused on Hope.
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Both Thomas And Steffy Need Their Mother, And Kelly Spencer Needs To Know Her Grandma
It may be difficult for some fans of The Bold and The Beautiful to imagine Taylor as a grandmother, since she is a very glamorous woman. However, something about interacting with one’s child’s child brings out “grandma vibes” in many women. Steffy is certainly an excellent mother and she had to have gotten that from somewhere, more than likely from her own mother. Kelly Spencer (Colette and Avalon Gray), if she even has ever met her grandmother wouldn’t remember her, and it may be the same situation for Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri). He was born when Thomas was in New York married to Caroline Spencer ll (Linsey Godfrey).
She has returned to Los Angeles a couple of times in 2018 and 2019 but it doesn’t appear that Douglas has ever met her either. It would really be nice if the two little cousins could get to know their grandma! Thomas had made great strides in his recovery from his psychiatric problems with obsession when working with his mother on them. But now he has a long road ahead of him as he recovers from his brain injury and brain surgery. Thomas definitely could use his mother’s in-person support.
If there is any at-home convalescence Taylor could help with that, and Douglas could visit his father with his grandmother living there while Thomas recovers. It doesn’t appear that Taylor was called about Steffy’s issues either – maybe the family just doesn’t want to worry Taylor. But it should be Taylor’s choice to worry and to return to Los Angeles to be close to her children. Plus, if the issue with the powers that be at The Bold and The Beautiful is the unavailability or unwillingness of the actress to return, they can always do a recast. It’s happened once before.
Stay tuned to The Bold and The Beautiful, and keep checking The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
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I have been saying all along that Taylor should return. TPTB should have brought her back when Steffy was in trouble and needed her. She could have been there to support Steffy after her accident and helped her with Kelly. If they can't get Hunter Tylo back, recast the roll for heavens sake. Ridge finally called her after Thomas had his surgery to tell her what happened. Really? What if Thomas had died? Would they still not have brought Taylor back? Ridiculous! I was kind of hoping she would come back and her and Ridge would get together again.
i cant stand ytayler please dont brinbg her back there is enough trouble with quinn on the show iam sick of quinn and eric as a couple iwant quinn to lose it get very nasty pycotic and eric to divorce her btrook i hope brook ruin s quinn s portret please bring back shlia carter as a very veryt very very very rich woman who inhetes 85 billuon dollers frpm long lost fothy rich reltives i jjust dont understand why the writers aRE NOT LISTNING TO ME IWANT DONNA AND ERIC MARRIED SOON OR JKATE AND ERIC TO HAVE A STEMY LOVE AFFAIR OR DONNA WITH BILL SPENCER CANT STAND QUINNLIR SHANWA OR FLOE GET RID OF THOSE CHACTERS ALONG WITH ZOEY PARIS WRITE MYA OUT WHERE SHE DIES IN ERUOP PLEASE BRING BACK BRIDGET THORNEAND RICK FORRSTEE BACK I CANT STAND STEWFFY DOINING THIS TO HOPE IWANT STEFFY BACK TO TO PARIES