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50 Cent’s Death Is Trending, Here’s Why

50 Cent's Death Is Trending, Here's WhyThe answer is simple and short. It’s a one word response, “Clout” the rumor starter did it for the sole purpose of chasing clout otherwise, why spread the rumor in the first place? What does he stand to gain? Anyways, in case you don’t understand what I’m talking about or, you’re just hearing about the “50 Cent Dead” news for the first time, stay with me while I walk you through the origin.

50 Cent — How The Death Rumor Began

The story is pretty annoying because it’s hard to wrap my hand around the aim of the news, honestly. So…someone opened a Facebook account solely for 50 Cent, it’s not just an account, it’s a Facebook fan page but it was created solely for the purpose of spreading the rumors that the rapper is dead.

It was on Friday, September 9, just a day after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the page wrote ”At about 11 a.m. ET on Friday (September 09, 2022), our beloved rapper 50 Cent passed away. 50 Cent was born on July 6, 1975, in New York. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.”

Due to the fact that 50 Cent is a public figure and a well-known person, such a post couldn’t be swept under the carpet like that, so, as expected, the post garnered over a million likes, and before one could say Jack, tributes began flooding in and as the tribute are flooding in, the post made its way to Twitter and in a split second, it went viral. Everyone was talking about it, paying their respect the way they can, etc.

Guys, I must remind you that this isn’t the first time 50 Cent has been a victim of fake social media death news, last year, another viral post about the rapper’s death made it round the internet causing fans to go wild with the news.

50 Cents — 50 Cent’s Lawyer Debunks The News

I don’t know why such news is always easy to believe because had it been true, I doubt the world will get to hear about his demise through a Facebook page. Anyways, the following day Saturday, September 10, 50 Cent’s lawyers came to debunk the news to be nothing but a wolf’s cry. “He joins the long list of celebrities who have been victimised by this hoax. He’s still alive and well, stop believing what you see on the Internet.”

The rapper isn’t the first celebrity to be wrongfully pronounced dead on social media, celebrities like John Cena have been a constant victim of such bad news, even very recently, Kanye West spread a fake news that the CEO of Adidas Kasper Rorsted is dead.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with 50 Cents right now. Come back here often for all the 50 Cents’ spoilers, news, and updates.

Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

  1. Connie says

    He’s jealous of the publicity for our beloved Queen. Disgusting!!!

    1. Tori Smith says

      I dont think 50 cent started the rumor, some idiot started it. I guess that’s how I understood this article.

  2. Robert Irvin says

    -KANYE WEST just trying to stay in the news and be revelent.

  3. Hollywood Z says

    B f*ccn 4real he dnt need none of that…r u that goofy to think he did that b.s….stop goin to Disneyland getn on all the rides cus u thinkn dizzy

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