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Days Of Our Lives – To love And To cherish?
Most recently on Days of Our Lives, it was Ciara (Victoria Konefal) and Theo (Cameron Johnson) who had their nuptials upended. When the veil lifted on “Ciara” during the ceremony, it was a substitute bride to be, Claire (Isabel Durant), who had schemed with Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) to abduct Ciara in order to jar loose her forgotten memories of their love. Seriously, didn’t we just see this same sort of ploy late last year when the Shawn-obsessed Jan (Heather Lindell) tried the switcheroo by donning Belle’s (Martha Madison) gown?
And who can forget the brief and blissful union of Xander (Paul Telfer) and Chanel (Raven Bowens)? Everyone. So why does Days keep taking these disastrous walks down the aisle? Typically, there’s about four each year and, also typically, you can bet three of these will be fraught with drama. So, beware Bonnie (Judi Evans) and Justin (Wally Kurth). Something just might disrupt your special day. You’re already off to kind of a weird start with Adrienne, ahem, I mean Bonnie asking Justin’s former fiancé Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) to be her maid of honor.
DOOL Spoilers – To have and to hold
Here’s the thing: love is messy and beautiful. Without complications and temptations, conflict and comfort, we don’t have experience and we don’t have stories because we can’t know loves opposite. If a couple can get through all of that – and amnesia, and comas, and abductions – don’t they deserve to be together? The best of these couples, those that endure through multiple weddings (I’m looking at all of you super couples) navigate all this life stuff with teamwork. We cheer and boo for teams, whether it’s sports or work.
It gives us a sense of belonging. It allows us to participate vicariously in something bigger and better than our selves alone. Sometimes it takes time to get things right. It becomes a plot cycle of push-me-pull-you in which we invest our energies and hours each week to sort through. But then, when “our team” gets things right, it becomes all the good things: hope, faith, companionship, living honestly. A paired partnership with those things as foundation deserves a happy wedding or two, don’t you think?
Days Of Our Lives – I now pronounce you
So which Salem wedding have you most enjoyed on Days of Our Lives? Which one got under your skin in a good or bad way? Were you team Wilson? Are you onboard with Patch and Sweetness enjoying some long-lasting happiness? Let me know in the comments below.
Keep checking Celebrating The Soaps for more Days of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.
I understand with Victoria Konefal's status, it creates challenges with the script. But please do not separate these two again. Ciara could go and visit Mom, go missing and once again Ben has to find her, but don't separate these two again! Their chemistry is amazing!
I agree, I don't want to see them separated again either.